Lampstand Letter

Wednesday, 01 June 2005 05:21


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No 37: January to June, 2005
“Write therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later” Rev. 1:19



Unto the Lord be the glory, great things he has done…
Great things he has done, greater things he will yet do The 28th May 2005 was my 42nd birthday. To the glory of God I am alive, opportune to share the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. I have survived and overcome ancient and modern covenants and curses, which had vowed I shall not live beyond 40 years of age. I have survived the effects of ancient idolatry and sins of my fore-bearers, of both parental and marital side. I have survived what had consumed many before me. God be glorified for his goodness and mercies to me!

After more than three years of pain, prayers and medical interventions (various tests, brain surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and months of admission as an in-patient), the eighth CT scan, which I did last week May 2005, reports that all traces of brain cancer- diagnosed as Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma- has finally disappeared! To God be the glory!

How many of testimonies of God’s intervention, in response to the world wide prayers of saints, can I recall here? Shall we refer to the final diagnosis of the affliction, after almost a year of visiting private and government doctors, dentists, ophthalmologists, ENT specialists, radiologists/radiographers, physiotherapists etc in four different towns/cities around Nigeria? Or of the fact that the cancer was divinely restricted to a small but strategic area in the brain, while doctors expected to find it in other parts of my body?

Shall we talk of the day my consultant had a sleepless night and changed her mind about increasing in multiple folds the dose/route of chemotherapy; and of my revival from the grave after three days unconsciousness, still taking the old dose/route? What could have happened if I had been on the new 70-fold dose?

Shall I talk of how God raised the well over a million naira I spent and spared me a similar amount by virtue of my being a staff of the parent University of the Teaching Hospital? What could have been my fate if the affliction occurred while I was on the semi-urban mission field in northern Nigeria?

What of the multitude of brethren worldwide who fasted and interceded for me? What of the divine grace to continue in my numerous ministry and secular responsibilities despite the afflictions and ill-health?

…How many can I share in such a forum as this? I can never exhaust them for the rest of my life. Great is thy faithfulness O God!
Thank you all, beloved prayers partners. I am alive because you prayed. The Lord remembers you and rewards you accordingly. He is a ready help in time of trouble...


Please continue to pray for divine intervention for a miraculous complete healing of craniotomy defect, the full restoration of the trigeminal nerve functions, my left eyesight and all other attendant post-operation sequalea. The God of miracles is my God, and I shall yet share the testimonies to His glory.


“You must never worship or bow down to them, for I, the LORD you God, am a jealous God who will not share your affection with any other God! I will not leave unpunished those who hate me, but I will punish the children for the sins of their parents to the third and fourth generation (Exodus 20:5 New Living Translation).

Ours is a generation of Christians who are descendants of idolatrous and/or sinful fore-bears. Many are the first generation of Christians in their family line, others second or third (whose parents or grandparents were Christians. Very rare are those of the fourth generation, whose great-grandparents were Christians.

Without the knowledge of Christ, our fore-parents were involved in idolatry. Many entered into satanic covenants which are binding on generations after. Many lived sinful lives of murder, adultery, immorality, evil sacrifices, curses etc. That one gave his/her life to the Lord does not, in itself alone, acquit one of the covenants or curses of the fore-bearers. Until we divinely recognize such demonic oaths, covenants or curses, and deal with them in genuine repentance, repudiation and reparation/restitution where applicable, we are still liable to the repercussions and effects of the activities of our fore-bearers. We remain lawful Christian captive of the satanic tyrant.


Listen to me, all who hope for deliverance- all who seek the LORD. Consider the quarry from which you were mined, the rock from which you were cut! Isaiah 51:1 NLT.

Many practical examples of Christians suffering from the sins and/or idolatry of their fore-bearers exist all around us. A Christian whose fore-bearer was for instance an Ogun/Ifa/Oro priest and has made evil sacrifices, committed murder and the like is not completely free from the repercussions until genuine repentance; repudiation and reparation/restitution are vicariously made by this generation. A Christian whose fore-bearer was involved in sin like immorality and the offended victim has cursed the fore-bearer’s female descendants, is still liable to such a curse, until genuine repentance, repudiation and reparation/restitution( where possible) are vicariously made by this generation. It is then that the Lord will mercifully intervene in response to prayers, and by virtue of the blood sacrificed by Christ on the cross, deliver from all repercussions of the works of the fore-bearers.

