Lampstand Letter

Wednesday, 02 December 1998 09:51


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No 4 & 5: December, 1998
“Write therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later” Rev. 1:19

HEALING (the waters of) NIGERIA


Beginning from September 1998, the Lord began to give me understanding from the scriptures about the prophetic significance of waters (rivers) in the healing of a land, its people and the church; and of the sea as a domain of evil forces warring against God’s purposes for a nation. This is the topic of this month’s Lampstand Letter.  As we approach the 21st century and Nigeria approaches 40 years of wilderness experience as a nation, we need to apply relevant spiritual principles to ensure God’s purpose for Nigeria, the Church and our lives are brought back on track.

2.0    WATERS.

The scriptures tell us that before God intervened through creation, the earth was a watery desolation, with darkness and power of evil raging over the earth (Gen. 1:2). During creation, God divided the planet into land (earth) and water (seas) (Gen. 1:10). The earth was placed upon waters, traversed by rivers, brooks, and wells, springs fountains, pools and ponds (Deut. 8:7, Psalms 74:15, 104:5-13). Geography tells us that the planet earth is 71% water and 29% land.


The Bible clearly considers the sea a domain of evil. Job 7:12 states that God placed the sea and sea monster under guard on earth. Job 26:12, Psalm 74:13-15, 77:16-19, 104:25-26, Isaiah 27:1, 51:9-10, 15 and Habakkuk 3:8 indicate that God fights against the sea and its monsters (Leviathan and Rahab). Job 38:16-17 links the springs of the sea with the gates of death. Daniel 7:2-28 and Revelations 13:1-7 talk of beasts (the antichrist spirit/human kingdoms) coming from the sea to insult God, to fight and overcome God’s people. When Christ cast out the demons out of the two demonic men of Gadarene into the pigs, the pigs ran violently into the sea (Matt. 8:28-32). Jesus also teaches us to (by faith) cast any mountain (stronghold / fortress of Satan) into the sea (Mark 11:23). When Christ rebuked the winds and the sea in Mathew 8:26, he was addressing the resident demons of the waters. See also Jude 13.

But if the sea is the domain of evil forces, God the creator of all things is still in control. In Genesis 1:2, the Spirit of God hovered over the face of the water, limiting the rage and chaos of Satan, set to intervene in creation. Psalm 66:5-7 tells us of Gods awesome power by which He rules forever, keeping the rebellious from exalting themselves. Psalm 104:6-9 and Job 38:8-11 tell of how God shut in the sea with doors, fixed limits for it and set a boundary which the sea must not pass over.  The rest of Job 38 shoe God use waters for battle and wars. Psalm 72:8 decrees that Christ the Son of David shall have dominion from sea to sea, from the River to the ends of the earth. A similar promise is made to the children of Israel for it is the Lord’s will that we drive out the giants from the Lord’s into the sea (Ex. 23:23-31, Jos. 21:43-44). Indeed in spite of the pompous beast arising from the sea, the saints of the Most High will receive the kingdom and possess it forever. The sea and its inhabitants can only roar, while the earth, heavens, fields, trees, rivers and mountains rejoice (Ps 96:10-13, 98:7-9). Amen.

These explain why there is no sea in the new heaven and earth (Rev. 21:1). For by that time, God through the Church must have completely dealt with Satan and his host of demons and beasts (See Rev. 19:17-21 and 20:1-15). We can understand why certain anti-Christ force from the desert vowed to dip their Holy Book into the Atlantic Ocean, and why God had to build a gospel belt across the equator of Africa to limit them.

4.0    RIVERS

The Bible differentiates clearly between rivers and seas. The earth, the seas, the waters (rivers and spring) and the heavens are separately listed as part of the natural world in Revelations 8:6-12. In the scriptures rivers have the following features and characteristics:

