Lampstand Letter

Friday, 01 December 2006 05:58


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No 40: July to December 2006
“Write therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later” Rev. 1:19



This is the season for the emergence of the next generation in all facets of life. The appointed time is set, the process manifesting. A paradigm shift, from looking on the older generation for leadership to the realm of a new younger generation.

A shift from a:

  1. Moses generation to Joshua generation in Corporate/Congregational leadership
  2. David generation to Solomon generation in Political Governance
  3. Paul to Timothy in Ministry
  4. Old dreamers to Young visioners:-A Missionary generation that will activate and turn visions to mission
  5. The generation of the sons of Shem to the generation of the sons of Ham who takes over the missionary mantle
  6. Vashti generation to the Esther generation at the home front
  7. The unwilling kinsman-redeemer giving way to a Boaz generation.

It is hand-over season, a take-over season. This is no first call.
The “Occupy” Magazine Vol.25, No 1, 2006 (Calvary Ministries/CAPRO, P. O. Box 196, Sabo, Yaba, Lagos. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) asks “But where are the sons?

The ThroneRoom (Trust) Ministry Inc. Kafanchan Nigeria declared “Releasing Mantles on the Next Generation” at its 2nd INTERNATIONAL PRAYER PROPHESY CONFERENCE between 24th and 28th October 2006.

The prayers of Psalm 71:17 -18 is been said
“God, thou hast taught me from my youth: and hitherto have I declared thy wondrous works. Now also when I am old and grey-headed, O God, forsake me not; until I have showed thy strength unto this generation, and thy power to every one that is to come.

Biblical expectations from the older generation: This is the time to, like Moses did in Deuteronomy 34:9, call out the Joshua generation, and as Elijah did to Elisa, handle over the mantle for the double portion. We need not be like Old King David that needed be prod by Nathan and Bathsheba, before transferring the mantle to young Solomon. Rather we adopt the Paul to Timothy 2Timothy2:2 discipleship spirit for the emerging generation:
And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same
commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.


(COMMENTARY ON ZECHARIAH 7:8 – 8:17, PAGES 919 -920)

1.1 7 commands to the former generation:

  1. Execute true judgment
  2. Show mercy and compassions
  3. Oppress not the widow
  4. Oppress not the fatherless
  5. Oppress not the stranger
  6. Oppress not the poor
  7. Let not none of you imagine evil in his heart against a brother

1.2 Fourfold rebellion of former generation

  1. They refused to hearken
  2. They pulled away the shoulder
  3. They stopped the ears that they could not hear the law
  4. They made their hearts as adamant stone against the law and words of Jehovah

1.3 Fourfold judgment on former generation

  1. God’s wrath came upon them
  2. When they were in distress and cried to God He would not hear
  3. I scattered them like a whirlwind among the nations whom they did not know
  4. I made their land desolate

1.4 Biblical tasks of the next generation

Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he
hath smitten, and he will bind us up. After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight. Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain
unto the earth. Hosea 6:1-3


(COMMENTARY ON ZECHARIAH 7:8 – 8:17, PAGES 919 -920)
God was under obligation to curse previous generations in Israel as He has promised. He could do nothing else but mete out such punishment. Now He promised the new and obedient generation that he would do well to them and Jerusalem (Zechariah 8:14 -15).

1.5 6 things commanded of new generation

  1. Speak every man the truth with his neighbor
  2. Execute judgment of truth
  3. Have peace in your gates
  4. Let none imagine evil in his heart against his neighbor
  5. Do not live a false oath
  6. Love the truth and peace

If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land: But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it (Isaiah 1:19-20).

By the Lampstand. October 2006.


To the glory of God, 1st August 2006, marked seven years of the existence of Lampstand Ministry and Lampstandletters, following a calling I received at Christian Pilgrim Camp Abuja from Zechariah 4:1-8, while Pastor Emmanuel Nuhu Kure, Vision Coordinator of ThroneRoom Trust Ministry Kafanchan was ministering during a night vigil on the 1st August 1999, The call was reconfirmed later on the 2nd August 1999 that day at a private audience in Suite 204 Royalty Hotel, Area 13 Garki Abuja, with Pastor Nuhu Kure, who then commissioned me into the task.
A day before, 31st July 1999 marked the official end of my disengagement from service at the Kontagora, Niger State, Nigeria where I have spent thirteen years as a Missions Facilitator, Private Veterinary Practitioner and College Lecturer. At a weekly prayer fellowship of the Kontagora chapter of the ThroneRoom Trust Ministry on Thursday 30th July, I had received a silent instruction to proceed to Abuja to attend Pastor Kure’s weekend program at Abuja scheduled to start the next day where I will receive further instructions.

This edition marked the 40th edition of the Lampstandletters (Print Edition), which began as a monthly 4-page bulletin, but is now a 16-20 page bulletin produced 2-4 times annually. Most of the pat editions are accessible by internet at

In addition there is an electronic version with more than 400 subscribers worldwide. The list-lampstandletters is a bible based prophetic teaching commentary on contemporary national and international (Spiritual, political etc) issues aimed at provoking informed intercessions on such issues (Isaiah 2:5). Postings are weekly or as matter arise and subscribers are also free to make contributions.

The first printed copy of Lampstandletters Vol. I, No. 2. October 1998 titled MISSION 2000 AD: OPERATION DAVID dealt with two 1987 prophesy (of which this writer was one of the vessels of utterance) which promised a Christian president for Nigeria before 2000, and correctly stated that the stage was set for the emergence of the Christian Leader for Nigeria. Incidentally, this special 7th anniversary Print Edition contains a compendium of a 7-series on national issues ran on the Electronic edition between July 2006 and September 2006. May the Spirit of the Lord watch over to perform the exposition of his word. Amen.


The biblical Lampstand (also known as candlestick and chandelier) is literally a lamp-bearer. It is the biblical platform, upon which the seven (7) lamps providing the only light in the tabernacle (see Exodus 25:31-38; 27:21). Located outside the inner curtain of the Most Holy place in the Tabernacle, it sheds light on the showbread (which represents the Word of God) as well as the two trumpets for declaring the voice of God to the church and the heathen. It has seven branches in front of the throne of heaven, the seven branches representing the he sevenfold Spirit of God (see Isaiah 11:2, 3, Revelations 4:5).

The Lampstand bears seven (7) lamps. Seven being the number of covenant, it bears the seven (7) Spirits of the God (see Isaiah 11:2, 3, Revelations 4:5). The Lampstand of solid gold has a bowl of oil on top of it (Zechariah 4:2). The oil is the anointing, the symbol of the Holy Spirit. The Lampstand is thus a vehicle, medium and platform of light to illuminate the whole world and the whole word by the Holy Spirit. The light is now in human earthen vessels to spread the word to the whole world by the seven-fold anointing of the Holy Spirit.
The Lampstand is the stand where the lamp is put to shine its light (Mark 4:21; Luke 11:33). God's word is the lamp for our feet and light for our path (Psalm 119:105).Lampstandletters are thus written exposition of God's word, teaching and expounding the word of God, through print and the Internet, so that we may "walk in the light of the Lord" (Isaiah 2:5).

