Lampstand Letter

Sunday, 01 June 2003 04:31


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No 32: January to June 2003
“Write therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later” Rev. 1:19



In the first week of January 2003, I attended a night vigil at which the elderly prophet who ministered gave me an incredible message. Speaking to me by word of knowledge, he told me that he saw a vision of members of my father’s house in my hometown lamenting that I had chosen a different God to serve and neglected to serve Ogun, the family god. The prophet then overheard them scheming and planning how to bring me back to the worship of Ogun and the gods of my fathers. He thus counseled that I be wary and prayerful. Truly, my paternal grandfather, Logunoje Falobi, a famed hunter, was an Ogun and Ifa priest, and the head of the Ogboni cult in Ijesaland, Osun State during his lifetime. It was the miracle of restoration of her blind sight, which the Lord used the late Apostle Babatope of (The Apostolic Church/ Christ Apostolic Church), to perform on my paternal grandmother that led her scion of the Falobi clan to become Christians, a faith my father inherited and passed on. Based on a divine leading, my brother and I have changed our names from Falobi (meaning born of Ifa) to Babalobi (meaning 'born of the heavenly Father').

But is it possible that the gods of the fathers can pull back a child of God like me, who even has a ministry calling, back to idolatry if such a one is not wary? Does the spiritual history of a place/setting affect the inhabitants thereof, even after the people have given their lives to Christ? Do the ancestral gods and idols of one’s family have the potential to negatively affect one spiritually, even after you have been born gain? The answer is YES, and the example of Gideon (Judges 6/8) and Jerusalem/the Israelites (Ezekiel 16) to illustrate.


Gideon made an idol from the gold and put it in his hometown, Oprah. All Israel abandoned God and went there to worship the idol. It was a trap for Gideon and his family (Judges 8:27)

The case of Gideon is an unfortunate example of a man who started his ministry by cutting down his father’s idolatrous altar, but who ends by setting up an idol, which became a snare to the people of Israel.

The meaning of the name Gideon is “one who cuts off iniquity”. A cognomen of the name is Jerubbaal, meaning ‘he will contend with Baal” Gideon was introduced as the one who cut down his father’s altar to the god Baal and goddess Asherah. Then he led Israel for forty (40) years. But at his end he was presented as the one who built up a golden altar, which he placed in his hometown Ophrah. All Israel abandoned God and went to worship the idol, which became a snare to Gideon and his family. At his death all Israel had gone back to worship the Baals and Asherahs which Gideon had so valiantly destroyed forty years earlier. Clearly his nativity (hometown) and the gods of his fathers caught up with him, despite his exploits. Can this also happen to a child/minister of God today?


Then another message came to me from the Lord. Son of man, confront Jerusalem with her loathsome sins. Give her this message from the Sovereign LORD: You are nothing but a Canaanite! Your father was an Amorite and your mother a Hittite! (Ezekiel 16:1-3). The city of Jerusalem was initially an Amorite city. Joshua fought against Adoni-zedek and five other Amorite kings (Joshua 10). The children of Judah also dealt with Adoni- Bezek (Judges 1:1-10), while it was the King David who finally subdued the city and made it the eternal capital of Israel (2 Samuel 5:6-13). But by the time of Joshua, even though the Jews had inhabited the city for centuries, God had to send the prophets to confront the land and her inhabitants about their detestable practices (Ezekiel 16:2). To point to the origin of their present loathsome abomination, the Lord told Ezekiel: “You must say to Jerusalem: look at your history. You were born in Canaan; your Father was an Amorite, your mother a Hittite (Ezekiel 16:3 Easy-to-Read version. Emphasis mine)

Two historical factors therefore contributed to the present situation of ‘redeemed’ Jerusalem:

  1. Her Nativity (or place of birth)
  2. Her ancestry

1.3 Nativity = Canaan

Canaan was the son of Ham who gave his name to the land Canaan. The Canaanites were a wicked people because they descended from a wicked Father. (Cruden’s Complete Concordance of the Bible). I was recently reading a newspaper article (Saturday Guardian, 11th January 20030, in which the writer was commenting on the vocational patterns of Nigerians in Italy. According to the writer, while Nigerians from Edo and Delta States were into prostitution, those from the Igbo -speaking areas were into hard drug courier and trade and the Yoruba were into fraud and other ‘419’ activities. Clearly their nativity followed them to even outside the sores of Nigeria!

