Lampstand Letter

Thursday, 01 February 2001 12:51


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No 26: February, 2001
“Write therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later” Rev. 1:19



Ecclesiastical witchcraft and manipulation refer to the operation and manifestation of the spirit of witchcraft and satanic manipulation by clergymen and the laity in the church. Conscious that this is a sensitive albeit true topic, our approach is strictly scripture - based, citing and elaborating on biblical instances where God's people and ministers, exhibited, manifested or were subjected to the spirit of witchcraft and satanic manipulation.


Witchcraft is the use of carnal or demonic spirits to influence, manipulate or control others; to usurp divine authority, or to maintain a status quo when God wants a change. Biblical references to witchcraft make us understand that.

  1. Witchcraft is a sin I Sam. 15:23
  2. Is carnal i.e. manifestation of the work of the flesh Gal 5:20
  3. Can be practiced by God's own people Deut. 18:10

Words used interchangeably or closely related to witchcraft in the bible include divination, sorcery, enhancement, soothsaying and forth telling (Compare Micah 5:12 Jer. 27:9 Nahum 3:4 and Deut 18:9-14 in KJV, NKJV, NIV & GNB). Everyone who indulges in divination practices witchcraft. Another word that is closely associated with witchcraft in the bible is idolatry (See I Sam 15:23 and Gal 5:20.) This is so because idolatry, like witchcraft is a form of manipulation. An idolater creates himself a god that he can manipulate and worship, not on the terms of the god but mainly on the idol-worshipper's terms.


To manipulate is to craftily influence or control another person to one's advantage/purpose, usually by means of unfair (usually) ungodly methods. Every form of manipulation is a manifestation of the spirit of witchcraft. One could manipulate one's bosses/leaders just as one could manipulate followers/those under him. A spouse could manipulate his/her partner just as he/she can manipulate the children or servants. A pastor can manipulate his congregation, just as a church member can manipulate his pastor. The goal of manipulation is always same - have someone who one would otherwise have no fair control on under one's control, usually by unfair or ungodly methods. Most times a manipulator will want to coerce or seduce the manipulated to do a wrong, unfair or ungodly action, which he otherwise would not have. The examples of Herodias (Matt 14:3-11) and Delilah (Judges 14:15-18) readily comes to mind.


Men even attempt to manipulate God and God sternly warns against this in Exodus 20:7: -"Do not use my name for evil purposes, for I, the Lord your God will punish anyone who misuses my name". The Contemporary English Version of the bible explain this verse in its margin as ' using God's names as a curse word or magic formula and trying to control the LORD by using his name". Many Christians, after clearly knowing God's will on a matter, try to manipulate God to change His will by selfish carnal intercession and quoting scriptures to subvert God's will. Many preachers use Jesus' names as a magic formula, to perform miracles and breakthrough and pocket not only the offering, but the glory as well. Even Muslims and occultist know how to use the scriptures and Jesus' name for their selfish or diabolic purposes, while remaining as renegade as ever.

Every form of deceit and supplanting is a manifestation of witchcraft.


A key verse to understanding the phenomenon of witchcraft is 2 Sam 15:22-23 GNB, NIV, and NKJV) - what The Preacher (No. 193 July 1996) calls The Divine Equation:
Disobedience = witchcraft;
Stubbornness = idolatry;
Rebellion = divination = witchcraft = abomination = death (physical and eternal).
Arrogance = pride (Lucifer) = destruction =idolatry (talisman, magic rings, idols, libation etc.) = abomination = a curse = death.
As The Preacher puts it if you are living in arrogance and proud stubbornness, against parents, husband, constituted authority in church or wherever, you are like those who carry about talisman. The practitioner of stubbornness and rebellion, before God, is like the worshipper of idols.


Various forms of witchcraft and manipulation are stated in the bible. The mildest forms are disobedience, rebellion, arrogance and stubbornness in individual Christians. Advanced forms include: -

  1. Domestic witchcraft and manipulation as practiced by Laban/Rebecca and Jacob/Rachael.
  2. Marital witchcraft and manipulation (as practiced by Delilah, Jezebel and Herodias)
  3. Congregational (laity) witchcraft and manipulation.
  4. Ministerial witchcraft and manipulation as practiced by Simeon the Sorcerer Acts 8: 9-24 and Elymas (Acts 13: 6-12).
  5. Prophetic witchcraft and manipulation practiced by Balaam
  6. Institutional / Apostolic (or political) witchcraft and manipulation (as practiced by Kings Saul and Mannaseh and the false apostles of 1Cor. 1:13 and Phil. 1:15-17).

Let examine some biblical manifestation of witchcraft and satanic manipulation.

6.1 Domestic Witchcraft

A common form of ecclesiastical witchcraft and manipulation practiced by Christians is the form exhibited by the siblings Laban and Rebecca (Gen. 24:29) and their children Jacob and Rachael (who later married one another). All four of them were manipulators.

Laban was a diviner (Gen. 30:27 NIV) who cheated and manipulated his nephew Jacob, first to marry Leah alongside Rachael (Gen. 29:15-30) and then reduced his wages ten (10) times while making him accountable for losses in the flock (Gen. 31:38-42).

Rebecca was a manipulator who backed Jacob to supplant his elder brother Esau, and ensure he got his father Isaac's blessing by trickery and deceit (Gen. 27).

Jacob (meaning deceiver, who grasps by the heel) was a manipulator par excellence. He schemed and manipulated God and men and prevailed Gen. 32:28. His scheming however was repugnant to God who brought a charge and judgment against him and his descendants after him (Hosea 12: 2-3). Every form of witchcraft, every form of manipulation, scheming, deception or supplanting is repugnant to God, as is every form of rebellion (see I Sam 15:23). They remind him of what Lucifer did (Isaiah 14; 12-15 and Rev. 12:7-9).