In Daniel 5:5 was a divine hand-writing illuminated by the Lampstand. It took a man with the Spirit of God, a sharp excellent mind, divine knowledge and understanding, interpretation of dreams, dissolving of doubts to tell what the writing by the Lampstand was (Daniel 5:12-28).
The Lampstand Letters are basically to help the church corporate ‘walk in the light of the Lord’ (Isaiah2: 5), each in the context of its environment. Inspired by Zechariah chapter 4 and Revelations Chapter 1, it draws its imagery from the Lampstand (also known as the candlestick) of the inner court of the Lord’s presence Leviticus 24: 1-4, Numbers 8:1-4, Hebrews 9:2, which is supplied with oil (anointing from the olive tree (Holy Spirit)), to empower the church to dispel Satan’s darkness in the last days. It sees itself as part of the end – time wisdom of God that will defeat Satan-“not by might nor by power, but by God’s mighty spirit” Amen. Our aim is to supply information, insight, illumination and revelation of his word, to enable the church overcome and lift a standard against Satan’s end-time flood: - not by might or by power but by His Spirit (Zech. 4:1-14, Revelation chapter 1 and chapter 11) Amen.

Pray in this light for the Publisher and contributors to Lampstandletters. Amen.
Dr Tayo Babalobi
October 2006.


N12, 100.00
N30, 730.00
N8,500.00 and
N500.00 (stamps)
N13,410.00 and
N2,215.00 (stamps)

N34,100.00 and
N2810.00 (stamps)
N29,800.00 and
N25,000.00 lost to armed robbers2

N49,000.004 and
N50.00 (stamps)


N164,810.00 plus
N4585.00 (stamps).

  1. Including respective tithes paid.
  2. Reported in Lampstand Letters No. 30 (January- June 2002) edition
  3. Infirmity and hospitalization for brain surgery/chemotherapy/radiotherapy during this period necessitated merger of two years report.
  4. Printing costs for Special Edition (No 33) waived by the Printer.
  5. Including N18, 265.00 spent on computer and electronic mail expenses for the electronic version (
  6. See Tribute (2) below.


1. GRACE AND FINANCIAL PARTNERS: Obvious from the seven year financial report of LAMPSTAND LETTERS that it has been God’s grace sustaining its continual publication and distribution. Receipts have been less than half expenditure. Please pray along that this grace will be abundantly multiplied as will be financial partners increased likewise. The Lord gave the word, and many are the company of those that published it (Psalm 68:11). Amen
2. PRAYERS AND PRAYER PARTNERS: Another area the Publisher of Lampstandletters has enjoyed abundant grace is health-wise. Since 2003, I have been successfully battling with a left face brain/ocular-nasal cancer through prayers, brain surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. His grace, sustained by the prayers of brethren worldwide, has kept me alive and functionally strong in both secular occupation and spiritual calling. I still need all of His grace and the prayers of brethren till all vestiges and remnants are completely dealt with, and I am fully restored physically and spiritual to fulfill my portion and calling in this generation of ours. I count on your prayers to ‘live and declare the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living (Psalm 27:13,116:1-19).
3. ENLARGING THE COAST OF THE CALLING. (Isaiah 54:2-3).In this third day for the black race, the Lampstand Letters Ministry has a portion to play, especially in reverting the dominion of the Arab-Islam ancient desire to subjugate Africa to slavery and dip the Koran in the Atlantic Ocean; as well as in facilitating the raising of the black missionary force that will fulfill the prophesy of the latter half of Isaiah 18. There are many great and effectual open doors as there are many adversaries (1 Corinthians 16:9). Please join in playing your needed part in praying for the fulfillment of the promises of Isaiah 49: 1 -26 and 54:1-17 in my life and in the Lampstand Letters Ministry

Thank you as the Lord counts you among the great and effectual company that disseminate his given word. He forgets not your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that you ye have ministered to the saints and do minister (Hebrews 6:10). He rewards every man according to his works (Matthew 16:27).
Dr Tayo Babalobi, Publisher, Lampstand Letters. Ibadan. 27th October 2006.



This tribute is in memory of my late younger brother OMOLOLU FALOBI, who was recently killed in Lagos by suspected armed robbers on 5th October 2006. The tribute is written for a singular reason: - MY BROTHER OMOLOLU WAS OF GREAT HELP IN ENHANCING MY INTEREST IN THE USE OF E-GROUPS FOR INTERNET


I presently moderate five (three Christian, two professional and one Christian/professional) Electronic-groups I initiated within the past six (6) years:

  1. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  2. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  3. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  4. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  5. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I still have two packs of bundles of various articles on electronic mail communications which he sent to me in 2000 through their Ibadan office while OMOLOLU was still with the Punch Newspapers, Lagos, Nigeria.

Some of the articles are titled:

  1. A Beginners Guide to Effective Email.
  2. An Electronic Newsletter How-to.
  3. Bob Greene- E-mail Changes Everything.
  4. Feedback e-mail: how they use it.
  5. The Advantages of Email by Pauline M. Berry.
  6. The email interview.
  7. What is this thing called email?
  8. Email Listservs.
  9. Computer-assisted Reporting.
  10. Newsgroups/Usenet.
  11. Computer-Assisted Research.
  12. Search tips (

He has since been buried. His precious memory will linger for long. May his Journalists Against AIDS (JAAIDS) vision be sustained for ages. Amen.

Dr Tayo Babalobi.



As indicated in previous editions, in western countries, 80% of support for God’s work still comes from women (Shepherd’s Staff, WORLD MAP 1993). At Lampstandletters, women including widows have played a significant role in the modest support we have got.
However in the last six months, specifically between May and August 2006, a particular brother has made a memorial contribution to the Lampstand Letters. Despite suffering for the past few years from a prostate cancer which was rapidly spreading to other parts of the body within the past six months, causing him to frequently visit and expend large sums on money at the University College Hospital UCH Ibadan, this brother sacrificially gave a total sum of ten (10) thousand naira (N10, 000.00) towards the continual publication of lampstandletters during this period.

Brother Joshua Imunefana MOSUGO (B.Sc. Chemistry (ABU). M.Ed., PhD (Hon. Theology) finally went home about 8.00pm at the UCH on 25th October 2006, at the age of 55 years. Born in Ogori in Ogori Magongo LGA of Kogi State, Bro Mosugo was a retired Factory Manager at the Bacita Sugar Mills, Kwara State. An Educationist, he was Proprietor of YESHUA COLLEGE BACITA and the ETERNAL LOVE GROUP OF SCHOOLS, which he ran with his wife. He was a trained Child Evangelist, actively involved in the Children Evangelism Ministry CEM.

Bro Mosugo was noted for Mentoring and discipling of multitudes of younger Christians. He was very energetic and selfless. According to my neighbor Mr. Uche Okeke Managing Director of the Scripture Union Books and Press Ibadan, (who has been one of his long-time friend and disciple, and his host all the time late Mosugo was in Ibadan for Cancer treatment), Mosugo was a unique human being, a committed friend who loved people selflessly. Young people clustered round him, and he took care, advised and rebuked where necessary. He was well respected by Senior Staff of the defunct Bacita Sugar Factory, where he once headed the Senior Staff Union. He was reputed to proclaim himself as a Jesus-person, with posters on his car and chest while at Bacita. Bro Mosugo was once a President (as well as a Field Representative) of the Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship International Bacita.