1.4 Your Father an Amorite

Amorite meaning bitter, rebel was a generic name for the tribes inhabiting Canaan. At the time of Abraham, they are introduced as a wicked generation for whom the LORD was willing to wait for four hundred year for the iniquity to be full (Genesis 15:16). Joshua fought against five kings of the Amorites (Judges 10) and at his valedictory speech gave the Israelites the choice of worshipping the Lord or the gods of the Amorites that lived in the land (Joshua 24:15). By the time of Elijah, Ahab was recorded as having continued in the abominations of the Amorites (1 Kings 21:26), as did Manasseh after him (2 Kings 21:11). So that by the time of Ezekiel, the whole of Jerusalem/ Israel followed after the disgusting idolatry of the Amorites. Between Abraham and Moses, the Amorites had lived four hundred years of Abominations. Between Joshua (circa 1240 BC) and Ezekiel’s time (circa 592 BC), was 648 years of Israelites’ conquest of Jerusalem, Yet the sins of the original Amorite settlers still caught up with the Israelite after more than one thousand years!

1.5 Your Mother a Hittite.

The Hittites were descendants of Heth, the second son of Canaan. Like their father, they were known for their idolatrous wickedness.The first mention of the Hittite was in relation to Esau who married two Hittites girls who brought grief to Isaac and Rebecca (Genesis 26:34). The land of the Hittite was part of the land promised to the Israelite and rather than exterminate them, the Israelite settled among them, intermarried with them and worshipped their gods (Judges 3:5-6, 2 Chronicles 8: 7). The negative influence of daughters from idolatrous backgrounds has trapped men of all generations, including Solomon, acclaimed the wisest man that ever lived (1 King 11:1-8).

“Like Mother, like daughter”

“The Lord said, people will use this proverb about you, “like Mother, Like Daughter. You really are your mother’s daughter. She detested her husband and her children. You are like your sisters, who hated their husbands and their children. You and your sisters had a Hittite mother and an Amorite father (Ezekiel 16: 44-45).

Like my father used to counsel, ‘if you want to know how your wife will relate with/ behave to you, then check how her mother related with her father’ (the converse if also true for husbands).

What lessons are applicable to us today from Gideon and Jerusalem’s experiences?
It is not sufficient to denounce our ancestral roots and idols, or physically cut down their altars. Altars and covenants may be old, desolate, defunct or quiet for a session or for centuries. But they will still have a muted voice and a claim to the land, its children and inhabitants. Once a ‘son of the kingdom’ arises, puts up he grabs of a priest and offer sacrifices to such altars, they are reactivated. Once reactivated, they seek to control all those who identify with they, including all her ‘children’ serving other gods. And even those serving the true and Almighty God are vulnerable, if their heart is not fully circumcised or they desist for a moment from truly serving God.
The antidote for us is to serve God in spirit and in truth, all the days of our life. We must guard diligently our heart from out it flows the issues of life. Our heart is God’s altar, and idolatry is set up first in the heart, before it physically manifests (Ezekiel 14:3). It is not enough to be born-again or even be God’s minister. We must always maintain a sincere (not proud, insincere) heart and a sue faith, having our hearts regularly purged of an evil conscience. Why do men of God fall and build again the things, which they have cast down. One reason is the pull of their nativity and the gods of their father’s house. We therefore must be watchful and humble, receiving grace and living in the fear of the Lord, lest we end our days like Gideon, in idolatry or in their modern day manifestation in pride, self-promotion, lasciviousness, immorality etc, despite our years of service to the Lord.

Blessed be He who is able to keep to the outmost all that I committed into his hands. Blessed be the Lord who gives us victory in all things through our Lord Jesus. Amen

By the Lampstand. January 2003.


And Moses said unto God, Behold when I come to the children of Israel and say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they say to me what is his name?…Exodus 3:13 What are the names of your father’s gods?


But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from old, from ancient times (Micah 5:2).

The earthly nativity of Jesus was Bethlehem (Matthew 2:1); his earthly ancestry was a son of David (Luke 2:4). Ephrathah, a descendant of Judah founded Bethlehem (1 Chronicles 4:1- 4). And as descendant of David, Jesus inherited the eternal covenant (Psalm 89: 34 –37). Beyond the earthly, Jesus had a spiritual Nativity and ancestry “...his origins are from old, from ancient (everlasting) times… Like Melchizedek “without father or mother, without genealogy, without beginning if days or end of days” (Hebrews 7:3). Thus Jesus could declare “… I know where I came from. And I know where I am going… (John 8:14). And he then ministers, not on the basis of his ancestry, but on the basis of the power of an indestructible life (Hebrews 7:16). Amen


The story of the woman with the twelve-year issue of blood is well known. Until she met with the Lord Jesus, she had suffered much in the hands of MANY physicians, spending all that she has. In 2001, I had a difficult tooth extraction. Obviously damage was done to the nerves and blood vessels supplying that region as a result of the extraction. Since then I started developing pains on my left side of the lips, which by the end of last year developed to excruciating pains on the whole of the left side of the face which made sleep impossible It took five General Practitioners, two ophthalmologists, seven dentists in three hospitals, eight X-rays in three places, physiotherapy, different drugs and much prayers, fasting and night vigils organized by different brethren over five months to get appreciable relief, even though there are still some intermittent pains. Then I had an idea of what it means to suffer much n the hands of many physicians!