Like her cousin and husband Jacob, Rachael's life was that of contention and manipulation against her elder sister Leah, and later her husband Jacob (see Gen. 30:8:15.) She was also a nag (Gen. 30:1) who manipulated her husband to lie with a house girl (Gen. 30:3). She was an Idolater-diviner (Gen. 31:19) who successful tricked and deceived her father (Gen. 31:34-35).

One usual feature of domestic witchcraft and manipulation is that is it inherited, passed from one generation to another. If a parent practices witchcraft or is a manipulator, at least one of the siblings will imbibe or inherit these traits. If a man manipulates his wife, very likely his son or daughter will also want to manipulate the spouse. If a woman is rebellious or practices witchcraft, not only will the daughter grow up rebellious and manipulative, her son will likely be henpecked and weak, looking for a wife that will manipulate him as his mother did to his father!

In Hosea 12:2, the Lord says He will recompense (repay) Jacob's descendant according to his deeds. As Laban deceived Jacob, him (Gen. 31:34-35) Jacob's sons were also deceitful as their father (Gen. 34:13), while Rueben supplanted and defiled his father’s bed (Gen. 35:22 49:3-4)

If the first fruit is holy, the lump is also. If the root is holy, the branches are Rom. 11:16. If the root parent is unholy, then the branches (offspring) will also be. Hence we are called to cut off the wild nature we inherited and be fully grafted into the holy olive nature of Christ (Rom 11:16-24).

6.2 Marital Witchcraft and Manipulation

Closely related to, and actually part of domestic witchcraft, is marital witchcraft and manipulation. The examples of Rebecca and Rachael have been referred to above. Two other women in the bible who exhibited this form of witchcraft were Delilah (Judges 16) and Herodias (Mark 6: 11-28). Let us try to highlight the characteristics of one indulging in this form of witchcraft:-

  1. Her loyalty is not to God or her husband but to herself and the interests she represents Judges 16:4-6
  2. She is a persistent nag Judges 16:16
  3. She is patient, does not give up until she has her way Judges16: 10, Mark 6:19-25
  4. The foundation of her marriage is ungodly or based on manipulation Judges 14: 1-3, Mark 6:17-18
  5. Manipulates children against spouse and carries them along in her manipulation. Prompts them to evil Mark 6:24.
  6. Knows how to corner and arm twist spouse, especially by playing on his reputation Mark 6: 26-27, Judge 14: 16-17
  7. Manipulates and makes spouse feel guilty by accusing him of not showing enough public love Judges 16:15, 14:16.
  8. Does not care if heavens fall or even if her husband dies as long as she has her way Judge 16:17-21. Mark 6:19-28.

Today there are many orthodox and Pentecostal Delilah’s' and Herodias in the church and Christian household. Many are ministers' wives, some Pastor's secretary, others church workers, serving the interest of Satan in the church.

6.3 Ministerial Witchcraft And Manipulation

Another form of ecclesiastical witchcraft is of the clergy- sorcery, witchcraft, divinations and manipulations from the pulpit. One could call this anointed witchcraft and manipulations. These may range from sheer deception and ministerial falsehood, to those manifested by fallen or backslider ministers. Biblical examples of the former are Apostle Simon the sorcerer (Acts 8:9-24), Prophet Elymas Bar-Jesus (Acts 13:6-12) and the lady Evangelist in Acts 16:16-18. The most cogent example of fallen ministers who turn to witchcraft and divination is Prophet Balaam. Let us highlight the features of each of these:

Apostle Simon the Sorcerer (Acts. 8:9-24)

  • Performs wonders using magic, sorcery and divination Acts. 8:9
  • Amazes and astonishes people who feels he his great man of God.
  • People, great and small, pay great attention to his words and teaching and he has a great following
  • Remains an unbeliever despite all his miracles Acts 8:13, 22-23
  • Interested only in power and thinks he can purchase power verse 18-20
  • His heart not right in Gods sight verse 21
  • His motives are ungodly and verse 22
  • Envious, full of bitterness and bound by sin and iniquities verse 23.

Thus that an acclaimed "man of God" performs miracles and lying wonders does not make him a minister of God, even if he has a great follower ship. He will only minister poison and sin along with his miracles and lying wonders.

Prophet Elymas Bar-Jesus Act 13:6-12

Elymas is an Arabic word signifying a magician or sorcerer. Bar Jesus means 'son of Jesus or son of Joshua'. Hence literally this mans name was Prophet-Magician Joshua (or Prophet-Magician Jesus)-with Jesus/Joshua as his surname. (Does that remind you of a Lagos-based Prophet Joshua making waves in Nigeria to as far as South Africa and America? Recall his introduction as Emmanuel (God-with-us)?

From Act 13:6-12, we highlight the following feature of this prophet witch

  1. Was a sorcerer magician.
  2. Was a false prophet.
  3. Was a Jew ("born again churchgoer").
  4. Has a biblically surname (son of Jesus/ Son of Joshua)
  5. Withstand men from the truth.
  6. Seeks to turn men away from faith in Christ.
  7. One needs the fullness of the Holy Spirit to discern and judge
  8. Full of deceit
  9. Fraudulent/trickish
  10. Son/messenger of the devil
  11. Enemy of righteousness; lascivious, immoral
  12. Seeks to pervert men from Godliness.

Such men need to be judged prophetically by the power of God. Like Paul did in Acts 13:9-11, we invoke God's Hand on judgment on them, and cut them off from the sun, stars and moon which they manipulate to pursue their wizardry and sorcery. Only then can men be cut off and set free from their antichrist influence to belief in the saving grace of Christ. Until they are judged, men will continue to be deluded and perverted from the truth Act 13:12.