‘Who can snatch the plunder of war from the hands of a warlord? Who can demand that a tyrant let his captive go? But the Lord says, the lawful captives of the warrior shall be released, and the plunder of the tyrant shall be retrieved. For I will fight those who fight you, and I will save your children. (Isaiah 49:24-25 NLT)


Soon your descendants will come back and all who are trying to destroy you will go away. Look and see, for all your children will come to you. As surely as I live says the LORD, they will be like jewels or bridal ornaments for you to display. Isaiah 49:17-18.

Not only will the LORD deliver you, the repercussions of the sins/idolatry of your fore-bearers will end and break over your descendants. It does not matter whether you are the first or second or third generation. Once a descendant undergoes the vicarious process of genuine repentance, repudiation and reparation/restitution (where possible/applicable), the curse is broken, the covenant annulled and all who are trying to destroy you will go away. Amen

This has been my personal experience these past few years, manifested in a brain tumor which the Lord graciously and mercifully limited and healed me of. He has delivered me a lawful captive of Satan, from tyrannical plunder. He has fought the forces and verdict of death over me. And even my children after me are saved and delivered. Glory to God.

…So shall you be delivered, and your children after you. Amen


I am the LORD, and there is no other savior. First I predicted your deliverance, I declared that I would do, and then I did it- I saved you… (Isaiah 43:11-12. New Living Translation)


The stigma that accompanies certain diseases and afflictions did no start with the modern day HIV/AIDS disease. The earliest book of the bible records the stigma Job faced: So Satan left the Lord’s presence, and he struck Job with a terrible case of boils from head to foot (Job 2:7)

His breath became repulsive, he was loathsome to his family and reduced to skin and bones (See Job 19:17-20) - like a typical modern day HIV/AIDS patient. Despite the stigma, Job’s declared ‘Oh that my words were now written! Oh that they were printed in a book. That they were graven with an iron pen and lead in the rock for ever (Job 19:22-23)

In the course of attending to the brain tumor, the Lord delivered me from the HIV stigma. If I had subscribed to their equivocal laboratory tests results, I would have been placed on antiretroviral treatment. Six months later, their own laboratory test results were reversed, without me taking any antiretroviral treatment. To God be the glory. If I had allowed myself to be swayed by medical reports and started antiretroviral medication, the reversal of the test result would have been attributed to the therapy. God certainly intervened to prevent me from medically or emotionally carrying the HIV/AIDS stigma.
With God all things are possible. Amen.


The Redeemed of the LORD will return. They will enter Zion with singing; everlasting joy will crown their heads. Gladness and joy will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee away. Isaiah 35:10, 51:11


The divine deliverance experience of the children of Israel at the Red Sea (Exodus 14) highlights various facets of deliverance applicable to Christians in this generation. The following deliverance features of a Red Sea experience are highlighted from scriptures

  • A boundary of a new beginning for God’s people Exodus 23:31
  • A cross-over point from suffering, sorrow, fear and enemy pursuit (Joshua 2:10, 4:23; Nehemiah 9:9-12
  • A deliverance point in response to prayer cries Exodus 14:15-18
  • A manifestation of God’s goodness and faithfulness Psalm 63. 13-15
  • A place where enemies are judged Exodus 14
  • A place for entering into the divine displacement of ‘resident landlords’ Exodus 23;31
  • A place where faith works out Hebrew 11;29
  • It is a depot for dumping and sinking enemy weapons of war Exodus 10:19, 15:4
  • Place of divine wisdom deeds against the enemy Acts 7:36
  • Rescue and total deliverance point from enemies Psalm 106:8-11.

These features are been practically experienced by Christians even today. I personally testify to this.


When the LORD led the children of Israel out of the bondage of Egypt, the major threat in their progress towards the Promised Land was the pursuit of the Egyptian chariots, horses and riders. The LORD intervened and completely sank the Egyptian host in the Red Sea, as lead is sunk (Exodus 14-15). Thereafter, even though there were Amalekites and other giants to be dealt with in the land, the major obstacle to the Israelites entering the Promised Land was their heart condition and disposition towards the LORD.

Unfortunately, “with many of them God was not well pleased”, with their lust, idolatry, fornication, temptation murmuring etc. (1 Corinthians 10:1-10). “Now these entire things happened unto them for ensamples; and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the word are come. Wherefore let him that thinkest he standeth take heed lest he fall (1 Corinthians 10:11-12).

