Lampstand Letter

Thursday, 01 April 1999 10:11


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No 9: April, 1999
“Write therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later” Rev. 1:19



Towards the end of last year, I had a leading to do a number of articles on the spiritual significance of natural features such as rivers, the sea, mountains, valleys and the desert.  The first of such article was the well-received December 1998 issue of Lampstand Letters titled “Healing the Waters of Nigeria”.

In February 1999, a Cameroonian sister who came to Nigeria for her university education had a thanksgiving service at the Chapel of Missions, Oke-Ado, Ibadan.  Towards the end of her university education, she had been exposed to missions and decided to attend the CMF School of Missions Idere Oyo State, graduating in December 1998.  As she was being prayed for at the thanksgiving/commissioning service, the Lord gave me the following prophesy about Cameroon:

"There shall be an eruption on the mountains of Cameroon.  The powers that hold the peoples in captivity shall be broken.  The covering of darkness that watch over the land shall be removed... At that time shall there be an opportunity for the gospel in the and as never before...”

As I received and passed the prophesy to the Pastor who read it out at the service, I had a leading to do an issue of the Lampstand Letters on mountains and strongholds for either April or May 1999.


On Saturday March 28 1999, I tuned to the BBC African Service and a news item caught my attention - there had indeed being an earthquake on Mount Cameroon!  The news item was confirmed by the Voice of America (VOA) bulletin thirty minutes later. Subsequent radio and newspaper reports including the Vanguard of 5th April 1999 gave details of the eruption.

The eruption occurred earlier in the day on the 28th and coincided with the death of the local chief of the Buya people of Cameroon, just as the last eruption 17 years ago (in 1982) did. According to the local people of the Bakweri, ethnic group, the death of local traditional chief Monono Otto provoked the eruption of the scared mountains which they refer to as the “chariots of the gods”.

The eruption was accompanied by average tremors seismic activity, lava flow, ash, gas and smoke emission.  “Fountain as fire” was seen from a distance the next day.  Although the Mount Cameroon has erupted seventeen (17) times in the past two centuries (the last ones in 1982 and 1977), this was the first time its eruption was accompanied by an earthquake.  The lava was slowly moving and just 4 kilometers from the villages of Batoke and Bakingile.  The whole Cameroon landscape includes Lake Nyos, which erupted in the 80’s, and the Bakassi oil fields were at risk.


A study of the eternal scriptures shows that mountain is symbolic of some three main phenomena.