The Lady - Evangelist Diviner -Prophetess.

Acts 16:16-19 records another example of a false minister or church worker. The slave girl, possessed by a demonic prophetic divination spirit began to prophesy loudly and evangelize alongside Paul, Silas, Mark, Timothy and others. The bible says she did it for many days until Paul detected her distressing spirit was divination which he cast out.

How many of those who prophesy in our churches are doing so by a spirit of divination? Many are still slave to sin, possessed by evil spirit, motivated by hope of profit, serving other masters and yet minister publicly alongside genuine men of God. How many of our praise and choir leaders are still ministering under the satanic anointing they had while in the world? Are these not the ones who lead the congregation in praise and worship before the real men of God begin to minister? How many of those in the ministry of helps and support services are agents of other masters, or are in the ministry for the hope of profit, promotion or office? These are ministerial witches and wizards, distressing the spirit of God in His sanctuary. Yet these are the people we anoint and promote, who usher in the King and his servants into his sanctuary. May God open our eyes of the spirit to discern such in our midst in Jesus name.

6.4 Balaamic (Prophetic) Witchcraft and Manipulation

If the foregoing were false unbeliever regenerate priests serving as ministers of the Gospel, Balaam was a pathetic case of a true prophet and minister of God who fell into error and turned to sorcery, divination, witchcraft and manipulation in a backslider state, for the love of money and prominence. The following features of Balaamic witchcraft and manipulation are evident in the scriptures:-

  1. Unbelievers and the enemies of God's people recognized the anointing on such people (Numbers 22: 1-6)
  2. Such people pray, prophesy and consult for unbelievers and those in authority if the price (the diviners fee) is right Numbers 22:5-7, 15-17,37, Deut 23:4 Joshua 24:9 They can be hired by anyone.
  3. Such ministers do not seek the face of the Lord again since the anointing is there (Note that it was God who took the initiative to come to Balaam Numbers 22:20 etc. See also Numbers 24:1-2)
  4. The lure of filthy lucre (money, position prevents such men from doing Gods will and they seek to "use God's name to manipulate him" Num 24: 19-20 34-37. See also Exodus20:7 Contemporary English Version margin referred to earlier.
  5. They work in the permissive will of God Num. 22:20. When a man of God walks in God's permissive will, God's anger is aroused against him, and he does so with the Lord's sword of slaughter drawn against him Number 22:22-33. God stands as an adversary to oppose him in a journey (path) that he should not be making (taking) Numbers 22:22-34 (NIV, GNB, and NKJV).
  6. Even donkeys see and discern the spiritual better than such people 22:23-33.
  7. Such men of God serve the purpose of the enemy against God's people Numbers 22:44-25. Instead of being called to bless, they are hired to cursed enemies Num 22:6, 23:11, 25 24:10 etc.
  8. A most potent form of witchcraft is manifested when they side and counsel the enemy of God's people on ways to make God's people become God's enemies -as Balaam did in Numbers 31:16, Also Num 23:29-30 Num 25 etc.
  9. They still speak as prophetic oracles of God even in their backslider erroneous state Num. 23:2:18, 24:15 and 20 (NKJV, NIV, GNB)
  10. They now use sorcery, divination, enchantment and omen to minister, rather than the Spirit of God Num 24: 1.
  11. Such men end up killed in warfare Num 31:6, Jos. 13:22.
  12. They end their ministry not as true prophets but known as soothsayers, fortune tellers and diviners Joshua 13:22 (NIV, NKJV, GNB)
  13. God no longer listen to such people Deut 23:5 Num. 13:2. Rather they continue to minister and manifest ungodly anointing.
  14. Such ministers have gone astray, become money- mongers, live in sin, lost their right senses and become insane 2 Pet 2:15-16
  15. Become greedy and live in error as a result Jude 11
  16.  Propagate a doctrine (teaching) that becomes a stumbling block that enhance God's people to sin, commit immorality, become idolaters.

Like the church in Perganum, there is a call for repentance for being a compromising church that eulogizes and hold to the teaching of fallen backslider Balaams of our generation. "Come O Lord and fight against our Balaam with the sword of your mouth. For our generation is not yet ready to repent from compromise and man-worship". Amen (See Rev 2: 12-16.)

6.5 Institutional (Apostolic) Witchcraft And Manipulation

A more advanced and dangerous form of ministerial form of witchcraft is institutional (or apostolic) witchcraft. This is the form manifested by church leaders, founder owners, Apostles and the like after they have become to live in disobedience and rebellion to God and have been rejected by Him. This is a form of witchcraft and manipulation that wants to retain the status quo after God has rejected such, to maintain control and influence over God's people, after God has replaced them with another man 'after His heart". King Saul typifies this form.

Features of ministers walking in such Spirit of Saul include:

