Lampstand Letter

Monday, 01 March 2004 04:50


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No 34: March, 2004
“Write therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later” Rev. 1:19



“I will tell of the LORD’s unfailing love. I will praise the LORD for all he has done. I will rejoice in his great goodness to me, which he granted according to his mercy and love. He said ‘(you) are my very own person. Surely (you) will not be false again’. And he became my Savior. In my suffering he has also suffered, and he personally rescued me. In his love and mercy he redeemed me. He lifted me up to carry me through the years (Isaiah 63:7-9 New Living Translation NLT).

“God rescued me from the grave…so that (I) may live in the light of the living”. (Job 33:28, 30. NLT.)

“I will not die but I will live to tell what the Lord has done for me”. (Psalm 118:17 NLT)

To God be the glory. Oh! That man will praise the Lord for his goodness and his wonderful love. God has given me victory over death as a result a spiritual attack that manifested as a viral affliction/ brain tumour. God has given me a practical experience in the scriptures, what the likes of Job and David passed through at certain stages of their lives. Indeed I see the Lord’s goodness in the midst of the living (Psalm 27:13). He has seen me through the valley of the shadow of death, He who causes things to happen on earth either as a punishment or a sign of his unfailing love (Job 37:13).

As I recorded in the last edition of the Lampstand Letters titled “In the valley of the Shadow of Death”, God had allowed a cohort of paternal gods, territorial idols, household wickedness and sheer witchcraft to unleash a plethora of ailments against me, as usually done against the children of God of the black stock who have an idol worshipping ancestral background. Three approaches became available to tackle this situation – spiritual warfare/intercession, a surgical approach/chemotherapy and divine healing. In each of these options, God’s abundant grace and favour are made generously available.



When Job was busy complaining and challenging God for allowing affliction on him, God raised Elihu to explain situations to him (Job chapter 32 to 37). In Job 33:23-28), Elihu records: “But if a special messenger from heaven is there to intercede for a person, to declare that he is upright, God will be gracious and say ‘Set him free. Do not make him die, for I have found a ransom for his life.’ Then his body will become as healthy as a child’s, firm and youthful again. When he prays to God, he will be accepted. And God will receive him with joy and restore him to good standing. He will declare to his friend, ’I sinned, but it was not worth it. God rescued me from the grave and now my life is filled with light’.”(Emphasis mine).

Similarly, Job himself had wished for a mediator, an intercessor (Job 9:33-34). God certainly raised intercessors for my cause, far and near, now and then, single and corporate. There were a couple of missionaries in a rural area who had been praying over the past couple of years against my death. A couple of national intercessory leaders were in attending an international conference in Kenya last year when God gave a vision to one of them in their hotel that necessitated they intercede against my death. A national leader of the Ibadan Varsity Christian Union Alumni Fellowship to which I belong was in the United Kingdom when God repeatedly put a burden in her heart that she prays for me. The sisters in the Christian Missionary Foundation CMF Nigeria were having a national retreat a little after I had the neuro-surgery. They were to have one-hour morning devotion when two of them had unpleasant visions about me that lead to a sustained six hour corporate intercession for me. That was in the week that I virtually crossed the bridge of death due to post surgical complications.

Hebrews 11:35 talks of ‘women who received their dead to life’. The ‘Wailing Women Ministry’ (Jeremiah 9:17), of which my spouse is a zonal leader continued individually and collectively in their intercessions for me. To a Throne room cell in the north, the Lord assured them that he allowed this so that He may be glorified. Brethren and colleagues subscribed on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. & This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. continued their prayers and encouraging words. On a Sunday morning, the whole church at the Glory Tabernacle, Ibadan, possibly the largest church in Ibadan, lifted up their voice to cry out to God for my complete healing. Family members organized prayers and spiritual warfare for me. Many other brethren, known and unknown prayed and interceded for me. Oh what the goodness and the love of the house of God!


Testimonies also abound about the delicate and expensive brain surgery. First a final definite diagnosis on my condition was made after the surgery. Second it amazed the doctors that the lymphoma tumour was restricted to the brain and had not spread to other part of the nervous system and body. Thirdly the unbearable pains I had experienced for over a year waned immediately after the surgery. The valley of dry bones in my face rose to life. Then though some serious post surgical complications developed later, God truncated the satanic ploy in response to brethren and family prayers. Of testimony also is the generosity I experienced. So far I have spent well over half a million naira ($4000.00) on the condition. In fact a pharmacy shop began to give me a 5% discount on an expensive drug I regularly bought over a month while another gave me a Christmas/new year gift for my regular patronage! But the generosity of brethren, family members, in-laws, colleagues and friends was touching. Of particular note was that of the Well of Salvation (missionary) Ministry Ibadan. Likewise was the voluntary free donation of blood for the surgery by twelve Christian Medical Students of the Nigerian Christian Medical and Dental Students Fellowship (NCMDS), UCH, Ibadan Teaching Hospital.