Our heart and attitude towards God is important in pleasing Him than merely dealing with the satanic powers of enemies. Even when the enemies are permanently drowned in the Red Sea, the greater requirement from God is to fear and obey Him, having no other gods (including SELF) before Him. That is the only way we will not waste in the wilderness without inheriting the promise. So help me God. Amen.


After our Red Sea experiences, and having set our hearts aright to prevent wasting in the wilderness, we then get set to enter into the promises of God. We have to prepare to take the first step to getting our hearts and attitude circumcised. We need to consecrate self, take the step of faith and obedience to cross Jordan (Joshua chapters 3 – 4). It is only after properly circumcising or hearts that we can advance to cause the walls of Jericho, the first major institutional barrier into the entering the Promised Land for you as an individual (Joshua chapters 5-6).

The Word from the Lord below is to Build Up, Encourage and Comfort:


May 28, 2005. Put your foot in the water. Make a bold first step and I will meet you. You no longer belong in Egypt. That bondage you have endured is not for you. With just a step now, you can begin a new life of milk and honey. I will fill your mouth with honey and all good things. Your words will have new power and force. And you will quickly graduate from milk to meat. I will give you the heart and appetite of a lion. Remember that the Lion of Judah lives within you. Call upon Him and let Him begin to roar through you. Satan does not have a chance against you.

Put your foot in the water.

Joshua 3:13 "And it shall come about when the soles of the feet of the
priests who carry the ark of the Lord, the Lord of all the earth, shall
rest in the waters of the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan shall be cut
off, and the waters which are flowing down from above shall stand in one

Ras and Bev Robinson, Founders and Ministers, Fullness in Christ Ministries, Inc. (Fullness Network), P.O. Box 136117 Fort Worth, Texas, 76136 USA sent this word to:<This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>; Apostolic/Prophetic/Global "JOSHUA A/P NETWORK E-LIST" <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>;, on Sunday, May 29, 2005 4:12 AM
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Miriam was a unique woman recorded in the scriptures. The first reference to her related to her prophetic watchfulness and vigilance as young girl, which led to the deliverance of her baby brother Moses from Egyptian male-child homicide (Exodus 2). As stated in Lampstandletters No 30 ‘Miriam The Prophetess ‘, even from a tender age Miriam had established herself as a watcher, with a word of wisdom to speak in due season, leading to the preservation of the life of her brother Moses (Exodus 2).

When next recorded (Exodus 15:20), Miriam the Prophetess was leading all the women in timbrel dancing before the Lord after the stubborn purser Pharaoh and his chariot men, the host and the rider have been drowned forever as stone/lead in the Red Sea. This was after Moses had led the whole Israel in a similar identical gesture of praise and thanksgiving.

According to Cruden’s Complete Concordance of the Bible, the meaning of Miriam is their rebellion/ star of the sea). Stars are heavenly hosts, soldiers of warfare. In Judges 5:20, the stars in their courses fought against Sisera (se also Dan. 8:10). Likewise, the sea has always being a theatre of warfare, the habitat of monsters and demonic spirits (Isaiah 27:1; Rev 13:1). To be named star of the sea from childhood was a prophetic statement on her ministry of dealing with water spirits. Little wonder she was by the Nile River to rescue Moses, and she mobilized the women to specially celebrate the dealing with the Egyptian chariot horse and riders by the Red Sea.

Was there any record associating Miriam’s lifestyle with the other meaning of her name -rebellion? Miriam was listed together with her siblings Moses and Aaron as instruments of deliverance for the Egyptians ‘For I brought thee up out of the land of Egypt, and redeemed thee out of the house of servants; and I sent before thee Moses, Aaron, and Miriam.’ (Micah 6:4). Though co-named as deliverers, the Bible also records God’s anger against her when she got naturally puffed up and joined Aaron to despise the ministry of Moses. It took the intercession of Moses to limit her punishment to a seven day leprosy affliction. This also delayed the movement of the whole Israel (Numbers 12:1-16).

A message to modern day Miriams- we must take heed lest our lifestyle negatively affect our ministry calling. Today there is a call for ‘stars of the sea’, present day daughters of Deborah, (Judges 4-5), feminine warriors to deal with age-long ancestral curses and covenants, especially those related to water spirits. But in the discharge of this anointed calling, they should be careful not to fall into the error of Miriam, turning themselves into rebels, murmurers and complainers. They must not equate themselves with men, boasting like Miriam ‘Hath the Lord indeed spoken only by Moses? Hath he not spoken also by us? (Numbers12:2).

