Lampstand Letter

Monday, 03 May 1999 10:16


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No 10: May, 1999
“Write therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later” Rev. 1:19



Strategic planning to gain pre-battle positional advantage; and tactical deployment of armaments during the real battle are two established components of any warfare.  In this edition of the Lampstand Letters, we examine God’s strategic wisdom manifested in placing Christ in a position that is above all rule, authority, power and dominion, name and title (Eph. 1:19-21).  We also examine God’s armory as revealed to job, highlighting some of the lesser known/used armaments available to the church in spiritual warfare.

God is recruiting “a great army” “like the arm of God”, “made up of men expert in war with all weapons of war” to turn the kingdom of this world to become the kingdom of our Lord and His Christ. (I Chro. 12:22-28; Rev. 11:15).  It is therefore essential for us to know the exceeding greatness of his power to us who believe).  Eph. 1:17-23).


One of the most profound scripture is recorded in Prov. 21:22.  “A wise man attacks the city of the mighty and pulls down the stronghold in which they trust”.  In the April 199 edition of the Lampstand Letters, the subject of strongholds and dealing with strongholds were treated.  Our commission as the church is to ultimately bring all strongholds, thrones, dominion, rule and power under the control of Christ.  God’s purpose is to reconcile and bring the universe back to himself through the Lordship of Christ (Col. 1: 15-20).  The Apostle Paul refers to this as the mystery of God’s will... which he purposed in Christ... to bring all things in heaven together under Christ (Eph. 1:9-10).  The purpose of this mystery according to Eph. 3:1-11 is that the “manifold wisdom of God - might be made known... to principalities and powers...

We need the wisdom of God to do the works of God.  Our weapons of warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds (2 Cor. 10:4). Men of God in the Old Testament manifested God’s wisdom to subdue satanic strongholds.  Joshua’s was manifested in subduing the stronghold of Jericho through spiritual walks.  (Joshua 5:13- 6:27).  God’s wisdom was recognized by the Egyptians as the “finger of God” during Moses time (Exo. 8:19 and 14:24-25). For Gideon, it was manifested through a dream, trumpets, jars and torches (Judges 7:9-25).

In Jehosaphat’s case it was through praise (2 Chronicles 20). Paul prayed for spiritual wisdom for the church, that we might know the exceeding greatness of His power to us who believe (Eph. 1:15-23) He talked of revelations which in other ages was not made known to sons of men, as it is now been revealed (Ephesians 3:5).  In this article, attention is drawn to some of the weapons of warfare which God in his wisdom deploys in His warfare.  Attention will be focused on the Book of Job Chapter 38 to 41, with cross references to other verses where the use of these weapons of warfare is mentioned.


The totality of God’s wisdom is manifested in bringing all things in heaven and on earth (including men) in obedience to God’s statues, laws and decrees (see Deut. 4:5-6).  When the bible says the fear of God is the beginning (or basis) of wisdom, it talks of a man whose lifestyle is based on bringing God’s will to pass in all.

Wisdom is a way (Job 20:23), a journey to a destination, the fear of God being just the beginning (or basis).  It is a lifestyle, a virtue God himself is the source and the giver of (Ezra 7:25).  Since God is a Spirit, wisdom is a spirit, and flows from the heart (Eph. 1:17; Col. 1:9; Isa. 11:2; Prov. 2:10).  It is an intuition, a spiritual insight.  There is the wisdom of God, and the wisdom of the world (l Cor. 1:20, 2:5-7).  The contrasting characteristics of both are highlighted in James 3:13-17.  God’s wisdom is a secret (l Cor. 2:7; Job 28) and is manifested in skill, discernment, insight and discretion to those He gives (Exodus 31:3, 6 and 36:1; I King 3:9, 12). Although wisdom is a secret and is hidden it can be got either through the free grace of God, or by finding (seeking) out (Prov.2:2-6, 3:13).  In the physical and spiritual battles of life, the benefits of wisdom include protection, victory, long life, favor, riches; honor, glory, pleasantness, peace, straight paths etc. (see Proverbs chap. 2 to 4).


Christ is the greatest mystery of God to Satan, his host and to the world.  The birth of Christ was a mystery to Satan and Herod, his physical principality (Matthew chap. 2). His life on earth was a mystery to Satan and the people (John chapters 6 to 9).  His death on the cross is still a great puzzle to the rulers of this age (1 Cor. 2:7-8).  His present ministry and imminent return remains a mystery which will be accomplished in the days when the seventh angel sounds his trumpet (Rev. 10:7). Jesus Christ is God’s trump card.  He is the wisdom and power of God. In his origin, his birth, his life, his death, his resurrection, his present intercessory ministry and his imminent return he is all the fullness of God’s wisdom and power (see I Cor. 1:18-28, Eph. 1:17-23: Col. 1:15-20).  
Indeed Christ is God mystery, the key that opens all the hidden treasure of wisdom and knowledge (Col. 2:2-3).