  1. At the beginning such is a distinguished, humble, valiant warrior chosen by Him to be a leader of God's people I Sam 9:15-10,26. He was submissive to his father, a hard-working preserving man who sought the face of the Lord concerning any matter I Sam 9:2-14. He was patient and forgiving (I Sam 10:27-11:15)
  2. At his consecration, God's commandments were clearly spelt out I Sam 12. No sooner that he got to the throne, that he could no longer wait for God and became presumptuous and impulsive, taking upon himself an office not his own I Sam 13 Thus he fell out with God and God with him I Sam 13: 13-14.
  3. The people became improvised under his leadership and such a minister begins to personalize ministry property and anointing, making it a family affair I Sam 13: 15-22; "On the day of battle, there was neither sword nor spear found in the hand of any of the people. But they were found with Saul and Jonathan his son " I Sam 13: 22. Due to the rash oaths, rules, regulations, policies and guidelines of such a one, only "his sons" could taste a little of the honey and thus be anointed for war (I Sam Chapter 14). Ultimately the people begin to rise to rescue men from his tyranny (I Sam 14:45)
  4. Despite the Lord's declaration that the Kingdom has been taken from him, he continues to fight, win battles and do exploits in his rejected state I Sam 14: 47-48. He continues to recruit strong, valiant and zealous men into his personal ministry (I Sam 14:52).
  5. God still gives him chances to redeem himself, but he prefers sacrificing for God (activities, busyness, programmes etc) than fully obeying God (I Sam 15). His rebellion to God became as witchcraft, is stubbornness as sin and idolatry. He wishes to serve God on his own terms and sets up monuments for himself (I Sam 15:12).
  6. At this stage, even intercessions or tears cannot change God's mind and decision concerning Saul (I Sam 15: 11, 26-27; 35).
  7. Such men, who have now built monuments in their own honor (I Sam 15:12), are more concerned with 'saving face" and being honored before men than in repentance and being right with God and His people (I Sam 15: 30).
  8. God chooses and anoints with the Holy Spirit people in their place, even though they are still on the throne. A distressing spirit from the Lord begins to trouble such men of God (I Sam 16:7). Such ministers of God become envious, murderous, and resentful, madden and begin to persecute God's newly anointed replacement.
  9. The replacement now does the exploits such should have done, making Saul envious, jealous, angry and resentful of the new ones (I Sam 17 hence).
  10. He begins to murder priests (I Sam 22) and breaks covenant (2 Sam 21: 1-2). These will later have grievous consequences for the people and his descendants even after his demise (2 Sam 21:1-14)
  11. When God no longer answer him by dreams, by Urims or by prophets, he contact and consult mediums and satanic sources of power (I Sam 28)
  12. Ultimately, he ends his life and ministry tragically, going down under with guiltless faithful "sons" and followers who remained in the same boat with him until such a one sinks I Sam 31

Today there are many Sauls still leading the church in Nigeria and elsewhere, even though God has raised David to replace them. Concerned more with keeping their honour and prominence before men than repentance, they use all kind of witchcraft spirit and manipulations to maintain the status quo against the will of God. They fight God's new anointed ones with everything they could muster. They are ready to kill physically, psychologically or spiritually; to preserve the monuments they have raised for themselves and their families. Short of repenting, tears or intercessions cannot restore such men, for God is not a man to lie or relent. Except they submit and yield to the will of God, their end, like Saul's, will be tragic. Pitifully many of their sons, loyalists and followers, who here not discerned God's new move, will out of blind human loyalty, perish with them. He who has an ear let his hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches. May the Lord be merciful and gracious to his servants? Amen.


It is possible to be a Pastor (or Shepherd) and still be a manipulating witch or wizard. Zech. 11:4-7 talks of pastors who feed their flock for slaughter, whose founder-owner slaughter them and feel no guilt, which sell their meat and say "Praise the Lord. I am rich". Pastors who prey on their congregation, who as Zech 11:7 states "fed the flock for slaughtering".

Ezekiel 34 declare woes on pastors who fed themselves and not the sheep, who eat the fit and clothe self with the wool but does not fed the flock. Pastors who "do not strengthen the weak, heal the sick, bind up the broken, bring back those driven away nor sought the lost; but rather rule then flock with force, cruelty, harshness and rigor". (See also Zech 11:16-17).

Woe to you wizard-pastors and witch- shepherds! The Lord is against you. He will break the stick of favor you have over the flock, Zech 11:10. The Lord is against you and will require the flock at your hand. He will cause you to cease feeding the sheep and you shall feed yourselves no longer. He will deliver His flock from your mouths, that they no longer be food for you. Amen (See Ezekiel 34:10). He will establish one shepherd over them, His servant David, who shall feed the flock and be their pastor. Amen (See Ezekiel 34:23)


Another form of ecclesiastical witchcraft and manipulation exists among the congregation (or Laity). The first category of this type was manifested among the carnal Galatians churches where brethren began to "bite and devour and be consumed by one another" Gal 5:15. Further down in same chapter, Paul lists the carnal works of the flesh to include… idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambition, dissension, heresies… and such like (Gal 5: 19-21)- easily associated with persons like King Saul. Evidently, witchcraft (like other works of the flesh) is a means by which carnal Christians bite, devour and consume one another in the church.

The second category of congregational witchcraft is directed towards the clergy. Influential members of the laity involved in power struggle with church leaders, usually manifest this like Jannes and Jambres who withstood Moses (2 Tim. 3:8). Note that these men were wise men, sorcerers, magicians, used enchantments and soothsaying, and practiced secret arts of witchcraft and manipulations see Exodus 7:11, 22; 8:7. Another example was Diotrephes who loved to have prominence among the church (3 John 9). He was domineering and self-assertive, refused to accept John's instruction, malign them with falsehood, refused to receive missionaries to the church, forbid others from receiving them, expelling those who oppose him out of the church.

Many churches have such "local champions" opposing and frustrating Apostles and missionary work. Overbearing and malevolent, they keep such congregations in bondage. They need to be dealt with by apostolic authority.

The Lord himself will judge between the fat and the lean sheep, all who have pushed with the side and shoulder, butted the weak with their horns and scattered them abroad. Amen. (See Ezekiel. 34:21-22).


We have seen that the witch and wizard and idolater are not only the person flying at night to attend meetings at covens, suck blood, bow down to graven images or kill people by diabolic spiritual means. Anyone living in disobedience and stubborn rebellion to constituted authority is a witch/ wizard or idolater. Anyone manipulating those over or under him/her is a witch/wizard - whether at home or in the church. Both the clergy and members of the congregation can manifest this carnal/satanic behaviour.