Despite the great relief that came from the surgery which resulted in the removal of over 70% of the brain tumor, there was still the need for anticancer and antiviral chemotherapy scheduled to run over at least six months to handle the remaining and prevent further growth.
This is the first and only case of viral lymphoma ever diagnosed or attempted treated at the University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan. It occurred to me that a reason why the Lord allowed me to have the surgery and chemotherapy is for record purposes at UCH and for us to know the cost we are saved from when we have miracles of divine healing without surgery or chemotherapy.


Of great significance also are the many assurances that the Lord has given that ‘this sickness is not to death’. However the lesions and their negative effects on my left face, left eye, left ear, left side of the lip/gum and general circulatory system still persists. On the first day of March, while I was still in hospital admission for chemotherapy, the Lord showed me a revelation. Still in my hospital condition, He directed me to approach two persons, which I later realized were a doctor and a nurse, for my discharge certificate. I collected it and woke up. Though I am not yet physically all right, I am spiritually discharged. As one of the interceding sister said to me ‘…situation around us may shake us, but we stand on an unshakable kingdom…our God is true and just’. I have God’s divine promise in Hebrews 2; 4 which states that ‘ God verified the message by signs and wonders and various miracles and by giving gifts of the Holy Spirit whenever He chose to do so’. Divine healing is the ultimate solution, and he will show his miracle, sign and wonder in divinely healing me of all ailments, as King Hezekiah experienced in Isaiah 38. By divine healing, I will be wholly made whole, by the power and love of him who was wounded and crushed for our sins, beaten that we may have peace, and was whipped and I am healed (Isaiah 53:9). Like Abraham, I am absolutely convinced that God is able to do anything he promised (Romans 4:21) Amen.

“I will walk before the Lord in the land of the living” (Psalm 116:9 KJV).

By the Lampstand. March 2004.


The story of the ten lepers who were healed and the one whom the Lord declared as being made whole tells us that there is a step after divine healing. As we praise God, thank the Lord, give glory to Him and testify of his goodness in the land of the living, He shall make us whole and well again. I shall be healed and made wholly well to the glory of our Lord. Amen.
By the Lampstand. March 2004


Four spiritual factors have been identified to contribute to the Job-type health afflictions the Lord allowed me to undergo this past couple of years. In this edition, two of these factors are examined in general biblical light, beyond what I personally experienced. They are the issues of household enemies and domestic witchcraft. The objective is to sensitize us Christians on the need to face these factors before they ambush us.


“Hear this message from the Lord, and tremble at his words: ‘Your close relatives hate you and throw you out for being loyal to my name…but they will be put to shame’.”(Isaiah 66:5)

“Don’t trust anyone- your best friend or even your wife! For the son despises his father .The daughter her mother. The daughter-in-law defies her mother-in-law. Your enemies will be right in your household” (Micah 7:5-6).

“…You will serve your brother for a time, but then you will shake loose from him
And be free” (Genesis 27:40b)

The biblical household consists of one’s parents, brothers/sisters, wife/husband, In-laws and other relatives/family members/dependants in an extended family, living with him or of his hometown (see Joshua 2:18, 6:25). Every household has a traditional religious past, which are usually idolatrous until the Lord calls a member of the family out unto himself. Abram was from an idolatrous past before he was called out (Genesis 12:1-5).

But even when some of the ancestors have been called and are with the Lord, their descendants are still influenced by their fore parent’s idolatrous background. The case of Jacob, whose household still carried idols, despite the long history of his forbearer’s covenant with the Lord, refers (Genesis 35:1-4). The LORD usually draws individual members of a household into covenant relationship with himself, as was the case of Abram. And like Gideon experienced (Judges Chapter 6), this draws a backlash of spiritual antagonism and hostility from family members and even his townsmen. The prophet Isaiah reverberates this situation across nations and people groups when he referred to people who chose their own ways of worship and hate/persecute close relatives who are loyal to God and obey him (Isaiah 66:1-5).