  1. Mountains are altars, holy sacred places of fellowship, retreat and meeting with God; where God speaks.  Answers are got to prayers, blessing s and curses invoked.  Abraham (Gen. 22), Moses (Exodus. 3 & 34), Israelites (Exodus 19 etc.), Elijah (I King s 19:11-12 and 2 Kings 2:16) and Christ and his disciples Matt 14:23, Luke 21:37, 22:39 etc.) were among those who found mountains as alters of fellowship with God.  The Garden of Eden where God started fellowship with man was a holy mountain (Ezekiel 28:13-14) David’s national temple was situated on a mountain (2 Chronicles. 3:1), while Christ was transfigured and ascended into heaven on a mountain (Luke 9:28:36, Acts 1:9-12).  Although mountains are still symbolic as retreats and sacred altars where men can meet with God, Christ’s teaching to the Samaritan woman in John 4:20-24 tells us that God is a Spirit, Omnipresent, who o desires worship everywhere and anywhere, as long as the worship is in “spirit and in truth” (2 Corinthians. 3:17).
  2. Mountains are strongholds of Satan and enemies.  The Promised Land was to be got by displacing the giants of the land (Deut. 1:19-20, Josh. 14:12). Mountains are symbolic as mighty nations used by Satan against God’s purposes (Jeremiah. 51:25, Dan 2:31-45, Zech. 4:7). They are also thrones for principalities and powers (Rev. 17:9).  The throne of God is also describes as a mountain (Isaiah 14:13) while Satan took Christ to “a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdom of the world in their greatness” which were in Satan’s power (Matt. 4:8-10).  Mountains are also places where demonic altars are built (see 4.0 below).
  3. Mountains are places for spiritual warfare where God displays his power, and judges his enemies (see Psalm 76).  Moses won the victory over the Amalekites and his men on the hill (Exodus 17:8-16) a Caleb drove out the Amalekites from their hill country (Josh. 14:12). Mountains were places where the Israelites deployed troops and started attacks (Judges4: 6, 7:1-3 and 9:48).  Elijah’s contest with the prophets of Ball was on mount Carmel I Kings 18. When Elisha prayed for the opening of his servant’s eyes, he saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all round (2 King 6:17). Isaiah 13 describes a noise on the mountains when God masses together his army for war (verse 3-4). On mount Perazim, the Lord broke out against David’s enemies (Isaiah 28:21,I Chronicles. 14:11). In many scriptures, mountains are described as “quaking” “gushing”,” trembling”, “smoking”, “shaking and “melting” when the Lord comes down and intervene in the affairs of nations (Judges 5:5,Ps 97,104:32,Ps 114:5-6, Isaiah 64:1-3, Micah 1:3-4).  The scriptures are not talking just of the physical trembling or smoking as recently happened on mount Cameroon, but the shakings, displacement or destruction of the powers and thrones residing on the mountain (Isaiah 13,14:13-15, Haggai 2:21-23, Zech. 4:7). Mountains are meant to be conquered (Isaiah 40:4, 4l: 14-16, Jeremiah. 5l: 25-26 and Matt 21:21), to the intent that the mountain of the Lord’s temple will be the highest one of all, towering above all his (Isaiah 2:2).


  1. Strongholds are fortified territory under the control of one king or dominion or the other.  The land of Canaan was a stronghold of spiritual giants and Moses commissioned a spiritual mapping to find out the strength and condition of the giants (Numbers 13:17-20, 27-33).  Jerusalem was a stronghold of the Jebusites before David and his men conquered it and made it his capital (2 Samuel 5:6-9).  Strongholds fall before the Babylonian army of Habakkuk 1:1-10, while 2 Corinthians 1:4 gives us the ministry of demolishing strongholds.
  2. Mountains are symbolic as strongholds.  In biblical days, mountains were notorious as sites of demonic altars before and after the Israelites conquered the land.  As they possessed the land, God gave them specific instructions to completely destroy such places (Deut. 12:1-3), but more often than not such places not only remained, but the Israelites adopted their worship, thus stirring up God’s jealousy (I Kings 14:22-24, 2 Kings 16:3-4, Isaiah 65:7,Jer. 17:1-2).  In many parts of Africa today, demonic altars are built on mountains to serve Satan, re-enforce his hold on the peoples by annual sacrifices and renewed a covenants.
  3. Villages, towns and cities, which such mountains overlook, are under the influence and control of the gods, which have altars on the mountains.  It was this principle that Balak wanted to exploit when he consequectively led Balaam to high mountains, built altars on them and offered costly sacrifices to be able to influence and control the Israelites downhill (see Numbers 22:39-41, 23:1-3, 13-15,28-29).  Until such strongholds are demolished, the altars cast down, the sacrifices stopped and covenants annulled; such places will continue to be under the stronghold of Satan, in spite of any missionary or evangelical activity.  Our ministry as intercessors and prayers is to demolish every stronghold, and open up the people to the true knowledge of God (2 Corinthians. 10:4).  Sometimes, God takes the initiative to start the destruction of such mountains and strongholds, leaving his people to do the mopping up physical possession.  Such an opportunity now avail itself in the Cameroons where God is destroying the powers that have held that land in bondage, that his true light and gospel may spread to the land.