The way out of Ecclesiastical witchcraft and manipulation is repentance and obedience (I Sam 15:22). The result of persistence in such witchcraft and manipulation is death “Thou shall not suffer a witch to live" Exodus 22:18

The choice is yours


How do people use witchcraft to control and manipulate others? We can garner some principles from the example of Balaam.

  1. The use of curses and denunciations Num 22:6, 1 etc. Num 23:7-8 etc. A Christian leader who keeps his congregation in bondage by frightening them with curses, or habitually curses is using witchcraft to defeat and overcome.
    When Goliath was busy cursing and defying the Israelites, he was using witchcraft to control them (I Sam 17 10-11) Even though he attempted to control David by same spirit, he was unsuccessful (I Sam 17:43-50)
  2. Accusing men before God, causing God to observe/take notice of iniquities offences or wrongdoing in a person (Number 23:21). Satan is the accuser of the brethren who wishes that God turn his back on a person (See Job 1:6-12, 12:1-8; Zech 3:1-7, Rev 12:10). A major strategy of witches and spiritualists is to spiritually rail up all kinds of accusations against godly men, who as mortal men will have their failings. We need constantly to pray for grace and mercy, asking God to clothe us with his righteousness as he clothed Joshua (Zech 3:1-5). See also Isaiah 54:11-17... every tongue which raises against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the sons of God, and their righteousness is from me says the Lord. Amen. Also Numbers 23:8-10, 19-23 Hallelujah!
  3. Seducing or enticing men to sin against God- either in words thoughts or deeds. When Balaam could not get God's people cursed by God or have God observe iniquity in them, to justify his pay, he taught the Moabites to send their beautiful girls to seduce the Israelite (See Num. 24:14:31:16 Rev 2:14). The result was God's anger and the death of 24,000 Israelites (Numbers 25 1 Cor. 10: 6-8).Delilah also used seduction/enticement to finish Samson (Judges 16:5.20). Likewise Satan move David to sin against God and the result was 40,000 dead from plagues (1 Chronicles 21:1-30).
    Provoking or seducing a righteous person to sin against God is another major satanic strategy of witchcraft and manipulation. Let us war against every sin of thought, speech or body. Let us not be impulsive, forward or complacent in the things of God. Let us watch out for every lust, temptation or murmuring (I Cor. 10:6-8)
  4. Raising of Satanic altars, serviced with expensive sacrifice against a person or God's people. Read Numbers 22:40-23:3, 13-15, 27-30 etc. Note that they went to the high places or Baal (Satanic altars) to observe (spiritually monitor) the extent (power righteousness, spiritually) etc of the people (22:40 23:13, 23:27 etc). Note also the expensive sacrifices they offered. In Num. 23:3, 15, Balak raised altars in progressively higher places. Some like Mannaseh even sacrificed their own children (2 Kings 21; 1-6). Satanists, spiritualists and those using witchcraft could do lots of fasting, night vigils, alms giving sacrifices in progressively higher dimensions to see if "perhaps it will please God to curse his people for them from there" Num. 23:27. Blessed be God who is God is not a man that He should lie or a son of man to change his mind concerning us. He is our righteousness. He cannot deny himself, faithful even when we are unfaithful (Num 23:19, 27 no 2:13).
  5. The strategy of intimidation. Jezebel used this strategy against Elijah and Elijah fled (1 Kings 19). She also used it to hold the whole of Israel in bondage (2 Kings 9:22). Goliath also used it successfully against Israel (2 Sam 17:8-11) but unsuccessfully against David (verse 26-50). A major form of ecclesiastical witchcraft in the church today is the strategy of intimidation. Church leaders, church members, spouses and even children use this form of witchcraft a lot to intimidate fellow Christian, paralyze them will fear, truncate their call/ministry and frustrate/ turn them away from God's purpose. Like Jezebel did to Elijah. Like David let us refuse to be intimidated. Be strong and be of good courage. Quit like men and fulfill your ministry. Even in the church, a man's enemies/detractors may be members of his own household. The Lord will judge his people. Amen.



(Reproduced with permission)

What does God say of the practitioners of witchcraft? He says in Exodus 2:18 that we should not suffer a witch to live. And in Leviticus 20:27, that the man or woman who practices witchcraft shall surely be put to death by stoning outside the city, their blood shall be upon them (that is upon the slain witchcraft practitioners) themselves. In Deuteronomy 18:10-12, God groups the witch among diviners, enchanters, charmers, necromancers, those who deal with familiar spirits, etc and calls them all "an abomination unto the LORD"

It can be seen in Exodus 22:18 and Leviticus 20:27 that a death sentence hangs over every witch and wizard. Same for the practitioners of ecclesiastical witchcraft. Death is at work in them. In some of them, death works more slowly than in others. They slowly pine (or die) away. Others get suddenly afflicted with incurable and nameless sicknesses and they die. Other still do not seem so sick, but death is at work in them all the same. Some of these special witches and wizards have even died sudden deaths that have made the rest of us ignorant laity to wonder. But how could such an unfortunate thing happen to such a faithful mighty man of God who is always praying?" We didn't know that he had been a wizard in the last two years of his anointed ministry, that he had been doing something God had not told him to do, or which God had even warned him to discontinue. Or even that he had not been doing something that God had been waiting for him to do. In his disobedience, then he had aligned with Satan in ecclesiastical witchcraft. This is by means of which, those he could have blessed or saved had he obeyed God, been carried away by Satan into perdition. Those people thus undone and ruined, as far as God's plan was concerned, could have been enjoying bliss. By refusing to obey the Lord, however, our brother became a wizard, and fitted himself into Satan's plans against the purpose of God and the welfare of men.