In fact the Lord states clearly and strongly that becoming a loyal follower of his will lead to a family division and breach of peaceful relationship with close family members. From his own personal experience, he stated that “A prophet is honored everywhere except in his own HOMETOWN and among his RELATIVES and his OWN FAMILY (Mark 6:4. Emphases mine).

In Matthew 10:22, the Lord links the hatred and persecution of his loyal followers to household enemies (Matt. 10:21, 34-36; Luke 12:49-53). While this enmity may be as mild as just shunning such a believer by the household, it could be as severe as occultist limitations in life, stunting of destiny, witchcraft and disease attack and even death threat (like I faced). Unfortunately many Christians seem to discountenance this abiding situation, making us prone to endemic household enmity and crippling spiritual attacks.


In introducing the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ, John the Baptist declared that He would baptize us with the Holy Spirit and with fire (Matt. 3:11-12, Luke 3:17). In affirming his Ministry, the Lord himself stated: “I have come to bring fire to the earth, and I wish that my task were already completed” (Luke 12:49). He was linking the acceptance of his message by believers to a repercussion of discord, division and strife from the believer’s household enemies (Luke 12:49-53).

Baptism with fire is therefore a major paraphernalia for all believers in anticipation and dealing with the household enmity that arise from their following of Christ. Such household enmity is the chaff that will be burnt with the never-ending fire we are baptized with (Matt. 3:12, Luke 3:17). In 2 Samuel 23:5-7, David contrasted his covenanted, secure family with the “Sons of Beliah” (NKJV) who are liken to thorn to
be ‘consumed with fire’. Deuteronomy 13:13 has earlier described the ‘children of Beliah’ as “certain men…from among you...saying, Let us go and serve other god, which you have not known”. These are idolatrous family members.

David was one person that had vast experience with household enmity. Among David’s last words was the stern warning that one must not treat household enemies with kid’s gloves, as they are like thorns that “tear the hand that touches them. One must be armed to chop them down; they will be utterly consumed with fire” (2 Samuel 23:6-7).
We have been armed with the Holy Ghost and fire, and as we speak the words of God in prayers and spiritual warfare against our household enemies, they will be consumed with the fire of the spirit. Believers, arm yourselves with the sword of the spirit, and unleash the Holy Ghost fire on every form of household wickedness and enmity, while we give room for mercy and repentance, snatching the repentant from the flames of judgment (Jude 23).

In Psalm 1:4, wickedness is liken to the ‘worthless chaff’, meant for fire. Thus while obedient believers are liken to fruit-bearing trees, and Holy Spirit-separated grains, the “sons of Beliah” household enemies are prickly thorns and useless chaff that are meant for burning (Matthew 3:11-12; Psalm 1:1-5).
“Therefore they will all disappear like burning straw… (Isaiah 5:24). Amen.
(N.B. The following portion on domestic witchcraft is culled from part of LampstandLetters No. 26 which dealt with the wider topic of ECCLESIASTICAL WITCHCRAFT AND MANIPULATION).


What is witchcraft?

Witchcraft is the sinful use of carnal or demonic spirits to influence, manipulate or control/limit others, to usurp divine authority, or to maintain a status quo when God wants a change (I Sam. 15:23, 2 Kings 9:22, Nahum 3:4). It can be manifested even in God’s own people (Deut. 18:10, Gal 5:20). Words used interchangeably or closely related to witchcraft in the bible include divination, sorcery, enhancement, soothsaying and forth telling (Compare Micah 5:12 Jer. 27:9 Nahum 3:4 and Deut 18:9-14 in KJV, NKJV, NIV & GNB versions). Everyone who indulges in divination practices witchcraft. Another word that is closely associated with witchcraft in the bible is idolatry (See I Sam 15:23, 2 King 9:22 and Gal 5:20.) This is so because idolatry, like witchcraft is a form of manipulation. An idolater creates himself a god that he can manipulate and worship, not on the terms of the god but mainly on the idol-worshipper’s terms.


Domestic witchcraft is the demonic or carnal witchcraft practiced among the household, extended family members and in-laws. Typified by the form exhibited by the siblings Laban and Rebecca (Gen. 24:29) and their children Jacob and Rachael (who later married one another) are a classical example of domestic witchcraft. All four of them were related by birth, origin and marriage. Laban was a diviner (Gen. 30:27 NIV) who cheated and manipulated his nephew Jacob, first to marry Leah alongside Rachael (Gen. 29:15-30) and then reduced his wages ten (10) times while making him accountable for losses in the flock (Gen. 31:38-42). Rebecca was a manipulator who backed Jacob to supplant his elder brother Esau, and ensure he got his father Isaac’s blessing by trickery and deceit (Gen. 27). (However Rebecca exhibited a positive attitude when she volunteered to take upon herself any resultant curse that could come upon Jacob Gen. 27:11-13. Today we have even Christian mothers that habitually curse their children).