3.1 a. Definition

Use of collated historical, geographical and demographic features of a place/person/ people to discern, diagnose and identify the satanic spiritual characteristics of the place/ person/people. All information got from spiritual mapping is then represented on a MAP (or a computer using Geographic Information Systems), to physically highlight the spiritual characteristics of the place. Spiritual mapping is a MEANS to a goal, the goal being informed intercessions, spiritual walks and prophetic actions to deal with the satanic powers hindering the place/people from salvation, or a person from the fullness of the life of Christ.

3.2 Other definitions

  1. Spiritual mapping is a geographic understanding of spiritual things People are beings of place; we're always somewhere specific, because we're bodied beings, living in local communities © 2002 Robert Longman Jr.
  2. Harold Caballeros says that what an X-ray is to a physician, spiritual mapping is to intercessors. ...
  3. Spiritual mapping allows intercessors to see the world situation with their spiritual radar the way God sees it. ...
  4. Spiritual mapping is the process of collating and putting spiritual information concerning a region or people on a map. The accumulated data is used in spiritual warfare to seize that region or people group from the enemy. Spiritual mapping is like having a bright light focused on an otherwise dimly lit area. It allows us to see how the enemy is strategizing and exposes Satan’s hidden agenda for that particular region or people group. (Battle Axe Brigade)
  5. Spiritual mapping is an attempt to see our city (or nation or neighborhood) as it really is, not as it appears to be. It is a serious effort to discern the spiritual forces of the invisible world, which directly influence the visible, everyday world and prevent men and women from hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (
  6. A spiritual technology for completing the Great Commission in our generation" (Peter Wagner)

b. Synonyms = Strategic Level Spiritual Warfare (opposed to ground level spiritual warfare)

3.3 c. Origin

Spiritual mapping is a Pentecostal creation. It started with John Dawson's book, Taking Our Cities for God, published in 1989 by Creation House. The book's subtitle is: "How to Break Spiritual Strongholds.” John Dawson, at that time, directed Youth With A Mission in Los Angeles, California. In a quest for more effective evangelism tools, he taught that demonic forces block gospel efforts. He focused particularly on geographical areas such as cities, especially cities. His thesis: the power and influence of the "principalities and powers" over a city must be broken before the gospel will significantly advance. He said that "satanic forces manifest(ing) themselves in the culture of the city," (page 19) and will prevent conversions from occurring. Others such as Peter Wagner and George Otis Jnr, both associated with the AD 2000 Movement (www. and the Church Growth Movement have further developed the theme.

3.4 d. Some Biblical Basis

Mark 4:22, Numbers 13:1-2, 17-20,29 Acts 17:16, 22-23, Proverbs 1:20-23 Jeremiah 10:10-11 I Kings 20:23 Daniel 10:13 I Kings 11:33 Jeremiah 7:18 Ezekiel 8:14 Exodus 12:12

3.5 e. Some Criticism of Spiritual Mapping

‘…A misguided focus on the demonic …Spiritual mapping is an attempt to accomplish through human effort what Christ has already done, a magical, works centered ploy, man centered… Whatever happened to the sovereign work of God?’ (Kent Philpott, Miller Avenue Baptism church/ (Leanne Payne / Pastoral Care Ministries Newsletter. Spring / Summer 2001). Other criticism borders on execution – ‘…It focuses far too much on Satan…show an obsession with method and detail…draw from extreme ideas about spiritual warfare, including 'territorial spirits'...some of these ideas border on superstition: for instance, one mapping effort marked out a museum which displayed ancient Asian artifacts that supposedly bore 'evil spirits' from their native land which were 'occultically influencing' the neighborhood...’ (Cited in SPIRITUAL MAPPING as a tool for the mission of the church in the place where you live © 2002 Robert Longman Jnr). Most criticism is from the orthodox/ evangelical church. It is usual to be suspicious of what we do not understand and be critical when we are conservative.