In several homes, the wives are not only witches but idol- worshippers. They are witches by living in disobedience to their husbands, may be because they consider themselves also (or more) spiritual and because they also help to win bread for the family. They are also idolaters because they are stubborn. They are always right. They have sensitive rights to protect and no man is going to enslave them in the name of scriptural submission Idolatrous witches.
Witchcraft is bad enough. But when idolatry adds to it... Only God knows...

You wonder why several wives, in spite of their possessing in their homes all the gadgets that heart may ever desire, are dying in misery? You wonder why others have all the cooks and stewards, and eat all the best food, yet look hardly well fed? It is because death is at work in them, because they are witches: ecclesiastical witches, tongue-taking witches, 'choristered' witches ordained witches Sunday school witches. Imagine such a stubborn Rev. Mrs. Stubborn Witch, ministering (Perhaps with her husband) on Sunday, what kind of spirit will she impart...?
There would be several in the congregation who would contract her rebelliously stubborn spirit of ecclesiastical witchcraft and idolatry. No wonder the Bible warns against just anybody laying hands suddenly on just anyone (1 Timothy 5:22), and no wonder we have lost not a few women in our churches, some even 'understandably' through childbirth, others through endless sicknesses, and so on.


The Preacher Volume 193, July 1996. Box 10974, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Website:; E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Reproduced with permission)

Intercessors for America Vol. 26, N0 718
July/August 1999. Address P.O, Box 4477 Leciberg VA 201777
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

"Now Ahab the son of Omro did evil in the sight of the Lord, more than all who were before him. And it came to pass, as though it had been a trivial thing for him to walk in the sins of Jeroboam... that he took as wife Jezebel ... and he went and serve Baal and worshipped him." -1 Kings 16:30-32 NKJV
"Jesus answered and said to them" Take heed that no one deceives you" -Mt 24:4 NKJV
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of his world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Eph 6:12 KJV
"'Nevertheless I have a few things against you, because you allow that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and beguile my servants...Rev 2:20 NJKV

Scripture shows that the close of the church age will be marked by great spiritual mixture and collisions between systems of light and darkness. The Church will be energetically working to complete the Great Commission and bring in the last, great harvest. Satan, with his ranks stretched thin and time literally running out, will frantically resort to diabolical inventions, seductive luxuries, entertainments, global deceptions, false signs and wonders, and the promotion of tyranny through increased ethnic warfare, famine and pestilence. Lucifer, fallen yet deceived, will craftily set the stage for his final attempt at counterfeiting God and controlling mankind-the Antichrist. (Mt. 24:6-14).

Multitudes will be taken captive by delusions and deception, and influenced by demonic powers. Yet through it all, God will still be Sovereign and His prophetic agenda will be coming to consummation. The nations will be as "pots boiling" but the "almond branch" of God foreordained purposes will bud and blossom (Jer. 1:11-13). The spiritual atmosphere in the world will be turbulent, dense and dark, "able to be felt," as in Egypt on the night of Passover. Supernatural light and liberty will be in the community and households of the redeemed, the believing Church, as they gather, keep covenant and partake of Christ, the Passover Lamb of God, the One slain to take them out on the night when "all the gods of Egypt are judged." (Ex 10:21; 12:3-13; Mt 24:31; 1 Cor.15:52).
A harlot Babylonish system will be in place worldwide and will flourish for a season, with the "king of the earth" drunk with spiritual fornication and the "merchants of the earth", rich through trafficking in luxuries, iniquitous pursuits, and the merchandising of the "bodies and souls of men" (Rev 18:3, 13). The seed of Lucifer will come to a final ripening. Jezebelic men and women in self-strength and vain glory will declare, "I sit as queen, and am no widow and will not see sorrow." The types represented by the biblical figures of Ahab and Jezebel (a frenzied Baal and Asherah religious orchestration) will play-act, strut and pontificate-but only for an appointed season, and then will be judged, paid back double, and receive torment and sorrow in the same measure that he or "she glorified herself." (Rev 18:6-8).
The "twinning" of Ahabs (morally weak men) with Jezebels (domineering ambitious women) will be rampant. This will be the final partnership of rebellion and stubbornness or, witchcraft and idolatry. (1Sam 15:23) We are presently witnessing an "empowerment" of the Jezebelic. To avoid deception, we must become informed and practice discernment.
The spirit of Jezebel (which literally means "unmarried, without cohabitation, unhusbanded") existed before Queen Jezebel and it may influence either gender. This spirit influenced and assumed the name of the rebellious and manipulative wife of King Ahab. (1 Kings 16-22; 2Kings 9) Even though this spirit may individuals acting under this spirit as a "she merely because the spirit chose a female name, and scripture incorporates this pattern.
Laban, Isaac's brother in law, operated under the influence of the jezebel spirit as he controlled and manipulated Jacob for 14 years. (Gen 29-31) John warned us (Rev 2:18-24) that in the last days "the church of Thyatira" will tolerate the spirit of Jezebel (historically referencing in this passage the corrupt wife of a bishop in Thyatira, and symbolically referencing the woman Jezebel in 1 and II Kings). Such a church will permit (rather than properly Judge and silence) those operating under this spirit's influence; those who themselves prophets but give forth what the noted bible commentators Jamieson, Fausset and Brown term "pretended utterances of inspiration to libertinism," They also teach, beguile and seduce members into fornication/adultery, false worship and even open idolatry. Scripture deems this jezebel spirit dangerous, and it is a major obstruction to restoration, revival, good order and authentic faith in the Church today.
The working of the jezebel spirit a system of intimidation, manipulation and control can be likened to a spider that spins an elaborate web to catch and hold its prey. This web is the spider'' home and it draws security from it. Once entangled in the web, the prey becomes a hostage of for a period of time, but its ultimate goal is to consume and destroy.
Before either the hostage or the one operating under the influence of jezebel can escape from such a web, scales must be removed from their eyes so they can see the true situation. Each must then chosen and be willing to fight their way out of the web through revelation, discernment, intercession, repentance, deliverance, taking counsel and willfully changing their habits. It may take months and even years to totally break free of jezebel's web, and to again enjoy one's liberty in Christ.