  • Nations are identified with the major rivers they contain. Hence Egypt is also known as the Nile (Ezekiel 29:2-10, Also Jeremiah 46:7-8 and Isaiah 19:1-19). Assyrian is identified as Euphrates (Isaiah 7:20, 11:15-16, 27:12-13 and Jeremiah 2:18). One could suggest therefore that if Nigeria where to be named in the Bible, it could be simply called Niger!
  • The Rivers Nile and Euphrates (Egypt and Assyria) represented the natural enemies of the people of God, their captivity and exile. To deliver his people or reconcile these kingdoms with his people, God had to dry off these rivers to make a way for people to pass over (see Isaiah 7:17-20, 11:15-16, 19:22-25; 51:9 -11, Zechariah 10:10-11 and Rev. 16:12).
  • Kings and kingdom derive their power from rivers and seas Ezekiel 29:3, 28:2, 27:3-4
  • Rivers serve as natural (and spiritual) boundaries of nations and kingdoms Gen. 2:10-14, 15:18. Joshua 1:2-4 and Acts 17:26b.
  • Rivers serve as place of battle, where god judges his enemies. Judges 3:28-29, 4:7, 5:19-21, 2 Kings 23:39, Jeremiah. 46:6 and Habakkuk 3:8-15.
  • Rivers are significant for spiritual mapping, and are places to begin to possess the land (Deut. 1:6-8; 11:24 and Joshua 1:3-4)
  • Rivers represent/describe different and kingdoms (Rev. 17:1-15, Jeremiah: 46:7-8, Jer.: 51:13, Isaiah 8:6-8)
  • Rivers describe invading armies. Isaiah 8:6-8; 17:12-13; 569:19, Jeremiah. 46:7-8).
  • Other rivers in the bible each had significance derivable from their names, thus:
    • Eden = pleasure or delight (Gen. 2:8-14)
    • Euphrates = Fruitful or fertilizing.
    • Chebar = Abundance, river where Gods speaks or reveals himself; where the heavens are open and visions seen (Ezekiel 1:1, 10:15, 20, 22).
    • Babylon = captivity, confusion place of lost joy. Ps. 137:1
    • Gihon = Valley of grace, eruption Gen 2:13
    • Pison = effusion (of rare gold and precious stones –even crude oil!) Gen. 2:13
    • Jordan: Passage (Joshua 3:12-17), Place of healing (2 Kings. 5:10-14) of death and approval Matt. 3:13-17 These features and characteristics are applicable to the rivers of Nigeria.


Rev. 16:5-7 talks of an angel in charge of the waters while Rev. 9:14-19 describe the ministry of four angels bound at River Euphrates. They are released in response to the prayer of the prayer of the saints (Rev. 8:3-5, 9:13, and 16:7) to execute judgment and vengeance on those persecuting God’s people and thwarting God’s purpose (Rev. 16:5-7).


It is common knowledge that Nigeria (=Niger area) was named after its major river R.Niger; and that about two-thirds of all states in Nigeria are named after one river or the other.  In other words, whenever Nigeria or any of these states are called, one is invoking the name of the river it is named after, and the power behind it. Etymologically, Niger in Latin means black (See Acts 13:1; Today's English Version and NIV). Hence Nigeria may be Latinized to mean land of the black (which incidentally is the Hebrew meaning of Ethiopia, and one of the meanings of Egypt (Ham/Khemi). However I have read somewhere that the word Niger meant “roaring river” in the local language of then inhabitants of the area around the present day Jebba, Kwara State, Nigeria. It is the same word known today as Warra or Kwara = River among the Nupes/Bussawa of Niger and Kwara States.

The Bible tells us that rivers run from between mountains and hills (Deut. 8:7, Psalm 104:4-13). Geography also tells us that the River Niger originates from the Futa Djallon Mountains of Guinea-Conakry. Futa Djallon is a Fulani word (futa or fetta = Resting place, settlement or habitation). If the river Niger for which Nigeria is named has its source from a mountain named by the Fulani as a Fulani resting place, does it not explain why the Nigeria area (Nigeria) is dominated by the Hausa- Fulani? I therefore submit that if Nigeria has to be healed, we have to prophetically turn Futa Djallon to Eden (Gen. 2:10-14, Isaiah 51:3, Ezekiel 36:35) at its source, reversing every covenant (like Elisha healed the waters of Jericho – See Joshua 6:26 and 2 Kings 2:18-22 ( post-script: This had been done in 2010). Healing waters must flow from the church into the sea, to heal the waters of Nigeria (Ezekiel 47:1-8).


The Spirit led life and ministry of a Christian is likened by the Lord to living waters (John 7:37-39; 4:14 and Ezekiel 47: 1-12). But to many Christians, our water is bad, the land (ministry and life) unproductive, barren and suffers physical and spiritual miscarriage (of vision and mission 2 Kings 2:19). Many other Christian lives are producing bitter, poisonous waters.  From seeds and roots of bitterness, rebellion, murmuring, impatience and diverse hurts of such lives, defiling thorns and thistles are produced, grievous to themselves and their neighbors. (Exodus 15:22-24; Deut. 29:18; Heb. 6:4-8 and 12:15). God has given certain principles in the scriptures for healing such lives and ministries (see 2
Kings 2:19-21)

  • We are to bring ourselves before God as new vessels, living sacrifices, holy and acceptable in His sight (Romans 12:1-2 Timothy 2:19-21).
  • No sacrifice is complete without the salt of covenant/covenant of salt (Num. 18:19, Lev. 2:13, Ezekiel 43:24, Mark 9:49). Salt stands for covenant between man and God. To get and sustain our healing, we must constantly renew our covenant (as a Church, ministry, family or individual) with God.
  • Circumcision (obedience) is our part in convenient with God. We must strive to live in reverence and obedience to God (See Gen. 17, and Joshua 5).
  • We must get to the root (sources) of our problems/ situation, uprooting them from our lives (Hebrews 12:12-17).  We must cut off the wild nature/vines of our life lest they continue to cause poison and death (2 Kings 5:38-41). We must then be engrafted into Christ, that we bear good fruits, as partakers of the divine nature. (John 15:1-6, Roman 11:17-24 and 2 Pet.1:2-11).
  • We must live in holiness, striving to keep the unity of the body in the bond of peace, as we submit to leadership above us, and to one another in love (Heb. 12:14, Eph. 4:1-3, Psalm 133 and Gen. 20:7-17).
  • We must be steadfast and diligently heed the voice of God, knowing by faith that just beyond Marah (bitter waters) is Elim with its wells of water and palm tree (Exodus 15:25-27, Heb. 3:7-19, 6:9-12).