3.6 What is done in spiritual mapping

  1. A study of the History/Origin/Founders of a land and its people as well as their culture, religion and peculiar habits
  2. A geographical location of satanic strongholds e.g. altars, shrines, brothels, alcohol joints, robbery spots, area boys strongholds, occultist groups/churches, places of congregation (parks, markets, high schools etc.), and ancient landmarks like war site, first settlement, entry points/gates, war sites, massacre locations, mortuaries, riots spots, and original houses of prostitution).
  3. Demography and distribution of 2 above

3.7 Components

  1. Prayer and fasting
  2. Bible survey
  3. Library/book research
  4. Interviews
  5. Field surveys
  6. Collation, Organization, Presentation, Summary, Analysis and Interpretation of data

3.8 Points to note.

  1. Spiritual mapping is a TEAM WORK. A survey of a city or neighborhood may need ten to twelve team members working in humility, love, boldness, holiness, anointing and authority under a team leader. Each team member must have a personal conviction that he is called to be a mapper.
  2. A typical mapping exercise is a long-term project of at least six to twenty four months. Team members should therefore prepare for a marathon rather than a sprint
  3. Spiritual mapping can be both interesting and frustrating at different times
  4. Spiritual Mapping is a spiritual intelligence/spying work that is not necessarily secret but needs wisdom and confidentiality. It may be sometimes spiritually or physically risky but has certainty of angelic cover
  5. Mappers should be accountable to and operate hand in hand with pastors and local elders at the gate from whom they will need wise counsel and spiritual judgment (Proverbs 11; 14, 20; 18, 24; 6).
  6. Remember that Spiritual mapping is a means to a goal and not a goal in itself. Results of spiritual mapping should thus be made available to the body of Christ to plan effective spiritual warfare and evangelists strategies.

3.9 Suggestions for further study

  1. Goggle web search on spiritual mapping
  2. Spiritual mapping for effective spiritual warfare. Copyright © Battle Axe Brigade www.
  3. Biblical Approach to Strategic Missions Research Copyright © Tayo Babalobi. Christian Missionary Foundation Publications, Ibadan, Nigeria.


If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?" Psalm 11:3

Is it enough for a Christian, a Godly man, to be on the throne for all to go well with the land? Beyond the man on the Throne, the nature of the throne, and the historical/spiritual background of the throne and its location are equally (if not more) critical. To apply these principles to the Nigerian situation, I invite you to peruse the following insight from the Intercessors for America (IFA) about the historical/spiritual background of Washington DC, America's Capital: -

As we engage in our annual National Day of Prayer on Thursday, May 3 and in First Friday fasting, it seems appropriate that we focus concerted intercession on the District established to be the seat of our nation. President George Washington, empowered by Congress, in 1791 selected a site along the Potomac River for a Ten-Mile-Square Federal District. This Federal district was envisioned to be coextensive with the Capital city of the United States, Washington. Situated as a diamond between Maryland and Virginia, it was later reduced to 68 square miles, with the Potomac as its southwest border. In 1800 the federal government was transferred from Philadelphia to this federal district. It was called the City of Washington, in the territory of Columbia. Washington is a City Stamped with the Occult. French architect and engineer Major Pierre Charles L'Enfant, appointed by President Washington, drew up the original plan. Dismissed within a year during land disputes, his work was executed by Andrew Ellicott and a talented and often overlooked free black, Benjamin Banneker. L'Enfant, a visionary who successfully lay plans for a city of 800,000, was also a Freemason and incorporated Masonic symbols -the Square, the compass and the pentagram- into his street plan. Freemasonry imprints the heart of the city to this day.

The cornerstones of the Capitol, The White House and other federal buildings, many reflecting Greek temple architecture, were laid in Masonic ritual. Masonic Federal Lodge No. 1 was chartered in 1793 and held its first meeting "on the site of the present House of Representatives Office Buildings." James Hoban, Architect of the White House and Superintendent of the Capitol's construction, was installed as its first "Worshipful Master"( Master Masons helped direct the Capitol construction crews, which, as documents discovered last year show, included at least 400 slaves. Several U.S. presidents have taken the oath of office with their hand laid on a Masonic Bible dating from the founding of the nation. It is significant to note that neither President Bush nor Vice President Cheney chose to use this Masonic Bible during their Inauguration on January 21, 2001. Instead, they placed their hands on family Bibles. Some of you might have received prayer alerts initiated by Ron Campbell, author of "Free from Freemasonry," calling for intercession that the Lord might intervene in just the way described. Let us offer sincere thanksgiving. History records that the founding of our federal government as an institution, and of the federal district as the seat of government, was a spiritual "mixture." Judeo-Christian biblical truth and principles were mingled with Greco-Roman philosophy and humanism, with Masonic and occult practices, and with influences from arcane societies long associated with "the kings of the earth," aristocratic ruling classes, and international monetary systems.

Scripture warns that individuals and nations which practice idolatry and the occult will become "confused and confounded" for these "eastern ways", and that their days will be filled with futility (Isaiah 1:29-31; 2:6-8). Tragically, the 210-year history of our nation's capital is marked with just such confusion and turmoil. ...As the U.S. emerged a world power after World War II, additional spiritual forces were brought into the District by an increase in embassies, their staffs and religions and cultures from most every nation on earth. These, combined with the wounds from slavery, civil rights struggles, and the existing Masonic and occult influences worked to generate one of the most dark, turbulent and volatile spiritual atmospheres over any world-class city on the planet, except for Jerusalem, and major European cities...