He was married to Joy and they have four children- two boys: Bob and Edd and two girls: Jem and Ivy. Please join in playing your part in upholding the family and the vision Bro Mosugo left behind, by continual prayers for their financial and other support.

Dr Tayo Babalobi, Publisher, Lampstand Letters. Ibadan.27th October 2006.


And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in
persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong. I Corinthians 12:9-10

For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin; Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you:
4:13 But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy. 1 Peter 2:21. 4:1, 12, 13

The last edition of the LAMPSTAND LETTERS (No. 39, January to June 2006) was titled ‘THE THIRD DAY FOR THE BLACK RACE’.

The following quotation is from an interview article with Pastor Olubi Johnson, the Pastor of Scripture Pasture Christian Center, Ibadan titled “A SPIRITUAL TSUMANI IS COMING!’ published by a Christian magazine ESSENCE Restored 2nd Edition 2006 Vol01, Page 12 -15 released on 19th July 2006.

You will observe that every move of God has always had a base. When Pentecost started, it was in Jerusalem and a Jewish thing but it later spread. Then the Reformation came in the 16th century, which had a base in Germany, Europe.
God gave me revelation years ago: Noah had 3 sons; God has 3 days. The first day-Shem; the second – Japheth and Ham, the third. The first day of divine agenda was for the Shemites-all of Israel and the Middle East. The second day featured Europe, playing the significant role. This third day is for Africa. Nigeria is peculiar in this third day move. Nigeria is the trigger point.” (Page 15)

By Pastor Olubi Johnson, the pastor of Scripture Pasture Christian Center, Ibadan
ESSENCE Restored Magazine (2nd Edition 2006 Vol01).
Box 36218, Agodi P.O Ibadan. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 0805 506 7549, 0803 854 8073


The above exclamation “My Father and My God” is one that comes frequently to my mouth at home during seasons of stress or discomfort following the brain surgery I had January 2004. I never knew my ten year old last child was taking interest. Soon, the exclamation became regular on his lips. But beyond that, my wife recently asked him “Who is this ‘My Father-and-My God’?” To my surprise, his answer was “My Daddy” (i.e. me)!
We had to correct him that the real ‘Father and God’ I am referring to is our Heavenly Father. Our children see us-their earthly fathers-, as also their earthly god. What examples of a godly life are we setting for them?

October 2006.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Joshua A/P Network E-List" <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>;
To: <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>;
Sent: 03 April, 2006 8:12 AM
Apostolic/Prophetic/Global JOSHUA A/P NETWORK ELIST
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contact address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


~Patricia King <>

Upon arising March 22, the Lord spoke these words to me: "If you make clear goals now, then within the next 5 years you will experience multiplied fruitfulness." He further spoke to me that, in this hour, we could not simply maintain the vision He gave us last year or the year before but it was very important that we have clear directives from His Spirit for this season. If we establish clearly defined, God-inspired goals at this time, then within 5 years we will experience multiplied levels of fruitfulness. If we fail to clearly define goals, then our fruitfulness would be limited, and we would be remorseful over this in the coming days. THERE WAS URGENCY IN THE LORD'S TONE OVER THIS.

BIBLICAL CHARACTERS WERE GIVEN CLEAR GOALS FROM GOD - MOSES HAD A CLEAR GOAL TO BUILD THE TABERNACLE IN THE WILDERNESS. God gave him the specific blueprint, and Moses put the plan into action. As a result, Israel was blessed in their journey through the wilderness and the coming generations, even to this day, were blessed with the revelation of Christ that was hidden within the tabernacle. Joshua received a clear goal to take the children of Israel into the Promised Land. When he followed the Lord's instruction carefully, they all possessed and occupied and enjoyed the fruit for years following. JOHN THE BAPTIST HAD A CLEAR GOAL TO PREPARE THE WAY OF THE LORD. Jesus had a clear goal to fulfill the eternal, unbreakable covenant between God and Man. The early church had a clear goal to go into the entire world and preach the gospel to every creature.


You do not need to spin wheels in this hour. You do not need to live in a rut. The Lord is going to give you fresh vision that will become a solid foundation for you to move forward on. GET READY; you are going to experience new hope and fresh direction. You are living now in what you sowed in the past seasons, but what you sow now you will reap in the coming years. Plan your harvest this year for what you will reap in the next 5 years. Seeds are going to grow faster and larger in the next 5 years than ever before. The next five years are important years for you. Be careful what you sow. You will reap what you sow. If you sow to the flesh, you will reap corruption, but if you sow to the Spirit you will reap life. The Lord says that seeds are going to grow faster and larger in the next 5 years, more than in any other time of your life.
Those who plant bad seeds (like discord, hatred, enmity, strife, jealousy, etc.) in this hour will reap a massive harvest of those things within 5 years, but in the same manner, those who sow good seed, Kingdom seed, will reap a bountiful harvest of blessing that will overtake them. This is the best time to sow good seeds. You will receive a huge return. Be careful what you sow. This hour is the best time to set fresh clear goals for your life. You will experience fulfillment beyond your wildest dreams.


Your goals must have God's stamp of approval on them. God knows how to set goals, and He does. He is the Master Goal Setter. He set His goals in place for the redemption of man. He set His goals in place for the return of Christ. He set His goals for His glorious church.
God always accomplishes His goals. He can help you learn to set goals and fulfill them just like He does. He will inspire you to set goals if you wait on Him.

Successful goals are to be determined by His Spirit and not birthed from your carnal, soulish desires. Spend time in the presence of the Lord.
Wait on Him to give you fresh vision. He will. He is the All Wise God. Wait with expectancy for God to speak. Ask the Lord to inspire specific vision in your heart. I like to wait on the Lord with pen and paper ready. Wait with determination and expectancy for the Lord to speak. Prepare yourself as you wait. I usually pray the following prayer in preparation to hear from God:

"Father, I come to You and ask that You would convict me of any un-confessed sin. I do not want anything to hinder my ability to hear from You. Forgive me of any thought, word, or deed that has been displeasing to You. I turn away from such things and receive cleansing. In Jesus' name I choose to cast down my own soulish thoughts, desires, and imaginations. In Jesus' name I bind the enemy's voice. I determine to only hear from You Lord. The voice of a stranger, I will not hear. Only Your voice do I submit to. Fill me afresh now with Your precious Holy Spirit and cause me to discern Your voice. Thank You Lord. Amen."