AHABS. These individuals are rebellious towards the God of the Bible, His fatherhood and His standards. Morally weak and lacking integrity, their affections are wrongly place on lustful or vain pursuits. A "Baalish" false alter is built. Vast amounts of energy and resources are often expended, but God appointed destiny is not sought after, nor achieved. Lawless connivance and greed often drive Ahab type individuals. Competitive "swordplay" and fun are preferred over faith, family life, a proper work ethic and stewardship. Such lives are often flashy on the surface, but are spiritual voids on the inside. It is into this vacuum and weakness that Jezebel enters.
In 1 and 11 Kings, Jezebel (who acted as reigning queen, although the Bible is careful not to refer to her by that title) used fear to manipulate and control her husband Ahab and to frighten God's prophet Elijah. Ahab was Jezebel's hostage. A hostage submits, usually out of fear, to the manipulation and control of another individual. Without a hostage, jezebel has no power. Jezebel seeks hostage candidates who are tolerant, teachable, spiritually discerning, in positions of authority, peacemakers, obedient, submissive, strong, wimpish, servants, leaders, educated, secure, successful, seducible, rebellious, weak, emotionally wounded, tolerant insecure, and compromisers. In short, every-type of person is a candidate for becoming a hostage.

INDICATORS OF JEZEBEL'S PRESENCE. The jezebel spirit thrives in an atmosphere of fear, confusion, strife, instability, broken relationships, discouragement, depression, intimidation, prolonged frustration an increased tolerance, toward sexual sins, chaos, or nihilism and destruction. It is often difficult to discern if a person is acting out of sin and personal habits, or with the influence or control of an evil spirit. Whether an evil spirit is in, on, or around a person is not relevant. The real issue is whether a person is living under the oppression of an evil spirit. The person is often, though not always, charismatic, a winsome personality, perhaps good looking, outgoing, bouncy, intelligent, educated, respected, successful, may hold a high office or position, can appear happy, etc.

CHARACTER TRAITS All of us as fallen/redeemed human beings have some of these character traits. When multiple indicators are present, or they increase in frequency, intensity, or become extreme, the possibility increase that the person is acting under the influence of the spirit of jezebel. Normally, the individual believers her behavior is normal and has no idea what she is really doing to others. A few of the trails that may be exhibited are:

  • Derives power and authority through intimidation and fear.
  • Raw strength from manipulating and controlling others.
  • Must dominate and control one or more hostages before she can operate in power and authority.
  • Demands obedience and perfection.*Drives those she controls to exhaustion and beyond.
  • Never satisfied with performance of those she controls.
  • Demands recognition.
  • Master of persuasion
  • Deceptive
  • Strong-willed, religious and often very gifted
  • Fierce competitor
  • Warrior, and will not hesitate to fight
  • Territorial.
  • Defensive-always right.
  • Contends with those who oppose her; can be vicious. Always "wins" one way or another. Provokes those around her, Nitpicks on minor things, .Fiercely independent and ambitious.
  • Not a team player
  • Fearful of losing friends due to past experiences.
  • Disrespectful
  • Hatred for male/female authority in our society.
  • Resists and fights true authority-especially Spiritual Authority*Despises voice of the Lord-prophets.*Wants to be served
  • Teacher; seducer; back stabber
  • Wants to live in a palace
  • Full of pride, but claims to be humble
  • Selfish, but verbally claims she is not Often covets and lusts after things, but will deny doing so. Obsessed with the "truth". Always checking to ensure you are not talking behind her back
  • Lust for attention and promotion.
  • Resents credible Men/women.
  • May be involved in sexual sins - Fantasy and imaginations leading to perversion; pornography; child molestation; fornication; adultery; sexual abuse; homosexuality; and other types of perversity
  • Sensual look of the eyes and seductive voice.

PLAYS RELIGIOUS GAMES. The spirit of Jezebel often teams up with a religious spirit. Christians operating under the Jezebel spirit are often vicious, exhibiting some of the following trait:
*Hides from true repentance. *Frequently claims to have heard directly from God, calls herself a prophet. * Has a favorite seat in church. * Actually serves God when it is convenient or as an inroad to establish relationships and gain control. * Searches church for allies. * Relentlessly point out problem in churches and leaders, often exaggerates. * Insists upon recognition, manipulates or entirely disregards male leadership in the church. * Often authenticates herself through church "membership" rather than character and fruit. * Other individuals are never good enough for God. *Strives to place guilt on you and convince you that you have disappointed God. *Often knows the scriptures very well, but may manipulate or misquote scripture to prove point. * Judges individuals by quoting scripture and condemns and disciplines them in the name of God. * Camouflages desire for dogmatic control with doctrines.
WEB SPINNING STRATEGIES The individual, operating under the jezebel spirit, begins to secretly spin her web by winning the trust and confidence of those she wants to control. She works undercover and does not want to be exposed. Once acceptance is established, she beings to use truth, seasoned with well placed lies, to clandestinely spin a web of deception and entanglement. Clever methods induce fear in others. She then draws power and authority from their fear. Such individuals have mastered a sophisticated ability to manipulate and control without physical force. A jezebel person:
* May appear loyal and might volunteer for special service. *Seeks teaching/leadership positions to gain position in organizations * Probes people's character to locate weak areas and identify breaches that she can exploit. * Exaggerate her own problems to flush out others. *Betrays leadership through knowledge of their personal lives and blackmails them into compromise *Uses either thrush or lies to destroy reputations. *Uses or asserts another's authority *Gains power by making political alliances, often in a seemingly submissive and demeaning manner * Wears individuals down to usurp their authority *Labels God's prophets as false prophets *Orchestrates highs and lows in self and those she manipulates. *Builds up and then tears down; stirs up or pacifies; is very positive or very negative depending on the situation. *May be loud and bold, or quiet and cunning, depending on situation. *Works friends against friends and destroys relationships *Mingle truth with lies and occasionally contradicts self-when challenged claims to have been misunderstood. *Changed opinions according to situation and will compromise when necessary *Often manipulates several at one time *Plays one person/group against another *Will enlist false witnesses to testify against other *Talks and pulls strings behind people's backs. *Undermines self worth and confidence in others *Will attack anyone who gets between her, her goals, and those she controls *Sets people up and springs ambushes/traps *Sometimes pretends submission to gain a strategic advantage *Stimulates, seduces, entices, persuades, provokes, sets up, stirs up. *Uses masculine/feminine charms which are deceitful or enticing to manipulate or sexually harass. *Dramatic and freely uses emotions to advantage *May use silent treatment at times or pout. *Becomes rejected and depressed to gain an advantage *May repent verbally, but not from the heart *Those around her never know how to take her *Presumes God will not judge them-the fear of the Lord is absent opening the door to their own destruction *When two people under the jezebel spirit are together they usually contend with each other unless it is to their advantage to form an alliance to attain personal goals.