Jacob (meaning deceiver, who grasps by the heel) was a manipulator par excellence. He schemed and manipulated God and men and prevailed Gen. 32:28. His scheming however was repugnant to God who brought a charge and judgment against him and his descendants after him (Hosea 12: 2-3). Every form of witchcraft, every form of manipulation, scheming, deception or supplanting is repugnant to God, as is every form of rebellion (see I Sam 15:23). They remind him of what Lucifer did (Isaiah 14; 12-15 and Rev. 12:7-9).

Like her cousin and husband Jacob, Rachael’s life was that of contention and manipulation against her elder sister Leah and later even her husband Jacob (see Gen. 30:8:15.) She was also a nag (Gen. 30:1) who manipulated her husband to lie with a house girl (Gen. 30:3-4). She was an Idolater-diviner (Gen. 31:19) who successful tricked and deceived her father (Gen. 31:34-35). Like Rebecca, Rachael thus manifested two forms of domestic witchcraft – household and marital witchcraft.

One usual feature of domestic witchcraft and manipulation is that is it inherited, passed from one generation to another. If a parent practices witchcraft or is a manipulator, at least one of the siblings will imbibe or inherit these traits. If a man manipulates his wife, very likely his son or daughter will also want to manipulate the spouse. If a woman is rebellious or practices witchcraft, no only will the daughter grow up rebellious and manipulative, her son will likely be henpecked and weak, looking for a wife that will manipulate him as his mother did to his father!

In Hosea 12:2, the Lord says He will recompense (repay) Jacob’s descendant according to his deeds. As Laban deceived Jacob, him (Gen. 31:34-35) Jacob’s sons were also deceitful as their father (Gen. 34:13), while Rueben supplanted and defiled his father’s bed (Gen. 35:22 49:3-4)

If the first fruit is holy, the lump is also. If the root is holy, the branches are Rom. 11:16. If the root parent is unholy, then the branches (off-springs) will also be. Hence we are called to cut off the wild nature we inherited and be fully grafted into the holy olive nature of Christ (Rom 11:16-24).

What does God say of the practitioners of witchcraft? He says in Exodus 22:18 that we should not suffer a witch to live. And in Leviticus 20:27, that the man or woman who practices witchcraft shall surely be put to death by stoning outside the city, their blood shall be upon them (that is upon the slain witchcraft practitioners) themselves. In Deuteronomy 18:10-12, God groups the witch among diviners, enchanters, charmers, necromancers, those who deal with familiar spirits, etc and calls them all “an abomination unto the LORD”.
When household members use domestic witchcraft to supplant, cheat or limit your destiny, like Rebecca and Jacob did to Esau, “…You will serve your brother for a time, but then you will shake loose from him and be free”(Genesis 27:40b). Now is the time to shake loose to break the yoke and be free from every limitation. It can be seen in Exodus 22:18 and Leviticus 20:27 that a death sentence hangs over every witch and wizard. Call upon God to execute this sentence on your domestic witchcraft practitioners.

May this sentence of the scripture fall upon every practitioner of domestic witchcraft who refuses to repent. Amen.

By the Lampstand. March 2004.


The Lampstand (also known as the candlestick) is the stand where the lamp is put to shine its light (Mark 4:21, Luke 11:33). God’s word is the lamp for our feet and light for our path (Psalm 119:105). Lampstandletters are thus written exposition of God’s word so that we may ‘Walk in the light of the Lord’ (Isaiah 2:5). In Daniel 5:5 was a divine hand-writing illuminated by the Lampstand. It took a man with the Spirit of God, a sharp excellent mind, divine knowledge and understanding, interpretation of dreams, showing of hard sentences, and dissolving of doubts to tell what the writing by the Lampstand was (Dan.5:12-28). Pray in this light for the publisher and contributors to LampstandLetters.

Bro U.O. in Ibadan sponsored the printing of the last edition of the Lampstandletters.
This edition was produced on hospital bed during post-surgery chemotherapy.

“O house of Jacob, Come and let us walk in the light of the Lord” Isaiah 2:5
By the Lampstand. No. 34 Ibadan. March, 2004
LAMPSTAND LETTERS Publisher/Editor: Dr TayoBabalobi, Lampstand Letter Ministry, University
Post Office Box 4150, Ibadan, Nigeria.
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