Now, the beauty of this type of prayer is that you cover all the bases. You have removed the issue of sin so that there is no hindrance there.
You have cast down your own soulish inclinations. You have bound the enemy from interfering, and you have invited the Holy Spirit to fill you and speak to your heart. That takes care of anything that might hinder your ability to hear from God. THE NEXT THING IS TO SIMPLY BELIEVE THAT WHAT COMES TO YOUR HEART IS OF HIM. HAVE CONFIDENCE. God usually speaks His will into your thoughts and imagination, so don't shake off the dreams that come into your heart and mind. Don't think, "Oh, that's probably just me." Remember, you just prayed the prayer to cast down the things that come from your own soulish nature. You have just prayed to bind the enemy. You have fully submitted and yielded to the Spirit--so trust then that He is speaking to you. Do not doubt, for the double-minded man is unstable in all his ways and will receive nothing from the Lord (see James 1:5-7).


The first step in fulfilling a goal is to have one. Make sure that you have clearly defined goals, and write them out. Remember the word of the Lord here is concerning the next 5 years, so simply ask Him to give you vision for the next 5 years. Invite Him to give you insight into your walk with Him, your ministry, family, employment, financial areas, health, etc. Get specific. The promise He is giving us is enormous. Remember that what you sow in this next 5 years will reap an enormous harvest, so don't sow small amounts of vision. go for as much as your heart can receive from Him. Once you have your goals, write them out so that you can see them and be reminded of them. Ask the Lord to give you scripture promises to confirm your goals.

When you have your goals defined, you will need a plan of action. Invite the Lord to show you the steps you can take in order to fulfill your goals. Remember, "faith without works is dead". It is easy to have a vision, a clear goal, but if you don't put feet to the goal, then it only remains a vision and will not materialize. Pray into your vision and invite the Lord to give you a plan of action.

As a visionary gift, I am loaded with vision. It pops up in me like popcorn. I need to discern what is born from the gift itself and what is directed of the Spirit of God for me to walk in at a given time. When I witness that a vision is born of the Spirit and is to be embraced, then I need to develop the plan of action and put things into motion. If I don't, it's only a vision.
I can talk about it, but that won't fulfill it. I must have the plan of action. In the same way you wait on the Lord for the vision, you wait on Him for the plan of action. Write it all down and make sure it is clear.


Once you have the plan of action, then the next step is to take action. The early church received the following clear goal from the Lord: preach the gospel to every creature. They also had a plan of action: "Tarry in Jerusalem until the promise of the Father comes. and. "You will receive power when the Holy Ghost comes upon you and you will be My witnesses."(see Acts 1:1-8). They had the goal and the plan of action. Then they obeyed. They did not move to the right or to the left of that plan of action. It was a good thing that they didn't. It was a good thing they didn't take it into their own hands after 5 days of waiting. They could have said, "Gosh, we have tarried for 5 days now, and we still have no evidence of power from on high, let's go and preach the gospel...after all... Jesus told us to go." Oh my, can you imagine? They were halfway there in their journey of obedience to fulfilling the plan of action. They could have missed the power they needed if they had taken it into their own minds. They could have totally missed the mark. By waiting, they saw 3,000 added to the church in one day. If they had of gone in their own strength, they probably would not have seen any saved...just a lot of work and effort but no results.
Jesus said in John 6:63, "...the flesh profits nothing." They received the plan of action and then they took action. This brought amazing results.


The next 5 years will be a time of fruitfulness for you. Sow as much as you can. Dream as big as you can. Receive a clear, well-defined goal, then a plan of action, and then-- take action. Go for it and reap the amazing results. It is a promise from the Lord for you.

Patricia King


----- Original Message -----
From: "Joshua A/P Network E-List" <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>;
To: <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>;
Sent: 26 April, 2006 11:18 AM
Subject: DETOURS > By Les D. Crause

Philippians 3:13 - Brethren, I do not consider myself as having attained but [this] one thing [I do], forgetting those things that are behind, and reaching forth to those things that are ahead, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Job 23:10 - But he knows the way that I take: [when] he has tried me, I shall come forth as gold.

One of the most frustrating things you can come across when you are on a long journey is a detour off the main road. You have probably planned your trip and anticipated how long it will take you to reach your destination, but now there is this section of the journey that you have to travel probably on dirt and a bumpy road. You cannot travel fast because it is only a makeshift road and there are probably a whole pile of cars travelling along with you, so you cannot overtake and speed up even if you wanted to. In fact it is as though you have lost control of your journey. But what does a detour mean? Why is it there? Usually it means that a new road is being constructed or the existing road is being repaired. In other words someone is at work improving things for future journeys you might make along this road.

But if you are like most impatient drivers you are probably not thinking about the next journey. You are thinking about NOW and all that is on your mind is getting through this part of the journey and getting to your destination. It is not much different in our spiritual journey. We set our goals and make our plans, and if we are committed to the Lord's purpose in our lives we have asked Him to take care of things for us. You may have asked the Lord for certain things such as new ministry opportunities, or improvements in your standard of living. You may have asked Him to bring new people into your life. Whatever you have asked of the Lord, you can be sure that if you asked in faith, and in accordance with His Word, then He has begun to set in motion a plan to cause these things to come to you.

Suppose you asked the Lord for an increase in your income. How He answers this prayer will vary according to your circumstances. It might be that you have to change jobs and in order to do this your current job situation starts to change.

This is probably not what you expected. You thought you were going to get an increase. But the Lord is one step ahead of you. He knows that you could earn far more in another job. So He begins to arrange a situation which will lead you to that other job. Perhaps it involves the job becoming vacant by someone else leaving. Perhaps it involves a change in ownership in the business where the job is located. There are so many things that might have to take place before your prayer can be answered. Remember you have asked the Lord for a pay increase. How He does this is in His hands. So suddenly things begin to change at work. Suddenly your employer changes his attitude to you. Or perhaps you hit some obstacles that interfere with your work. I don't know, use your imagination. The point is that the road you have been traveling suddenly seems to hit a detour. And the plans you had in mind and the way you were used to going suddenly changes.

What is your attitude going to be? Well firstly you need to check out whether this detour is of the Lord. You see the enemy will also try to turn you off the path you are going. He certainly doesn't want you to reach your destination. So be very discerning in how you approach this detour in your circumstances. Check carefully to see the pattern of what is taking place in your life and look to the Lord for clarity in the matter. You might be surprised to find that this 'detour' in your life is actually a blessing and not a nuisance after all. You see the Lord has already traveled the road up ahead, and He knows the way it will lead. And since He knows what the future holds, and what it is that you have requested from Him, He has probably started construction on a brand new road for you, to take you to where you want to go.

So hang in there and stick with the detour for now. It might be a nuisance, and it might seem to be delaying your journey, but it has a purpose that you do not understand right now. Sometimes the detour is a call to let go of the vision and rest awhile. Sometimes it is a warning that you are not yet ready to do what you thought you should do. Sometimes it might even be there to stop you from making a big mistake. The important thing is that you keep going. Even though the road might be bumpy and your car is filling with dirt, you keep going. So even though it might look like things are becoming worse instead of better, keep going. Keep believing, keep praying, and above all keep praising. There is a little expression that is often used in the Bible and it is the words, "And it came to pass." As a preacher once said, "It came to pass, it didn't come to stay." No detour can last for ever, and if you keep going, the time will come when at last it ends, and you find yourself once more on the smooth road. Then you can put your foot down and cruise towards your goal.