Remember what the LORD thy God did unto Miriam by the way, after that ye were come forth out of Egypt. Deuteronomy 24:9)


Esther 1:9-12. Also Vashti the queen made a feast for the women in the royal house which belonged to King Ahasuerus…
But the queen Vashti refused to come at the king’s commandment.

Queen Vashti was the biblical queen, who was organizing a parallel feast for women while the King Ahasuerus was feasting all the people. That was a step that puffed up the pride of Vashti and eventually led to her deposition as Queen, opening the door for the emergence of Esther as Queen. In organizing parallel programs, Christian sisters should also beware lest they gravitate into the Vashti spirit, and its attendant repercussion. This message applies to women ministries, women ministers, and wives of ministers.


There is a definite promise of the Lord for the church in Nigeria and members therein, saying the same thing in similar words: 2005 is -the year or- MOVING FORWARD/UNTO HIGHER GROUNDS/ FLYING AS AN EAGLE/PRESSING FORWARD/ PRESSING HIGHER/ MOVING ON/ YEAR OF ADVANCE.
The same promise for 2005 from God since late 2004 to the church ministries and organizations such as the Christian Veterinarians Nigeria, Glory Tabernacle Ibadan, Redeemed Church of God Bayelsa, Foursquare Church Abeokuta, and the Anglican Communion. The biblical text is Philippians 3:13-14 repeated to some of the group above:

‘No, dear brothers and sisters, I am still not what I should be, but I am focusing all my energies on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I strain to reach the end of the race and receive the prize for which God through Jesus, is calling us up to heaven.

This is a year of seven-fold accomplishment. A year of Sabbath Jubilee. By the anointing of the Holy Spirit, we shall achieve in a year what could not be achieved over six years. Set your targets and constantly take it before the Throne of the Lord for the sevenfold anointing for the Holy Spirit (Isaiah 11:1 -3). You will achieve and even surpass your set targets.

Even President Olusegun Obasanjo, if re-anointed by the Church (leadership) will achieve in Nigeria that he has failed to do in six years, by the anointing of the sevenfold Holy Spirit. Even if there is a famine after, the achievements of THIS year will be bumper enough to support for at least three years (See Leviticus 25: 18-22). Whether in Goshen or Geran, you will prosper, by the anointing (See Genesis 26:1-6, 12:14; 45:10-1, 47, 4, 27). Just as the power for the moving forward of an automobile depends on the fueling of the engine room, so do we depend on the fuel of the Lord, the anointing of the sevenfold Holy Spirit. As stated in the popular song "I am moving forward... for the Lord is on the throne...I am moving forward.., it is only by enthroning the Holy Spirit in our heart- in decision making, situations, circumstances, challenges, encouragement and SERVICE-, can we effectively move forward, overcoming mountains and discouragements, receiving strength, surpassing natural abilities and attaining unto supernatural attainments.

As an individual, ask especially for the Bezalel/Oholiab type of anointing, spirit filled with the anointing of wisdom, intelligence and special skill of craftsmanship (Exodus 31:1-6; 36:1 37:29). Ask the Spirit of God to anoint your natural talent unto becoming special skills, a divine sevenfold achievement this year, a year of unimaginable creations and discoveries. With the sevenfold anointing of the Holy Spirit you will be able to achieve in one year what has been delayed for six years or will take seven years to achieve.

For the church and church ministries, the responsibility for moving forward is to attain the seven step advance of the Kingdom of God, as highlighted on the devotion of Day 29 of CELEBRATATE JESUS, MILLENNIUM COMMEMORATIVE BIBLE (Holman Bible Publishers). “First the Spirit comes, second the power, third the witness begins, fourth, Jerusalem will hear the message Judea, 6th Samaria, the global witness. No step may be left: none added. In such orderly way, the world will the flag off Jesus, one flag, one savoir, one world" (Calvin Smith). In Nigeria, the Church and members therein shall move forward, climb higher, press harder, advance and attain higher grounds in 2005, by the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Make the best use of the year, for there may be a famine of years ahead.

“O house of Jacob, Come and let us walk in the light of the Lord” Isaiah 2:5
By the Lampstand. No. 37 Ibadan. January to June, 2005
LAMPSTAND LETTERS Publisher/Editor: Dr TayoBabalobi, Lampstand Letter Ministry, University
Post Office Box 4150, Ibadan, Nigeria.
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