Reference: WASHINGTON, DC - A PROFILE FOR PRAYER - Gary Bergel, IFA First Friday Newsletter, May 2001. Reproduction and retransmitted is permitted when IFA is credited and the IFA Web site is referenced (


‘He moved on from there and dug another well, and no one quarreled over that. He named it Rehoboth, saying,’ Now the LORD has given us room and we shall flourish in the land’ (Genesis 26:22).

A number of life principles are embedded in the record of Isaac’s pilgrimage unto his Rehoboth, where he found a well that the enemies and adversaries did not strife over (Genesis 26:17-22). Even though his father Abraham had dug and provided wells for him a long time ago, enemies- the Philistine- had covered them up after Abraham’s death, before Isaac could inherit his lot. Isaac first attempt to reopen one of the wells was met with “Esek”, which means dispute /argument/ fight. Since the servant of God must not strife, he moved on to open the second well and the result was even worse- ‘Sitnah’, meaning opposition/hatred/enmity. What started as a dispute had degenerated into hatred and enmity.

Another person would have given up or murmured /complained to God or even turn carnal, giving it back to the Gerarites in physical warfare. After all did not his father Abraham deal with five kings with just 318 servants born in his house? (Genesis 14:14 -16). But Isaac forged ahead and dug the third well. This time there was not contention, and the Lord made a room for him to flourish. Man born of woman must meet contention and strife at many points in his life. Even the child of God for whom the heavenly father had made preparations for and has a destiny for must first have to re-dig the wells which the wicked Philistine of our age have covered up, and then deal with the Gerarites of life. Even when you are fulfilling a divine agenda and doing God’s work, like Nehemiah, you have to contend with the Sanballat and Tobiahs. Not to speak of when you have to contend with your own lot, destiny and divine portion in life. With all the evil men and seducers abound.

Beloved, the Lord is your lot and portion. He has secured your share and inheritance. The lines are fallen unto you in pleasant places. You have a Godly inheritance already. But the Philistine and Granites are on the way, stopping your wells and contending with your divine portion. You must not be deterred, press on until you get to your Rehoboth. Amen.

By The Lampstand. January 2003.


Beginning a quarrel is like opening a floodgate; so drop the matter before a dispute breaks out (Proverbs 17:14).

What began as a mere dispute, disagreement and argument between Isaac and the shepherds of Gerar, later became enmity, opposition and hatred. It took a parting of ways, a moving ahead and abandonment before strive ceased and there was room for everyone involved (Genesis 26:19-22).
Can you know understand why couples who once really loved themselves and vowed to live the rest of their lives ‘for better, for worse’, became strangers or separated or divorced from one another? Understand how families where there were once laughter and cooperation now became embittered and dispersed one from another? It takes two to tango. Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 5 is for us not to resist the evil person and turn the other cheek. It is for us to allow God to take vengeance on our behalf. It is for us to allow the advisory stew in his our stew. However there are times when the will have to be parting of ways for peace to reign (1 Corinthians 7:15), when we need to ‘cast out the scorner for contentions, strive and calling of names to cease (Proverbs 22:10). But most times what is needed is yielding and submitting, even to those less than you, like the powerful Isaac did to the contending shepherds of Gerar. ‘Follow peace with all…’ (Hebrews 12:14).

By the Lampstand. January 2003.


If you are wont to murmur and complain, it is because you have not learnt to accept instruction, according to Isaiah 29:24b:
‘…and those who constantly complain will accept instruction’ (New Living Translation).
‘…and those who are always grumbling will be glad to be taught’ (Today’s English Version).



In contemporary times, the geographical north has earned notoriety as economic and political blights on nations. In Nigeria, the North is associated with political misrule, economic parasites, social backwardness, religious extremities/crisis and educational disadvantage. A recent dimension is the infiltration of foreign rebels/militia from the North- the Chadian and Nigerien infiltrations into Nigeria and the Burkinabe insurrection into Northern Cote D'Ivoire. Even during the recent Iraqi war, the US forces met their greatest resistance and casualty from the north of Iraq. Has it always being like this, even in Biblical times?