Perhaps as you look back over the past while you see a path of confusion and detours. You had so many great plans when you started out, but as you look back now you can see that many of these things did not happen the way you had hoped. And as you look at the future, you do so with doubt and fear and uncertainty. Well if the past while has been like a detour to you, take heart. The chances are that the detour will come to an end and new things will break forth into your life. What have you asked of the Lord?

Know that He will give it to you, even though it might seem impossible. Even though it might look like a dirt road to you right now, you must realize that this in itself is a clear sign that a new road is being made. It is a sign that God has already started to answer your prayers, and you can with assurance know that the answer will open up to you soon. Then it will be like riding on that new road. You will forget about all the hardships of the detour and you will put your foot down hard on the accelerator and go forward in blessing on your journey.

NIGERIA 2007-2010:


Between 17th July and 29th September 2006, the electronic version of lampstandletters <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>; ran a series of seven messages titled “NIGERIA 2007- BETWEEN Mt. ZAPHON and Mt ZION”.
This series is hereby reproduced below (with slight editing) in this print version.


This is a coded message, which the Holy Spirit will decode in the months ahead. There is a tussle between Mount Zaphon and Mount Zion (1 & 2), about where the throne of David in Nigeria will shift come 2007 and beyond. Originally Mount Ophel was the setting for the city of David, but later Mount Moriah took over. Today the contention is open in Nigeria from where over the next occupant of the throne of David should originate from. But one thing is certain, "The deliverer will come from Zion".
For now, please note that it is the throne of DAVID. David has the divine covenant to decide which of his children will ascend after him, from which of his concubines Jedidah will be. Once Jedidah is
anointed by DAVID, after prophetic and Deborahic minstrel intervention, he becomes favored, beloved and accepted of the LORD.
So it is very crucial that David gets it right AND aright, for the Lord has acceded that privilege to him by covenant. So the brethren of the house of Zion will do good to fervently intercede he gets it right and aright. Otherwise a usurper will suddenly and occupy the throne of David arise, unknown even to David.


The following article is extracted by the Lampstand, Lampstandletters September 2001. It is without any ethnic, political or religious bias to our northern Nigeria citizens and brethren, but strictly a prophetic inspiration for the times we are now in as a nation.


"In contemporary times, the geographical north has earned notoriety as economic and political blights on nations. In Nigeria, the North is associated with political misrule, economic parasitism, social backwardness, religious extremities/crisis and educational disadvantage. A recent dimension is the infiltration of foreign rebels/militia from the North- the Chadian and Nigerien infiltrations into Nigeria and the Burkinabe insurrection into Northern Cote D'Ivoire. Even during the recent Iraqi war, the US forces met their greatest resistance and casualty from the north of Iraq. Has it always being like this, even in Biblical times?

The North represented at least two features in the scriptures:

i. As the Seat of gods- the mountain of assembly, the mountain of congregation, the mountain of the gods, the mountain where the gods assemble (Isaiah 14:13, Psalm 48:2). The Hebrew word Zaphon (Isaiah 14:13, Psalm 48:2) means "north, hidden", the heavenly mountain where the Canaanite people believed their gods lived and met together (Easy-to-Read Version). Lucifer's ambition was to preside on the mountain of the gods, far away in the North (New Living Translation).

ii. The Northern Army- The North was the direction, the source from which evil invading enemy armies came in to desolate the land. The Babylonian armies and the armies from countries north and east of the nation of
Israel attacked Judah and Israel from the North (Jeremiah 1:14, 4:13-15, 10:22, 46:22 - 24).
The northern army thus represented the desolating army of the aliens. It was the entry point of armies whose goal was a physical, spiritual, economic and social desolation of the land.

As it was in the beginning, so is it today.


'Out of the north, calamity shall break forth on all the inhabitants of the land' (Jeremiah 1:14)

'For disaster appears from the North and a great destruction' (Jeremiah 4:6, 6:1)

'Thus says the Lord, Behold a people comes from the North country and a great nation will be raised from the farthest parts of the earth. They will lay hold on brow and spear, they are cruel and have no mercy; their voices roar like the sea. And they ride on horses, as men set in array against you O daughter of Zion' (Jeremiah 6:22-23).

The North has always being the source of trouble to Israel in Biblical times. Enemy invasion (the Assyrian and later the Babylonians entered to plunder the land of Israel from the North. The prophet Jeremiah alluded to these in many of his prophesies. But it was the prophet Joel who in chapters 1 and 2 most vividly describes the rampaging and destructive characteristics of what he referred to as the Northern Army (Joel 2; 20). Carried into Israel by the desert wind of Arabia, the locust grew from larvae to adult. He describes four types of locust

  • The chewing locust
  • The swarming locust
  • The crawling locust an
  • The consuming locust,

Each has an insatiable parasitic appetite, each destroying the greenery of the land (Joel 1:4). Wherever they touched is laid bare, nothing green or growing remained (Joel 1; 6-7, 2; 2-3). Those serving god and making offerings to him were worse off, and there was mourning in the land Joel 1:8-20, 2:5-6).

Joel diagnosed the invasion of the Northern Army as being permitted by God to judge his people (Joel 2:11). He then called for genuine repentance, individually and corporately by God's people and a plea for mercy. In response the Lord answered his people removed far from them the Northern Army and restored the land (Joel 2: 18 -27). In addition, He promised to pour His Spirit on the nations of the world.

Since its inception as a country, the northern Muslim army, like rampaging locusts, has destroyed Nigeria economically, socially and politically. The continued conflagrations in the North are typical of the rampaging, destructive locust army.

It is only the Lord who has the ability to remove far from us the northern army. Ours is to turn to him in genuine repentance and righteousness, asking for his intervention. He will cast out the horns that terrify us, send his chariots and horses towards the North Country and give us rest (Zechariah 1:18-21, 6:1-8). Amen."



In contrast to Mount Zaphon which was biblical sited north, Mount Zion was the SOUTHEAST part of the mountain upon which Jerusalem, the city of David (1 Samuel 5:7, 1 Chronicles 11:5,7), was built. Hitherto it was inhabited by Jebusites; upon it the throne of David was physically situated.


In the LAMPSTANDLETTERS (ISSN 1595.0948) Volume 1, No. 2 (October 1998) titled MISSION 2000 A.D: OPERATION DAVID, it was reported thus:

"In December 1987, at a National Prayer Conference held in Port Harcourt, the Lord gave a couple of prophecies concerning Nigeria. One of them indicated that there was going to be a Beast-Ruler over Nigeria between then and the year 2000 A.D. Commenting on these prophecies, Rev. (Dr) Clifford Hill, Editor-in-Chief of the UK magazine Prophecy Today, who was the Guest Speaker summarized them as follows: by the year 2000 A.D. there will be a Christian Leader/Ruler in Nigeria, if the church fulfills the following three conditions:

  1. Walks in humility and repentance
  2. Be a listening Church
  3. Allows itself to be led by the Holy Spirit.

It is obvious now that the reign of the beast-ruler ended on June 8 1998, with the death of General. Sani Abacha. It appears to me that the stage is now set for the emergence of God’s chosen David by the year 2000 A.D. if the church fulfills the conditions listed above".