JEZEBEL'S ENEMIES: Jezebel's greatest enemies are God's authentic leaders and prophets who reveal her and speak out against her. When she wars, it is to stir people against the message of the professing and prophetic church.

1. Her real enemy is the spoken Word of God. She hates the words prophets speak more than the prophets.
2. Her worst feat is that the people will embrace repentance. She knows true repentance brings the presence of Jesus, cleanses the church, and establishes it in purity and power, thereby defeating her effort to control.
3. Intercessory prayer pries her fingers off the hearts and souls of individuals; helps set people free; binds her; cripples her.
4. Ultimate hatred is against God Himself. She hates the
(a) Grace He lavishes upon His bond-servants even after they sin;
(b) Fact that God will use the weakest and lowliest ones to bring her down;
(c) Holiness and purity of heart that comes from God and surrounds those who serve in His courts.
5. Hates worship; humility, blood of Jesus; names of Jesus and truth that sets people free.

GOD'S PROMISE TO OVERCOMERS (Rev 2:26-28) "And he that overcomes, and keeps my words unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations;" (27) "And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my father." (28) "And I will give him the morning star."

OUR RESPONSE Be compassionate toward people operating under the influence of jezebel, do practical acts of love and kindness as the Lord directs, pray for their eyes to be opened, and for strength to enable them to stand against this spirit and repent. But have no mercy, no compromise or sympathy toward the jezebel spirit itself. Do not tolerate the spirit of jezebel in any way!
If you challenge Jezebel, she will fight you. If you confront jezebel, she will "erupt" and often flee in a rage, but later may either forgive you because she knows that you had a bad day and did not realize what you said, or attack a weak area of your life.

HOW TO OVERCOME: If you feel hostage or that you may be exhibiting some of the Jezebelic traits, grace is available for you overcome through repentance and prayer, changing your habits and resisting and warring against any spirit that is preventing you from changing.
1. Avoidance of or ending a relationship is the simplest method for an hostage to break loose of jezebel's control and manipulation, but this not always possible especially if she/he is a spouse, family member, boss, or employee. Furthermore, the hostage is still vulnerable to becoming a victim of the spirit of jezebel in another person.
2. A better offense is to discern and know jezebel's tactics, then wisely and quietly side step them. This frustrates and confuses jezebel. If this occurs often enough, the person operating under the influence of jezebel, will either give up on you, or she may realize there is something wrong.
3. Stand firm and do not tolerate jezebel, submit or compromise in any way. Do not let her get he hooks into you. Stick to your guns, yet show the love of Christ as He directs.
4. Overcoming jezebel requires zeal and tenacity. Be militant in your faith.
5. You must be well equipped spiritually. Develop a deeper prayer life and intimacy with Christ. Seek to know God in ever-greater ways. Draw night to God and He will draw night to you.
6. Submit yourself to God and be obedient to His Word- Be not just a hearer of His Word.
7. Cleanse your hands and purify your heart; receive pastoral care and counseling as needed.
8. Seek the Lord for your unique identity and service in Christ your appointed destiny and the "works prepared before hand that (you) should walk in them". (Eph 2:10)
9. Set and maintain divine order in the family, honour husband as head, and husband, love, cherish and serve your wives.
10. Respect divine order in the church, pray for and honour leaders, serve as the Lord directs.
11. Resist and the Ahab/jezebel spirit will flee. (James 4:7-8)
12. Hold fast to the Head, Jesus Christ. (Col 2:19).

Special credit must be given to Lt.-Col Jini Baush (Ret) who patiently reviewed many materials, authored the article and compiled the checklists. Jini served 27 years with the U.S. Army Reserves and is now a Communications Specialists with the U.S Army Department of Defense. She resides in McClean, Va. Thanks too to Bradley Sturuat of South Africa for his #21 Footprints of Jezebel" notes, Lars Widerburg of Sweden, and to Ray Michell and Jim McNally for their thoughts on Ahab.

“O house of Jacob, Come and let us walk in the light of the Lord” Isaiah 2:5
By the Lampstand. No. 26 Ibadan. February, 2001
LAMPSTAND LETTERS Publisher/Editor: Dr TayoBabalobi, Lampstand Letter Ministry, University
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