The North represented at least two features in the scriptures:

  1. As the Seat of gods- the mountain of assembly, the mountain of congregation, the mountain of the gods, the mountain where the gods assemble (Isaiah 14:13, Psalm 48:2). The Hebrew word Zaphon (Isaiah 14:13, Psalm 48:2) means “north, hidden”, the heavenly mountain where the Canaanite people believed their gods lived and met together (Easy-to-Read Version). Mount Zion in contrast is described as the true mountain of God, situated on the sides of the North. Lucifer’s ambition was to preside on the mountain of the gods, far away in the North (New Living Translation).
  2. The Northern Army- The North was the direction, the source from which evil invading enemy armies came in to desolate the land. The Babylonian armies and the armies from countries north and east of the nation of Israel attacked Judah and Israel from the North (Jeremiah 1:14, 4:13-15, 10:22, 46:22 – 24).

The northern army thus represented the desolating army of the aliens. It was the entry point of armies whose goal was a physical, spiritual, economic and social desolation of the land.

As it was in the beginning, so is it today…


'Out of the north, calamity shall break forth on all the inhabitants of the land’ (Jeremiah 1:14)
'For disaster appears from the North and a great destruction’ (Jeremiah 4:6, 6:1)

‘Thus says the Lord, Behold a people comes from the North country and a great nation will be raised from the farthest parts of the earth. They will lay hold on brow and spear, they are cruel and have no mercy; their voices roar like the sea. And they ride on horses, as men set in array against you O daughter of Zion’ (Jeremiah 6:22-23).

The North has always being the source of trouble to Israel in Biblical times. Enemy invasion (the Assyrian and later the Babylonians entered to plunder the land of Israel from the North. The prophet Jeremiah alluded to these in many of his prophesies. But it was the prophet Joel who in chapters 1 and 2 most vividly describes the rampaging and destructive characteristics of what he referred to as the Northern Army (Joel 2; 20). Carried into Israel by the desert wind of Arabia, the locust grew from larvae to adult. He describes four types of locust

  • The chewing locust,
  • The swarming locust,
  • The crawling locust, and
  • The consuming locust.

Each has an insatiable parasitic appetite, each destroying the greenery of the land (Joel 1:4). Wherever they touched is laid bare, nothing green or growing remained (Joel 1; 6-7, 2; 2-3). Those serving god and making offerings to him were worse off, and there was mourning in the land Joel 1:8-20, 2:5-6). Joel diagnosed the invasion of the Northern Army as being permitted by God to judge his people (Joel 2:11). He then called for genuine repentance, individually and corporately by God’s people and a plea for mercy. In response the Lord answered his people removed far from them the Northern Army and restored the land (Joel 2: 18 –27). In addition, He promised to pour His Spirit on the nations of the world. Since its inception as a country, the northern Muslim army, like rampaging locusts, has destroyed Nigeria economically, socially and politically. The continued conflagrations in the North are typical of the rampaging, destructive locust army.

It is only the Lord who has the ability to remove far from us the northern army. Ours is to turn to him in genuine repentance and righteousness, asking for his intervention. He will cast out the horns that terrify us, send his chariots and horses towards the North Country and give us rest (Zechariah 1:18-21, 6:1-8). Amen.

By the Lampstand. September 2001


Isaiah Chapter 18 is a reference to the country divided by rivers (verses 2 and 7), identified as the black nation of Ethiopia (RSV, Easy-to-read Version), Sudan (Good News Bible) or Cush (NIV). This is modern day Sudan, divided by the Blue Nile and the White Nile, with the confluence at Khartoum, the capital city. Sudan is Africa's largest country in land area. The Sudanese were called swift (fast) messengers (or missionaries). The chapter ended with the prophecy that these people will one day serve the Lord, bringing offering to the Lord. The chapter dovetails into chapter 19, which describes the characteristic of the present day Africa.

It was the Lord's will that a generation of messengers (or missionaries) will arise from the black race (See also Psalm 68:31 and Romans 10:14-15). It was a race destined to serve the Lord. Unfortunately, Arab imperialists, riding upon the wings of Islam, have overrun the physical country Sudan, which was thoroughly a black nation. Today, the world's longest civil war goes on between
the Muslim north and the Christian south of Sudan. This is a satanic agenda that has effectively thwarted the divine destiny for this largest African country.

There is yet another land of black people divided by the rivers. Indeed it has the highest population/concentration of black people the world over. Nigeria, divided by the Benue and Niger rivers, has within it one out of every five black people of the world. God in its divine agenda, has destined this nation of Nigeria to be the fulfillment of the prophesy of Isaiah 18 and 19:19 - 24). Out of this nation, swift messengers (missionaries) will go forth to the entire world.