The National Prayer Conference referred to above was organized by the then Christian Students Social Movement led by (Pastor) Austen Ukachi, and this writer was one of the two vessels through which the two prophecies above was uttered (Insertion: The second vessel is Revd. Collins Babalola, now shepherding an Anglican Church in Ibadan). In 1999, before 2000 as stated in the prophesy, "God’s chosen David" a born again Christian, emerged as President of Nigeria, in the person of Chief Olusegun Obasanjo. far, by the grace and Spirit of God, a 1987 and a 1998 prophesy had come to pass. In between, President Olusegun Obasanjo has reigned on the throne of David over Nigeria. Like the biblical David, he has had his failures and foibles. The lampstandletters, within the precincts of human abilities, have raised both priestly (intercessory) and prophetic clarions calls and cautions, to see King David Obasanjo through his tenure.

What next, as Nigeria interregnums to the next leader post-David; as Mt Zaphon (the north) and Mt Zion (southeast) contends for the throne of David?

Three things are seemingly obvious for now:

  1. As it occurred to Israel and recorded in 1 Kings chapter 1, Nigeria is most likely pass through an interregnum post 2007, just because like the biblical old king David of 1 Kings1:1, President Obasanjo will not know when it is time to hand over, until the prophetic Nathan and Bathsheba begin to speak to him.
  2. No Adonijah will succeed King David over Nigeria. Rather a young Solomon will emerge (post-interregnum?)
  3. This young Solomon shall come from Mt Zion (southeast) and not Mt Zaphon (the north).

Ecclesiastes 4:13 -16: Better is a poor and a wise child than an old and foolish king, who will no more be admonished. For out of prison he cometh to reign; whereas also he that is born in his kingdom becometh poor. I considered all the living which walk under the sun, with the second child that shall stand up in his stead. There is no end of all the people, even of all that have been before them: they also that come after shall not rejoice in him. Surely this also is vanity and vexation of spirit.

Luke 2:1-Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem,


The divine interest in the destiny of Nigeria transcends the issue of 'democratic election' in the year 2007. To start with, democracy is not God's choice of choosing a leader and/or government for his people and/or for any nation (country) that he has special/specific interest or covenant with. It was the failure of the governing priestly family of Samuel that led the elders of Israel to opt for the "democratic" option (1 Samuel 8). Despite Samuel's protestations, the LORD conceded to their democratic request for democratic governance- but with a warning of the potentially grievous consequences of having such a leader/governance (1 Samuel 8:7-18)
Even in America which wears the toga of the champion of democratic governance, there is a rethink of the godliness of the democratic concept (see the article below reproduced from INTERCESSORS FOR AMERICA 21st June 2006, and earlier forwarded to this e-group for your consideration).
Relating to Nigeria in this present dispensation, I write by my perception of the Lord's spirit, to restate that there is nothing sacrosanct about having a 'democratic' handover in 2007. Even in democratic America, there was an obvious ' judicial manipulation' ( with discernable divine support) of the last 'democratic' election, to bring in the republican candidate George Bush Jnr., at the expense of his democratic opponent (Please read again the article below by Intercessors for America President Gary Bergel on the concepts of Democracy and Republic).
What I am trying to state in my understanding of the spirit of God, is that Nigeria is not bound to have its next President to be got from a 'democratic election" in 2007 (or any other time thereafter). Like America, Nigeria is a country "ordained by God"
to serve specific divine end-time roles in the (spiritual) affairs of the world. God has the divine prerogative of intervening in deciding on who the next leader of Nigeria will be, even if it means transgressing democratic norms (to which God is not bound to!).
And the human vessel He is going to use to achieve this divine intervention to produce the next President of Nigeria, is the present (old) King David of Nigeria- President Olusegun Obasanjo. Though human with his foibles and frailty, to him is reserved a divine discretion to decide who does, (and who does NOT) succeed him as the next President- whether in 2007, or even after.

...This situation will be discussed further in future expositions. What is pertinent and essential is for the Nigerian church (and especially the watching/prophetic/interceding church), to properly understand, subscribe to and promote this divine position, rather than follow the tide of the winds of human political interests.



----- Original Message -----
To: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sent: 22 June, 2006 4:43 AM
Subject: On Watch In Washington

21 June 2006 | Today’s Topics:

America: A Republic Ordained Of God
“God -- has made from one blood every nation of men
to dwell on all the face of the earth,
and has determined their pre-appointed times
and the boundaries of their dwellings,
so that they should seek the Lord,
in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him,
though He is not far from each one of us--”
- Acts 17:24-28


(By Gary Bergel) At the close of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia on September 18, 1787, a Mrs. Powel anxiously awaited the results. As Benjamin Franklin emerged from the hall she asked him directly: "Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?"
"A republic, if you can keep it," responded Franklin.

While the talk and clamor today is about "democracy," a representational Republic is what our Founders envisioned and established. Noah Webster, in his 1828 "American Dictionary of the English Language," defined Republic as: "a commonwealth; a state in which the exercise of the sovereign power is lodged in representatives elected by the people. It differs from a democracy or democratic state, in which the people exercise the powers of sovereignty in person."

Some of our Founders actually "feared" democracies. In a 1788 speech, Alexander Hamilton stated: "The ancient democracies in which the people themselves deliberated never possessed one good feature of government. Their very character was tyranny; their figure deformity." Another time he declared: "Real liberty is never found in the extremes of democracy."

James Madison, another one of those charged with drawing up our U.S. Constitution, observed: "Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security, or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths."

Thomas Jefferson did not incorporate the word democracy in the Declaration of Independence, and the Convention delegates adopted a Constitution in which they nowhere mentioned it. In his first inaugural address, George Washington dedicated his presidency to "the preservation -- of the republican model of government." For well over one hundred years, our children were taught, and our statesmen, elected officials and the voting public were conscious that the United States was a representational Republic, not a democracy.

Have we lost the Republic that was founded? I fear we are dangerously close. Can we strengthen the foundations and shore up what remains? I believe we can, though the struggle will be long and difficult. America, a "melting pot" boiling with raw politics, class and ethnic strife, and cultural decadence, is still ordained of God to cause men, women and children to "grope" for Him and to find Him. Jesus in our midst is ever desirous of seeking and saving the lost. (Mt 18:11; Luke 19:10) Regardless of what regime and authorities hold sway season by season, it is always an appointed and opportune time to pray.

"--that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth." (1 Tim 2:2-4)

(The above message written by Gary Bergel. A related CD message by Gary Bergel is available from the IFA bookstore. See offer below. Gary serves as President and CEO of Intercessors for America)

A challenging 60-minute message which will help you gain a kingdom perspective for informed intercession and compassionate witness.

How do you love America?