The clue to the mystery of Christ being God’s power and wisdom can be garner from Col. 1:15-20:

  1. He is the exact likeness of the invisible omnipotent, omnipresent God.
  2. He is the first born son existed before God made anything at all” (Col. 1:15 GNB) see Prov. 8:22-31.
  3. He is superior to all created things.
  4. He is the creator of all things (including angels, Satan, demons, beasts, animals, birds, reptiles, the earth, wind, rain - all physical and spiritual kings, kingdoms and creation).
  5. All/every created being/thing was created through Christ and for Christ.
  6. He existed before all things.
  7. It is through His power (active, permissive or otherwise) that all things are held together in their proper place.  It is by His power and will that all things are what they.
  8. He has the church has the most potent army in the world with him as the Commander.
  9. As the firstborn, he is heir and inheritor of all things that are and exist.
  10. Because he resurrected, he had the full right to preeminence, the first place, the supreme position, in all things.
  11. It is God’s pleasure and decision that all attributes that makes God supreme will reside in Christ.
  12. It is God’s master plan to Christ will reconcile all things that Satan has turned against God, back to God.


The implication of the foregoing is that it  is only that thing/being that is not created by God, that can withstand or refuse to obey Christ’s cause or command - whether they be demons, powers, rulers, living or non-living being.  They all constitute God’s armory Col. l: 15:18; Heb. 2:10-15; Rev. 4:11.  As his army, the church has the right to deploy any and every of these things as arsenal in battle, as led by His spirit. Herein lies the ignorance of the church, for while Satan and his physical agents have learnt the secret of deploying and controlling created things (e.g. the rain, the wind, river spirits, bees, snakes, thunder, lightning, beasts etc.) to serve the cause of Satan, the church walks in ignorance of these principles.  Indeed God’s people perish for lack of knowledge.


The chapters 38 to 41 records for us God’s revelation of himself, his counsel, wisdom and power to man job. Job. (In Chapter 37, Elihu by inspiration has also spoken of God).  Two points need to be borne in mind as we expound on these revelations. First, the book of Job is described by Bible scholars as the oldest book (revelation) of the Bible. Hence it is not strange that we now know the answers to some of the questions which Job had no answer to (e.g. Gestations of goats Job 48:1-2 or the taming of wild ox 48:9-12). Secondly the Bible stated that some revelations are reserved for our own age (Rom. 16:25-26, 1Cor2:6-12, Eph 3:5, 9, 1Pet 1:12). Accordingly, it is to be expected that God will give to the church in this generation to know more fully the secret of these mysteries (1Cor. 2:12, Deut. 29:29, Prov 25:2). God’s controversy with Job were based on Job’s ignorance of his wisdom, his knowledge and sovereignty (Job 38:2, 40:2, 42:1-5, Clear from his conservation was that God revealed more of himself to Job. It is God’s will that we understand by His spirit the things freely given to us (1 Cor. 2:12). He challenge us to listen to, apply our heart to, call out for, cry aloud for, look for and search for wisdom, understanding  wisdom (the fear of the Lord), and find His knowledge (Prov. 2:2-6). Every act, principle and precept of the Scriptures is for our understanding and application.


God has an armory.  In Jer. 50:25, the Lord declared “I have opened the place (arsenal -NIV; armory NKJV) where my weapons are stored, and in my anger I have taken them out, because I, the sovereign Lord Almighty, have work to do in Babylonia! (TEV). Amen. In the conversation with Job, the Lord reveals some living and non-living weapons of war which can “take orders” (job 38:12) “shake the wicked out of the earth” (38:13) are reserved for times of trouble and days of war and battle” (38:23). “Can be sent on their way” (38:35) “and cannot stand still when the trumpet (of war) are sounded” (39:24). He talks of the laws of heavens and setting up God’s dominion over the earth” (38:33). Let us now attempt to highlight some of the weapons of war with other relevant scriptures (few other relevant scriptures (Read Job Chapter 38-40 Also Psalm 104 and 148).