In our time, we have began to have a fulfillment of this prophesy, with Nigerian ministers pioneering the largest churches in places far-flung as Great Britain and Ukraine; and the largest congregations of Christians anywhere being in Nigeria. These are just the tip of the iceberg. In years to come, greater missionary exploits shall yet be recorded of Nigerian Christians. Sudan's loss is Nigeria's gain. But there is a present and serious danger to Nigeria fulfilling her prophetic destiny and missionary mandate. The same strategy of the Arabinization of Sudan on the wings of Islam is being zealously pursued in Nigeria. There had been massive funds inflow from Arabic countries into Nigeria for propaganda (Daawah), training of Islamic zealots and fundamentalists. The introduction of the Shariah and the recurrent attacks on Christians is part of a Sudanization agenda to make Nigeria an Islamic rather than a Moslem country. Subscribers will recall that previous bulletins viz. "The Horse and the Rider" and "The Armies of the Aliens" contained references to this situation.

Christians in Nigeria must be ready to zealously 'contend for the faith' (Jude 3). It is time to contend with the horsemen (Jeremiah 12:5). And our strength must not fail in this day of battle for the soul of Nigeria, nay the black race, indeed a divine agenda. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of satanic strongholds. What are the weapons of our warfare?
There are two:

  1. Prayers/spiritual warfare (Jeremiah 1:10, Ephesians 6:12-20) and
  2. The proclamation of the prevailing word of the Lord through missions and evangelism (Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 1:8).

Arab and Islamic imperialism are like the four-fold invading locust northern army of Joel chapters 1 and 2. In Exodus 10:12-19, an East wind brought invading locusts into Egypt, while a west wind swept them out of the land into the Red Sea. The wind of the Middle East has brought Islam and Arabic imperialism over Africa. But there is the west wind of the gospel and the Spirit of God, which will blow them away, if only like Moses, we intercede and lift up the rod of the everlasting gospel. Arab imperialism and Islam have swept through Black Africa, vowing to dip the Koran in the sea and have the sovereignty of all land between Egypt and Malawi). But when the enemy comes, like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift a standard (Isaiah 59:19b).

But I will remove the locust army from the north and send them far away. I will drive them back into parched wastelands, where they will die. Those in the rear will go into the Dead Sea; those at the front will go into the Mediterranean. The stench of their rotting bodies will rise over the land. Surely the Lord will do great things. Don't be afraid, my people! Be glad and rejoice because the Lord has done great things. (Joel 2:20-21). May Islam become a stench in the land in our own generation. Amen.




The clean sweep of the ALL the far Northern Hausa Fulani and Kanuri states by the ANPP in the recent elections, the flaws notwithstanding, is not surprising. The following quotes appeared in the articles “The Horse and the Rider” and the Coming Conflagration” which have appeared in both the print and email editions of the Lampstandletters “The political ambition of the Caliphate Fulani to rule is not dead and will not die” thus reported an intelligence report some seventy years ago. Also, the Maguni (old Bornu El-Kanemi kingdom) though scattered since 1810 from Yemen to the Atlantic have never ceased hoping to regain their Bornu kingdom. Thus the Caliphate Fulani and Bornu Kanuri up to date believe they are “born to rule” and draw active support from their kinsmen and supporters from North Africa up to Saudi Arabia. Writing in 1924, the progenitor of the Sanusi – Tarrika Islamic political propaganda sect, Sidi Ahmed wrote, “our purpose is to obtain the sovereignty of all the land between Egypt and Malawi”.

But of serious concern is Buhari’s reported vow to make Nigeria ungovernable after 29th May. Likewise is the report in the papers that the PDP in Yobe stated that FOREIGN SOLDIERS were sighted around polling booths during the governorship/presidential elections. The front page of the Nigerian Sunday Tribune 4th May 2003 reports that Northerners have started fleeing the South because of Buhari’s threat. In the article “the Armies of the Aliens” reference was made to many non-Nigerian tribes such as Zarma, Dendi, Kanuri, Mandara etc have assimilated into the northern border states of Nigeria, exerting strong political and economic influences. ‘THE NEWS Magazine Vol. 17, N0 8, 27 August 2001 titled ‘The Jihadist Invasion: How foreign fundamentalists wreck havoc in the North’ reported that “some religious fanatics want(ed) to hide under Islam to train an armed guard to take on Olusegun Obasanjo’s government’. The Head of the Shariah implementation Council in Nigeria Alhaji Datti Ahmed have also been quoted to call on Nigerian Muslims to rise against President Olusegun Obasanjo.

General Buhari is a known Islamic zealot whose loyalty is first to the Muslim whole than to Nigeria. Certainly it will not be out of his character to promote foreign Islamic insurrection across the Nigerian border from surrounding Islamic countries. During his term as Head of State, there was a vacancy for the Secretary General of the OAU. A Nigerian Ibo Christian by name Mr. Peter Onu was then the Assistant Secretary General and was acting as The Secretary General. Despite unanimous request by other African countries that Nigeria formally presented him for ratification as the substantive Secretary General, Buhari refused, preferring a Muslim from neighboring Niger Republic for the post.