The Bible repeatedly indicated that earthquakes occur when God is angry with his enemies and decides to intervene in the affair of the earth (Job 9:5-6, Psalm 18:7-15,104:32, Ps 114, Nahum 1:1-10, Habakkuk 3:3-6, Rev. 16:17-20).  In Jeremiah 51:25-29, Babylon was likened to a mountain that destroys the earth” (TEV) and that “I, the Lord am you enemy... to level it the ground and leave it in ashes” (verse 25).  Verse 29 tells us the earth shakes and trembles because God is carrying out his plans against Babylonia.  In Ezekiel 38, Gog is described as an instrument of God but when he invaded Israel, God became angry and furious, sending an earthquake, causing molten lava to emit from the mountains of Israel against Gog (Verse 18-23). From Isaiah 29:5-7, the bible lists earthquakes with thunderstorms, windstorms and raging fires as instrument of punishment of his enemies and rescuing of his people.  Matt. 24:7 suggests that earthquake accompany physical and spiritual warfare while Acts 16:25-26 records the earthquake that set Paul and Silas, unlawful captives of the enemy, free Zech. 14 describes the day of the Lord, when he comes to reign, after defeating nations that fight Jerusalem.  

Earthquakes (verse 3-5) will be a major instrument of his intervention to the intent that survivors from all nations will go up to Jerusalem each year to worship the King, the Lord of host, to celebrate a time of thanksgiving (verse 16).


Three passages in the scriptures - Ezekiel 6, Ezekiel 36 and Micah 6-record specific prophetic declarations concerning mountains.  While Ezekiel 6 is a judgment against idolatry in the high places of Israel, Ezekiel 36 is a proclamation of blessings and renewal to Israel and judgment against her enemies.  Micah 6 is a contention with Israel about her backsliding. These passages are self-explicit.  Worthy of note is that mountains hills, ravines and valleys Ezekiel. 6:3, 36:4) like every other thing “living or non-living” God created, can hear the word of the Lord, obey the word, and bring to pass the Lord’s mind concerning his people.  Let us learn to put up our prophetic garb, and as led by His Spirit we speak to everything that God has created, to bring blessing to God’s people and judgment to their (and His) enemies.  Amen.


Strongholds are meant to be captured.  David (I Sam. 5:6-9) and Caleb (Joshua 14:10-12, 15:13-17) demonstrated this.  See also Joshua 6 & 16:14-18). Today many sincere Christian missionaries and evangelists spent a lot of natural and spiritual resources trying to reach tribes, towns, villages and cities for the Lord without dealing with the strongholds (See section 3b and 4.0).  The result is a lot of frustration.  If Joshua had wanted to capture Jericho by conventional warfare tactics, the result could have been worse that of the first attempt at capturing Ai.  Paul and Silas could not have been delivered from prison or the jailer’s family becomes Christians if the strongholds had not been dealt with first by prayers and praises.  Yes, captives will be taken from warriors and plunder retrieved from the fierce (Isaiah 49:24-25).  A wise man attacks the city of the mighty and pulls down the stronghold in which they trust (Prov.21: 22).  Nations, tribes, villages, towns and cities which have been stronghold of Satan and idolatry are waiting for the manifestations of the wisdom of God, to pull down their walls and set their captives free. From the foregoing, below are some of the processes of dealing with strongholds.