Do you see her almost as a mistress to serve and please you, or as a God-ordained instrument for the propagation of the Gospel? This message drawn from Acts 17 will help you gain a kingdom perspective for informed intercession, evangelism and effective community service.
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Gary Bergel / Brian Miller
P O Box 915 Purcellville, VA 20134
Fax 540-751-0984 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. web:


The three articles below –

  1. Who is Solomon?
  2. Civil Interregnum
  3. Igbo Presidency,

are cited from “THE ALARM, Prophetic publication for the Church and the Nation”. It is published by the Nigerian Christian Graduate Fellowship NCGF Aba, Box 5566, Aba, Abia State. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Phone: 0803-323-2289.
They are used here as part of the series NIGERIA 2007: BETWEEN MOUNT ZAPHON AND MOUNT ZION

1. THE ALARM, Prophetic publication for the Church and the Nation. Volume 9. No 1 January to March 2006 Page 3


“In the last edition (of the ALARM-editor) we did a cover on 2007: the coming of Solomon. In that edition, we asked who is Solomon and promised to identify him in subsequent edition. We also threw a challenge to the Church on the need to seek God to show us Solomon out of 120 million Nigerians. This challenge was based on the Lord’s promise that if he finds us faithful and diligent in seeking Him, He will show us Solomon before he is made manifest to the entire nation.
So far we have not gotten responses from people on what the Lord has said in accordance with his promise. Either the church has not considered it necessary to seek him over this matter or those who have gotten an answer are not bold considering how delicate the matter is. Some are afraid lest they be branded false prophets. Whatever be the case, He shall speak and not lie. At the appropriate time, the identity of Solomon who at the appointed time will be revealed cannot be in doubt.

In this edition to assuage the curiosity of those eager to know, we provide tips and urge you to insist before God for a revelation.

1. Solomon will be a Zionist. Not in the sense of Zionism as understood by the western world and the Arabs. Put in the simplest Language, Solomon will be a Christian Zion being the city of God; a Zionist will of course be a child of God.
The Alarm will like to add that Solomon will not be just a professing Christian but a Christian with testimony.

2. Solomon by natural birth will be from Igbo extraction. The reason for the choice of the Igbo race is beyond human understanding. Rather than controversy, men should find out from God why. We believe if any will enquire he may get an answer. All we can say is that just as there was nothing more Nazareth in Jesus than nativity, so also there is nothing more Igbo in this Solomon than mere nativity. Infact, Igbos will be disappointed (in) him just as the Jewish were in Jesus. When the thought he will run a Jewish agenda of arresting power from the Romans, he rather ran a universal program of saving the entire world. Even so will the Igbos be disappointed in this Solomon. Thinking he will run Igbo agenda, he will rather establish equity, justice and fair play in the entire nation. He will use the resources abundantly provided by God to build the nation in accordance with divine mandate.

3. Solomon will not be a product of the present political arrangement in the nation. He cannot fit into the present political gimmick. He cannot be part of the present deception. When the battle was raging in the house of David, nothing was heard about Solomon as a contestant. He was not directly involved. Absalom positioned himself and did in the struggle. Adonijah laid claim by way of birth right and lost out. But Solomon did not say a word. Even so, will Nigerian Solomon not say a word until Jehovah accomplishes his mission. While Solomon is silent, Zadok and Nathan representing the Church moved into action to remind David of his word. Benaniah representing the military threw his weight behind Zadok and Nathan. It is expected in this struggle to enthrone Solomon in Nigeria, the prophetic and charismatic arm of the church and the orthodox should team up to demand from God the enthronement of our Solomon. We also urge the military intelligentsia to throw their weight behind the rise of Solomon and resist every attempt by the Absaloms and Adonijas in our midst to scuttle this move. All hands should be on deck to achieve this”.

2. THE ALARM, Prophetic publication for the Church and the Nation. Vol. 8, No.1, 0ct - Dec 2005.WED, OCT 5 2005 12.30PM


Son of man, pray against an interregnum. It is being hatched against your nation by the kingdom of darkness. It is aimed at delaying the coming of Solomon. Your President is ignorantly yielding to it. His ambition is the primary reason. He will be suddenly withdrawn if he insists on having his way. The confusion that will ensue will culminate in the interregnum of the civil rule, but not with Solomon. I have told you that the President's doom will be his insistence to build. I have not called him to build. I said he will prepare the builder. He is still insisting to build. He will destroy what he built within this period. I will not fold my hands for the evil one to thwart my programme. I will douse the tension and establish my will. But warn him before it is too late.

Monday Oct 23, 2005 10:35 am.

3. THE ALARM, Prophetic publication for the Church and the Nation. Vol. 8, No.1, 0ct - Dec 2005.


Orji Kalu will not be. He will pay the supreme price for the Igbos to become. His ordeal now, during and after 2007 will move your nation to give the Igbos a chance. As it was for the Yorubas in June 12 with Abiola, then Obasanjo, so will it be for the Igbos in 2007.
After this shall a man be raised and manifested from the Igbo stock. Take note and watch. The interregnum is real. It shall come to pass.
Watch and pray.


5.30 am 12th September 2006; I was in Abuja the Federal Capital, haven woken up a few minutes to 3.00 am. After about 90 minutes of silent praise and worship, was about going back to sleep, without reading my bible. My spirit urged me to check my bible first, for there was a word/ a message therein.

The Message of the night.

Daniel 2:19-23: Then was the secret revealed unto Daniel in a night vision. Then Daniel blessed the God of heaven. Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are his: And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding: He revealeth
the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him. I thank thee, and praise thee, O thou God of my fathers, who hast given me wisdom and might, and hast made known unto me now what we desired of thee: for thou hast now made known unto us the king's matter.

I was also led back to Genesis 45:6, "For these two years the famine has been in the land, and there are still five years in which there will be neither plowing nor harvesting.”(NKJV), which was the basis for the article titled "Remain in Goshen” Message 209 (1st March 2005 and repeated on 1st December 2005). In that article it was submitted that (extracts):

"Although, as mortals, we know in part and we speak (write) in part...specifically, the passage indicates that TWO YEARS HAVE GONE AND THERE ARE STILL FIVE MORE YEARS TO GO (Genesis 45:6-11)...there is a call to prepare for Goshen for only two years have gone, there are yet five more years to go...Five more years of a Christian Abacha."

As have been stated earlier in Message 150, July 21 2004, 'there is nothing divine about 2007. Rather it is a date set by men and posited to implement an agenda that will be against the interest of the Church'. There is nothing sacrosanct about 2007. It is a date set by men for the handover election. To God alone belong dates and times 'and he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings:'

From my understanding of what the Spirit of the Lord seems to be saying, President Obasanjo will NOT hand over in 2007, but rather in 2010, as implied in the cited message 209 above. Why is this so? Simply put, it was on January 15th 1970, that the belligerent Biafra, represented by General Effiong, a minority Southeasterner, handed over in surrender to Nigeria, represented by the then Colonel Olusegun Obasanjo, after a three year war from 1967. Forty years later, the same Olusegun Obasanjo has been divinely placed to hand over the reign of Nigeria back to a Southeastern (to an Igbo man, if they do not 'run away' like Ojukwu, or to a minority Southeastern 'Effiong').