Nigerian Christians must continually watch and declare peace to Nigeria’s far borders (Psalm 147:13-14). We should uphold President Obasanjo and other members of his government (Isaiah 54:14-15).


Aside of the foreign observers’ damning report, the testimony of some Nigerians on ground in the South Eastern and South- South states is that the last election was anything but free and fair in those states. Rather it was more of an allocation of seats by the powers that be. Indeed many have compared it to the defunct National Party of Nigeria (NPN)‘s “landslide victory of 1983”, in execution and outcome. In its arrogance and drunkenness, the ruling People’s Democratic Party (PDP) has within four years unofficially changed its slogan from ‘PDP: Power to the People” to “PDP: Power”! The people do not count again in its slogan. At this rate what will the party and her slogan transform to by 2007?

Righteousness and Justice are the foundations of God’s throne. The same may not be said of human thrones. But if the foundation were destroyed, what can the righteous do? It is not enough that a Christian has been returned to office in a manifestly marred election. Christians and especially intercessors should be vigilant and critical watchmen and prophets of the various governments in the seasons to come. As the first step, let’s pray that the election tribunals, which though have a dismay record of correcting electoral frauds, will decisively redress them this time around.

By the Lampstand. May 2003

This edition of Lampstandletters was published with a grant given by the Bread of Life Foundation, Lagos Nigeria.


A man may rise from poverty and become king of his country or go from prison to the throne but if in his old age he is too foolish to take advise, he is not as well off as a young man who is poor but intelligent… somewhere among them is a young man who will take the king’s place” (Ecclesiastics 4; 13-15).

“Better a poor a wise youth than an old and foolish king who will not be admonished no more” (Ecclesiastics 4; 13 New King James Version)

“...he who refuses correction goes astray (Proverbs 10; 17b)

Analysis the handling of contentious State issues by President Obasanjo and listening to his utterances during visits to some states were there are feelings of neglect and marginalization (e.g. his visits to Imo and Bayelsa States); or watching him respond to questions and critical comments on national issues on Radio and TV, I have a restlessness in my spirit and a conviction that there is a problem with the President. He sounds conceited and insensitive, misguided or misadvised, overconfident and overoptimistic, appearing to treat the nation’s deep-seated wounds as if they were mere scratches (Jeremiah 8; 11). The extract below is from THE GUARDIAN of 21st June 2001, in an article
titled "Criticizing Olusegun Obasanjo", written by Edwin Madunagu. Although a Marxist, his analysis of the mindset of Mr. President I find accurately reflect the concerns and restlessness in my spirit which I mentioned above;

"Obasanjo's roles in the termination of the war and re-unification of Nigeria have largely shaped his attitudes to Nigeria (paternalism and messianic), and to eastern part of the country (contempt). Finally, President Olusegun Obasanjo, as I have said, is a born-again Christian.
He was literally snatched from the jaws of death to become the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. He therefore believes that his life was spared for a particular assignment of human redemption. Flowing from this, he believes that, in the affairs of mortals, he is infallible. Beyond that, Obasanjo believes that neither his life, nor his regime can be terminated, unless God wishes. This, for Obasanjo, is not just a homily. It is a practical article of faith.

Every person is a product of his past and limited by his attitude. Elijah the man of the spirit and power was prone to depression and self-pity, which truncated his ministry. Jacob was a deceit. It took apostle Paul's rebuke of Peter and Barnabas to free them from their Jewish prejudice (Galatians 2). It took Joab's rebuke of David to deliver him from misplaced affection after the death of Absalom. Let us pray for Mr. President in this light. Let us intercede to deliver him from his feeling or infallibility, his paternalism and Messahanism towards Nigeria, contempt and patronizing attitude towards the East, deference to and mortal fear of the Caliphate, and insensitive to ethnic stirrings and agitations Nationwide.

10.1 Prayer points.

  1. Intercede for the prayer of Psalm 72 and prophecies of Isaiah 11 and Jeremiah 23; 5-6 come to pass over President Obasanjo
  2. Come against the Spirit of delusion (2 Thessalonians 2; 11) and of the spirit of error (Psalm 19; 12 and 1 John 4:6) over his life and actions.
  3. Come against every Islamic sorcery, Balaamic manipulations and seductive spirit programmed to cause him to err (2 Chronicles 33;9)

…those also who err in spirit will come to understanding. Amen (Isaiah 29:24a).

By the Lampstand. April 2001

“O house of Jacob, Come and let us walk in the light of the Lord” Isaiah 2:5
By the Lampstand. No. 32 Ibadan. 2003
LAMPSTAND LETTERS Publisher/Editor: Dr TayoBabalobi, Lampstand Letter Ministry, University
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