  1. Like Joshua, we must recognize that the Lord   himself is the commander of the hosts, and must learn to take instructions from him (Joshua 5:13-15).
  2. The general and specific leading of the Holy Spirit is an indispensable tool (Joshua 6:2-5, Zech. 4:6-7).
  3. Faith courage and confidence in God’s promise is a necessary attitude (Joshua 14:10-12, I Sam. 5:6-9).
  4. Righteousness and right living are needed to prevent the hedge from being broken (Zech. 3:1-6, Joshua Chapter 7, Ecclesiastes. 10:8).
  5. Spiritual mapping and identification of such strongholds (Numbers 13, Acts 17:16, 23).  The strongholds are normally in form of altars for worship on mountains, valleys, riverside, trees, junctions and cross paths, burial grounds etc.
  6. Strategic prophetic spiritual walks, praise and warfare on such places as led by the Lord (Joshua 6, 2 Chronicles. and Acts 16:25-26).
  7. Prophetic declarations on such strongholds or to such strongholds (Numbers 22:41, 23:13, 24:27-28; Ezekiel 6, Ezekiel 36, Micah 6).  You may ask for the ministry of the hammers (carpenters) that scatter the horns (Zech. 6:1-8) and the hunters and fishermen Jeremiah. 16:16) against God’s enemies.
  8. Any other processes known to you, or ministered to you, to the intent that in this present age, by means of the church, the (angelic) rulers and powers in high places might learn God’s wisdom in all its different forms (Eph. 3:10).


All things were created by God to glorify Christ (Col. 1:15). Unfortunately like Satan could boldly tell Christ these things have been given to him and he gives to any he wishes (Mt 4:8-9), these things have become demonic strongholds today, with altars on them for the worship of demons. The whole of creation travail and groan, waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God (Rom. 8:19-23), that we destroy strongholds, pull down every obstacle raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive and obedient to Christ (2 Corinthians. 10:4-5), in order that at the present time, by means of the church, angelic rulers and powers in high places might hear Christ’s wisdom in all its different forms.  The recent earthquake upon Mount Cameroon is a shaking of the powers that hold the people captive against God’s will. On “this” mountain, the Lord Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food for all peoples, a banquet of aged wine - the best of meats and finest of wines. “On this mountain” the Lord will destroy the shroud that enfolds the people of Cameroon, the sheet that covers the nation. (Isaiah 25:6-12).  He will destroy the hold of African Traditional Religion, communalism and the worship of the Queen of heaven (Catholism) over Cameroon.  He will cause the weapons of war over the Bakassi to be beaten into ploughshares of peace.  There will be a highway of peace between Nigeria and Cameroon, not for the trafficking of weapons of war or of merchandise but for the trafficking of the gospel. And a remnant shall grow in Cameroon from its root bearing, fruitful branches of disciples to the Central African Region.  Amen


  1. Do a spiritual mapping of your hometown, environment or mission field.  Apply the principles of section 7 i to viii to reclaim, dedicate and free the land and its people for the Lord.
  2. Aso Rock and Zuma rock in the FCT are strongholds of symbolic spiritual significance over Nigeria.  Pray over them according to the principles learnt in this letter.
  3. Ask that the earthquakes and eruptions over the Mountains of Cameroon will continue until the powers holding that land in bondage are completely dealt with.  Ask that the hammers (carpenters) of the Lord will destroy the horns of the “Monono Ottos” of the land (Zech. 1:18-21).
  4. Ask that the church in Nigeria and Cameroon will take up the opportunity availed by the opening up of the land due to the shaking of its powers (Isaiah 25).
  5. Pray for the evangelists and missionaries that you know, that they have the heart of Joshua, Caleb and David, manifesting the wisdom of God in praise, prayer and prophetic declarations over mountains and strongholds in their fields.  Ask that Zech. 14 be fulfilled in their ministries.
  6. Read and prophesy Isaiah chapter 2 and Micah 4 over the land.
  7. Pray against the strongholds of your life.


O earth, earth, earth, Hear the word of the Lord!  The Lord is coming from his dwelling place; he comes down and treads the high places of the earth.  The mountain smelt beneath him and the valleys split apart, like wax before the fire, like water rushing down the slope”.  (Jeremiah 22:29, Micah 1:3-4, Isaiah 2:2-4).

“O house of Jacob, Come and let us walk in the light of the Lord” Isaiah 2:5
By the Lampstand. No. 9 Ibadan. April, 1999
LAMPSTAND LETTERS Publisher/Editor: Dr TayoBabalobi, Lampstand Letter Ministry, University
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