  1. The whirlwind: vehicle of God’s physical presence and intervention (Job 38:1, Isa 66:15, Jer.4:13, Nahum 1:3-6, Zech. 9:14)
  2. His creature power in laying the foundations pillars, dimension and cornerstone of the earth (Job 38:4-6, Ps. 104:3-5)
  3. The stars (sons of God) (Job 38:7, Judges 5:20 Isa. 40:26 (TEV)
  4. The angels(sons of God) Job 38:7; Hebrews 1:14; Judges 5:23, 2 Kings 19:35, 2Chro.32:20-21)
  5. The gates, womb, boundary and waves of the sea. (Job38:8-11, 16; Judges 5:21; Ps 89:9-10; Ps 93:4, 104:6-9, Matt. 8:26).
  6. The clouds (Job 38:9, 34; 37; Exodus 13:21; Job 3:5, Ps. 68:34, 78:23, 78:23; Isa. 5:6)
  7. Light and darkness (Job 38:8 15; 19-21; 18:5-6, 74-16, Exodus 10:21-23, Rev. 6:12, Eze. 22:7-
  8. The morning (Job. 38:12-13, Gen. 19:15-27, Exo. 10:13, 14:27; Isa. 17:14; Jer. 21:12; Ps. 101:8)
  9. The deep (Job 38:16,Gen 7:11,Is 51:10)
  10. Death and the gates (shadows) of death (Job 38:17,Ps 55:15,Ezekiel 28:1-10,Rev. 2:23, 6:8)
  11. The earth and Earthquake (Job 38:18,Exo. 15:12,Judges 5:4 -5,2 Sam 22:8,Is 29:6)
  12. The treasures of snow and of  hail (Job 38:22 -23,Ps. 147:15 -18; Is 30:30;Exo. 9:18 -26;Jos10:11; Ezek.13:11-13;Rev 16:21)
  13. The East wind (Job 38:24,Ps 148:8;Gen 41:6,23;Exo.10:13-21;Isa.27:8;Ezek. 27:26-27)
  14. Lightning and thunder (Job 38:25,35;Ps. 18:14;Ps. 29;Job 37:1-4)
  15. Rain(Job 38:25-28;Ps.147:8;Jer. 14:22;Ezek. 38:22)
  16. Ice and frost (Job 38:29-30;Ps. 78:47;147:15-18)
  17. The stars Pleiades, Orion and the constellations(twelve signs) (Job 9:9;Judges 5:20;Amos 5:8) The ordinances (laws) of the heaven (the skies) (Job 38:33; Jer. 31:35-36; 33:25; Ps. 104:19-23;148:6; Prov.3:19). Apart from these natural and supernatural features and weapons of war, animals, beasts, birds and reptiles are mentioned as God’s weaponry. They include:
    1. Lions (Job 38:39, 1 Kings 13:24; 2 Kings 17:25-26; Isa. 15:9)
    2. Ravens (Job 38:41, 1 King 17:4-6; Prov. 30:17).
    3. The (wild) goat (Job 39:1-4, Lev. 16; Prov. 30:17).
    4. Wild donkey (Job 39:5-8, Numbers 22:23-33, Judges 15:15-17, Matt. 21:2-7).
    5. Wild ox (unicorn) Job 39:99-12; Ps. 22:21, 92:10; Duet 33:17)
    6. Ostrich (Job. 39:13-18; Isa 13:20-22)
    7. Horses (Job 39:19-25, Zech. 1:8-11; 6:2-8, Rev. 6:1-8) Horses are particularly symbolic of war and battle.
    8. Hawks Job 39:26).
    9. Eagle (Job 39:27-30).
    10. Behemoth (Job 40, 15-24)
    11. Leviathan (Job 41; Ps 74:14, 104:26; Isa. 27:1).

Whether figuration or actual the most important principle from all the above is that God can does use any (and everything) created (living or non-living) for his purpose to subdue his enemies.  This fact is acceptable to us today in these last days. God will, through the prayers and prophetic actions of the church, unleash all the weaponry of his armory against Satan and his hordes. This is a truth represented by the opening of the seventh seals and the sounding of the seven trumpets in Revelation Chapter 8 onwards.


I Chronicles from chapter 11 to 12 lists the mighty men who together with all Israel, strengthen themselves with David to make him king according to the word of the Lord (I Chro. 11:10). They were described as mighty men of valor, trained to battle, able to handle the shield and spear (1 Chro. 12:8). The word of the Lord has spoken of Christ waiting in heaven till the church brings him back as King of kings and Lord of Lords(Ps. 110:1-3, 1Cor. 15:23-28: 1Thess. 4:16-17, Matt Chapters 24-25 Rev. 19:1-21) for he must reign till all his enemies are made his footstool.

The days of the sounding of the 7th angel when the mystery of God will be finished is at hand. (Rev. 10:7). God is choosing and preparing volunteers, and conscripts who will turn the kingdom of this world over from Satan to Christ (Ps. 110:3, 1 Chro. 12:23, Rev 11:15). They will be men “armed for battle, designated by name to come and make Jesus King, experienced by name to come and make Jesus King, experienced soldiers prepared for battle with every type of weapon


  1. Pray Eph. 1:17-23 regularly for yourself and the church
  2. Ask God to teach you His wisdom and teach you to handle every weapon of war in His armory relevant to you, your ministry and your situation.


How many are your work o Lord! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures” Ps. 104:25.

“O house of Jacob, Come and let us walk in the light of the Lord” Isaiah 2:5
By the Lampstand. No. 10 Ibadan. May, 1999
LAMPSTAND LETTERS Publisher/Editor: Dr TayoBabalobi, Lampstand Letter Ministry, University
Post Office Box 4150, Ibadan, Nigeria.
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