A caveat: Just as there was a belligerent three year civil war between 1967 and 1970, so there might be between 2007 and 2010, (if the praying and watching church does not handle the situation aright). Only this time the sides and the stakes will be completely turned around; - unlike before when the whole country led by a 'Christian' Head of State sided with the (Muslim) northern interests to subjugate and subdue the belligerent Southeast, this time around the same person who received the baton of surrender 40 years ago, will, now as the President, will handover to a southeastern. This can only be achieved by/with the spiritual backing of a discerning Nigerian church fighting to prevent the
Sudanization of Nigeria. Incidentally year 2010 has been highlighted as the year of Jubilee (1960 -2010) (in 40 DAYS TO MOVE NIGERIA FORWARD IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION by Pastor Austen Ukachi 21st June 2006).

Understandeth what thou readeth? (Acts 8:30) Blessed are those who readeth and understandeth (Matthew 13; 23. see also Proverbs 6:8-9 and 14:6)

I thank thee, and praise thee, O thou God of my fathers, who hast given me wisdom and might, and hast made known unto me now what we desired of thee: for thou hast now made known unto us the king's matter. Daniel 2:23.

By the Lampstand. 5.45 am. 18th September 2006.
Abuja, Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria.


I start this final edition NIGERIA 2007: BETWEEN MOUNT ZAPHON AND MOUNT ZION (7): WHO IS THIS SOLOMON?, by admitting and confessing that I had jumped ahead on this same issue of a ‘young-man from the southeast’ succeeding President Obasanjo, as far back as October 2002 when I struck out my neck and identified the then highest ranking Igbo man, Senate President Pius Ayim as the man Ecclesiastes 4:13-15 was referring to. It is with this sense of caution that I treat the “MY TIME TO BECOME PRESIDENT claim by Bro Chinedum Ezebugwu (formerly Ezebuiro), which has been widely circulated among Christian intercessory circles since 1992 and recently in the papers.

As indicated in the previous edition of this series and particularly in the last edition, the same Olusegun Obasanjo (who in 1970 got the surrender baton from the Biafran on behalf of Nigeria) has been divinely placed to hand over the reign of Nigeria back to a Southeastern (to an Igbo man, if they do not 'run away' like Ojukwu did, or to a minority Southeastern 'Effiong').

Two scriptural verses that describes King David Obasanjo’s successor are

  1. Ecclesiastes 4:13-15- A man may rise from poverty to become King of his country, or go from prison to the throne, but if in his old age he is too foolish to take advice, he is not as well off as a young man who is poor but intelligent. I thought about all the people who live in this world, and realized that somewhere among them there is a young man who will take the King’s place. (Today’s English Version, emphasis mine).
  2. I Kings 2:15 – As you know, the kingdom was mine; everyone expected me to be the next king. But the tables were turned, and everything went to my brother instead; for that is the way the LORD wanted it. (New Living Translation, Emphasis mine).
    Ecclesiastes 4:13-15 clearly apply to President Obasanjo, who came out of prison to the throne but like the old King David of I Kings 1, who did not want to quit the throne and had to be pressurized by Nathan and Bathsheba to hand-over to the teenage Solomon. I Kings 2:15 was the lamentation of Adonijah, who as the eldest surviving son of King David, everybody has expected to become the next King (as Vice-Presidents succeed the President). But as Adonijah realized later, the LORD wanted it another way, for another person. And it was left to Old King David to implement it the Lord’s way; it was given to him to decide who to succeed him. Stranger still, it was a teenage, the son of a wife King David snatched by killing her husband, that was approved of the LORD to take the throne in place of the waiting Adonijah.
    God indeed works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform. Even when Nathan was rebuking David after he has killed Uriah and committed adultery with Bathsheba, the LORD still told him he could have given him more (wives) to his wives and the ones he inherited from Saul, if only David has asked! (2 Samuel 12:8). It was from the snatched adulterous wife that King David chose and anointed Solomon to succeed him to the chagrin of the Adonijahs and his supporters.

Coming at a time when the sleazy deals at the Presidency are been splashed worldwide by the ongoing Obasanjo-Atiku duel, it is incongruous to declare that it is this same Obasanjo who has a divine mandate to choose and anoint the incoming Solomon, in 2010 and not even 2007. As stated earlier ‘The divine interest in the destiny of Nigeria transcends the issue of 'democratic election' in the year 2007. To start with, democracy is not God's choice of choosing a leader and/or government for his people and/or for any nation (country) that he has special/specific interest or covenant with… the human vessel He is going to use to achieve this divine intervention to produce the next President of Nigeria, is the present (old) King David of Nigeria- President Olusegun Obasanjo. Though human with his foibles and frailty, to him is reserved a divine discretion to decide who does, (and who does NOT) succeed him as the next President- whether in 2007, or even after (NIGERIA 2007: BETWEEN MOUNT ZAPHON AND MOUNT ZION (3), August 23rd 2006).


The bible never recorded when King David vowed to Bathsheba that Solomon her son will take the throne after him. But as the Dake’s Annotated Reference bible states, “we are sure Bathsheba got the promise from David at the opportune time (1 Kings 1:13, 17, 28-30)”.

President Obasanjo, like the Biblical king David may be a womanizer. He may not be sleaze-free. We are not aware if he has made any vow to the Lord that one of his off-springs from his political concubines in the southeast will be the one to succeed him But to him has been committed the divine mandate to decide who will, and who will not succeed him on the throne of Nigeria, a country/nation chosen by God for a divine end-time purpose. IT IS PARAMOUNT THAT THE CHURCH RECOGNIZES, IMBIBE, PROMOTE AND UPHOLD THIS REALITY.

I end this portion of mine to this effect, by citing THE ALARM, Prophetic publication for the Church and the Nation. Volume 9. No 1 January to March 2006 Page 3:

Solomon will not be a product of the present political arrangement in the nation. He cannot fit into the present political gimmick. He cannot be part of the present deception. When the battle was raging in the house of David, nothing was heard about Solomon as a contestant. He was not directly involved. Absalom positioned himself and did in the struggle. Adonijah laid claim by way of birth right and lost out. But Solomon did not say a word

Even so, will Nigerian Solomon not say a word until Jehovah accomplishes his mission.

While Solomon is silent, Zadok and Nathan representing the Church moved into action to remind David of his word.

Benaniah representing the military threw his weight behind Zadok and Nathan. It is expected in this struggle to enthrone Solomon in Nigeria, the prophetic and charismatic arm of the church and the orthodox should team up to demand from God the enthronement of our Solomon. We also urge the military intelligentsia to throw their weight behind the rise of Solomon and resist every attempt by the Absaloms and Adonijas in our midst to scuttle this move. All hands should be on deck to achieve this”.

…God arise over Nigeria, let your enemies be scattered. Amen.

By the Lampstand. 00.36am 29th September 2006.

“O house of Jacob, Come and let us walk in the light of the Lord” Isaiah 2:5
By the Lampstand. No. 40 Ibadan. July to December 2006
LAMPSTAND LETTERS Publisher/Editor: Dr TayoBabalobi, Lampstand Letter Ministry, University
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