My heart breaks because my people are being suffocated. Where good seeds are meant to be planted on good hearts ready for my word, my servants are (deliberately) planting weeds – a gospel that is not relevant, sprouting undesirably.  Not content with planting weeds, others are planting thorns and thistles, messages that ensure my people making them more children of bondage, rather than of liberty and deliverance. While I command my people not to sow among thorns, my own ministers are sowing thorns and weeds in the peoples’ lives. I ask the people to break their fallow ground but they are told there is no need to plough their land, ‘receive the word on your heart just as your heart is’.  What shall come out of such hearts except thorns and thistles? Because of a famine of true words, men are gathering wild vines, serving poison and death for the people to eat. Because of the death of able ministers, wild vines, un-winnowed harvest, un-pressed grapes are ministering death from the pulpit, poisoning and defiling my people. Let my people circumcise themselves. Let those who want to minister in my name allow themselves to pass through the winepress, allow themselves be winnowed, to be purged. Let them pass through the grind mill that they come out as fine flour a presentable offering to God. Let them come into My presence, to receive live coals from my altar, says the Lord.

For the harvest time is at hand when the wheat is to be gathered into the barn, and the tares for burning.”


  1. Pray that God will raise a standard against all the enemies of Christ and the church, operating through any river in Nigeria (Isaiah. 17:12-14, 39:19 and Rev. 12:15-16). Prophesy that the earth will open up its mouth and swallow every water used by the enemy against the church.
  2. Pray that the waters of Nigeria dry up and be down to execute God’s purpose and counsel for Nigeria (Isaiah. 41:12, 41:25, 46:11, Rev. 16:12)
  3. Pray that the angel(s) of the water(s) of Nigeria be released in response to our prayer, to execute judgment and vengeance against those persecuting and opposition the Church in Nigeria (Rev. 8:3-15, 9:13-15, and 16:1-7).
  4. Ask that God will take off the breath and crush the head of the sea monster wriggling its tails and causing war and destruction in the Delta region of Nigeria (Ezekiel. 29:1-6, Isaiah. 27:1, Ps. 74:12-14; 104:25-29, Job 41). Pray specifically against the activities of the S.E.A. (Supreme Egbesu Assembly), the spiritual body co-coordinating the Ijaw uprising in the Niger Delta. (Egbesu is the Ijaw god of battle and invincibility).
  5. Prophesy that all thrones having their kingdom in the seas and rivers of Nigeria will fall like the King of Tyre (Ezekiel. 27:1 to 28:19). And that no tree (kingdom, throne, power) by the waters will ever exalt itself, against the church in Nigeria again Ezekiel 31.
  6. Pray daily that all the rivers of Nigeria including that which the country and its states are named after, will turn into places of battle and judgment of God’s enemies (Judges 5:19; 2 Kings23: 29)
  7. Prophesy that all rivers of Nigeria will turn into rivers Eden for God’s People  (Gen. 2:10-14 Isaiah. 51:3; Ezekiel. 36:35)
  8. Embark on a spiritual mapping of your area. Find out the significance and the meaning of the names and the source of the river (and of mountains) bordering your villages, town, Local Govt. State or Region. Dedicate them to the lord by casting salt and anointing oil on them, canceling any covenant or curse on the waters and mountains (Gen. 28:18, 2 Kings
  9. Prophesy and annual any covenant made at the source of River Niger at Futa Djallon mountains The Elishas of today may need to go its source in Guinea Conakry to reverse the covenant, free it and dedicate the river and its area (Nigeria) to the Lord (This was done in 2010).
  10. Cancel every covenant of waters working against your life and ministry. Wage war against the effect of marine spirit on your life and ministry.
  11. Renew your covenant with God as you enter 1999. Present your life as a sacrifice before him. As Abram fell face down before God (Gen. 17:3) learn to yield to God and obey his voice (Gen. 17:23-27)
  12. Pray that you will be counted among those who through faith and patience inherit God’s promises to be healing waters in the years to come, rather than be among the murmurers and rebellious He swore will not enter his rest (Heb. 3:7-12,6:9-12, Exo.15: 26)


Blessed is he who reads the words of this letter and keeps to heart all that is written therein, for the time is at hand (Rev. 1.3)

“O house of Jacob, Come and let us walk in the light of the Lord” Isaiah 2:5
By the Lampstand. No. 10 Ibadan. May, 1999
LAMPSTAND LETTERS Publisher/Editor: Dr TayoBabalobi, Lampstand Letter Ministry, University
Post Office Box 4150, Ibadan, Nigeria.
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