Lampstand Letter

Tuesday, 20 October 1998 09:34


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No 2: October, 1998
“Write therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later” Rev. 1:19



In December 1987, at a National Prayer Conference held in Port Harcourt, the Lord gave a couple of prophecies concerning Nigeria. One of them indicated that there was going to be a Beast Ruler over Nigeria between then and the year 2000 A.D.  Commenting on these prophecies, Rev. (Dr.) Clifford Hill, Editor-in-Chief of the UK magazine Prophecy Today, Who was the Guest Speaker, summarized them as follows:

By the year 2000 A.D. there will be a Christian Leader/Ruler in Nigeria, if the church fulfills the following three conditions:

  • Walks in humility and repentance
  • Be a listening Church
  • Allows itself to be led by the Holy Spirit

It is obvious now that the reign of the beast-ruler ended on June 8 1998, with the death of General Sani Abacha.  It appears to me that the stage is now set for the emergence of God’s chosen Christian Ruler (a David) by the year 2000 A.D. if the church fulfills the conditions listed above.


Shortly after midnight on Monday 5th October 1998, the Lord woke me up with a bold “WATCH AND PRAY! ringing in my heart. In those early hours the spirit of the Lord gave me the following inspiration on what the Church needs to pray and watch over in order that this promise of a Christian leader over Nigeria by the year 2000 A.D. get fulfilled.

WATCH… (Pay attention! Listen! Observe carefully! Proverbs 4:1, 5:1)


It is common knowledge even in the secular press, that during the reign of the last beast-ruler, the ministry of sorcerers and astrologers was promoted to a high pedestal as never before in this country. Like was said of Ahab, he did much more to provoke the Lord God than all kings before him did. (See 1 Kings 16:30-33; 21:25 and 2 Kings 21: 2-6). At junctions of towns and cities, at city gates and entrances, in city centers and cardinal pints, on the heights, high places and seats of authority, sorcerers and astrologers were recruited, to displace wisdom (Prov. 8:2-3), and cast spells on the land and its inhabitants.

Sorcery (enchantment) and astrology (stargazing) are Babylonian spirits (See Isaiah 47 and Revelations 18:23). They are abomination in the sight of the Lord (Deut. 18:9-14). They seek to provoke God against the land and its inhabitants (see Ezekiel Chapter 8, and Numbers chapter 22 to 24 esp. 22:6, 22:41, 23:9, 23:13 and 24:1). The main method of operation of sorcerers is to offer sacrifices on demonic altars in high places (Numbers 23:1, land and its habitants (see Num. 22:41, 23:13, 23:27-29).

Job 3:8 (NIKJV, TEV, and NIV) gives another principle behind these curse and enchantments i.e. to “rouse Leviathan”. Leviathan is a Sea monster; a destructive spirit, fearsome, hardhearted and a symbol of evil and chaos (see Psalm 74:14, 104:25-29, and Job 41). It is also variously described as a piercing serpent, a crooked serpent, a wriggling/twisting dragon, an oppressive sea monster, and the reptile in the sea (Isaiah 27:1, NKJV, TEV, NIV). Isaiah 51:9 also describes it as Rahab, which is a symbol of Egypt = bondage, servitude, oppression).

It is thus clear that the spiritual strategy of the late beast-ruler was to hold Nigeria/Nigerians in spiritual bondage and oppression instigate chaos and war, so that he might have his way. Although he has been destroyed, not by human hands” (Dan. 8:25), the same spirit is being utilized by anti-Christ forces (traditional and Islamic) to prevent the emergence of the promised David (Christian Ruler).

We need to be continually watchful and observant for these sorcerers and astrologers, at city gates, junctions, epicenters, cardinal points, peaks (heights) and seats of authority. Most times they are disguised as beggars, madmen/women, herbalists, mai-guards” (watchmen) mai-tables (petty traders), Mallams, “Holy men” and Prophets at these places.  I have seen them in the North and in Southern cities and towns of Nigeria.

4.0 PRAY!

  1. The first task of every member of the body of Christ is to walk continually in humility and repentance (II Chronicles 7:14, Psalm 51:17), building (repairing) altars of worship and prayers to God (like Gideon and Elijah (Judges 6:24, I Kings 18: 20-32). We are to offer ourselves as living sacrifices (Rom. 12:1) of praise and prayers to God
    (Heb. 13:15, Psalm 50).
  2. The second task is to embark on prophetic prayer and spiritual walks to pull down throne and alters of Baal in high places.  (Numb. 22:41). This will involve (as led by the spirit) both physical and spiritual reversal/destruction of Satanic dedications and curse (See Deut. 12:2-3), at city gates, junctions centers, cardinal points, high places
    and Thrones/ seats of authority, like Gideon and Elijah did (See Judge 6:25-27.  Also Ezekiel Chapters 6 and 8).
  3. Third, we must continually bless the land (see Prov. 11:11, I king 8:21-61) and reverse the enchantment and curses to set the land free of the power of Leviathan and the bondage and the bondage of Egypt. The follow biblical passages will be relevant; Psalm 74 (especially verses 12-17), Psalm 89 (especially 9 –12), Psalm 104; 24-29;
    Isaiah 26:21-27:1, Isaiah 30:1-7; Isaiah 47:1 end, and Isaiah 51:9.
  4. Then ask for yourself that the Spirit of Isaiah 62:1-7 comes upon you to do these.


Let us continually remember the conditions God gave the Church in Nigeria for the emergence of the man after his heart for Nigeria viz.

  1. We must walk in humility and repentance
  2. We must be a listening Church
  3. We must allow the Holy Spirit to lead us.

The commander of the lord’s host is always at hand to lead us into victory, for us to enter into the promise, as we adopt the attitude of watchfulness, humility, prayer, worship, teach-ability, godly, reverence and obedience exhibited by Joshua. (Joshua 5:13-15). Amen.

“O house of Jacob, Come and let us walk in the light of the Lord” Isaiah 2:5
By the Lampstand. No. 2 Ibadan. October, 1998
LAMPSTAND LETTERS Publisher/Editor: Dr TayoBabalobi, Lampstand Letter Ministry, University
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