Lampstand Letter

Friday, 01 October 1999 10:41


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No 15: October, 1999
“Write therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later” Rev. 1:19



In the first part of this topic published in the September 1999, issue of the Lampstand Letters, we began to examine the biblical truth about the black race. In this edition, we highlight the end time destiny of the black race as revealed in the scriptures.


Isaiah 19 contains prophecies referring to the black race in these end times. (See also Psalm 68 and Zech. chapter 10). The duo of biblical Egypt   (i.e. Black Africa) and Assyria are linked to Israel as a blessing to the whole world in those days (Isaiah 19:23-25. The following phenomena are prophesied about the black race in these last days (see Isaiah 19 NKJV, GNB, TEV, and NIV):

  1. The Lord has a specific message (destiny) for the black race Isaiah 19:1a.
  2. The Lord will visit the black race Isaiah 19:1, Eze 30, Ps.68: 1.
  3. the idols/gods of the black race will tremble and totter before God’s visitation 1s.19: 1c. Jer.43: 12-13, 46:25, Ezek.30: 13-19
  4. Even the black people who boast so much of their black magic will lose courage and confidence is.19: 1d.
  5. Civil wars will break up in Africa and among the black people 1s.19: 2 Eze.30
  6. He will break the spirit of the black frustrate its rebellion against God and destroy the morale of idolatrous black race 1s.19: 3 Jer.46 Eze 30- to 32.
  7. Idolatry, sorcery, necromancy and witchcraft will characterize the black people and its leadership.Is.19: 3
  8. Strangers, cruel task masters (IMF, World Bank, Arabs, Indians, Lebanese etc.). will rule over the continent of Africa. Isaiah 19:4.
  9. Ecological disasters, famines unemployment and economic disasters will be the hallmark of Africa and black people Is.19: 5-8, Lam. 5:2.
  10. the middle class (wage earners, skilled workforce) will be wiped out Is.19: 9-10.
  11. there will be failure of political leadership, civil service and academia.Is.19: 11-12
  12. there will be perverseness, erroneous national plans, failed programs and budgets Is.19: 13.
  13. Staggering nationhood, stunted growth, going round in cycles, slipping on our vomit and a spirit of foolishness on leaders, planners and counselors Is.19: 14.
  14. Helplessness in all quarters - rich/poor, intelligentsia/ignorant, noble/commoners, military/civilians. Is. 19:15
  15. and awareness of the spiritual origin of its problems will mark the turning point in Africa’s/blacks’ destiny. There will be a fear, trembling, reverence for God and His judgment Is.19: 16-17. 18:1-8
  16. There will then be a manifestation of the power of the church (Judah), and a terror of the church by idolatrous black race/Africa Is.19: 17.
  17. There will then be the manifestation of the seven fold Spirit of God over Africa Isaiah 11:2-5. Also Isaiah 32:15.
  18. Africa will then seek the Lord, call on the true God, speak a pure language (the language of Canaan). Is.19: 18, Zeph.3: 9.
  19. Africa will be known for its altars of prayers to God 19:19, 56:7, 60:7
  20. Bethels (Houses of God), pillars of covenants will spring up all over Africa/black race as symbol of God’s presence amidst her and her loyalty to God (19:19-20, Gen.28: 18-22, 44-45).
  21. Prayer, intercessions, supplications will go up to God from the land of Africa. Envoys, ambassadors & missionaries shall come up from the land of Ham.19: 20. Ps.68: 31, Is.18: 7.
  22. God will raise up saviors and deliverers (Eliakims) for the black nations 19:20, 22:20-23, Is. 32:1-8, Zech.10: 3-8.
  23. The Lord will reveal himself to Africa and the black race will acknowledge and worship Him (in place of idols, spirits and gods) 19:21
  24. Africa will enter into solemn covenants with the Lord, instead of with idols/gods and will keep the terms of their covenant with God 19:21.
  25. The Lord will strike and wound Africa but will heal her. Africa will turn to the Lord in repentance, God will hear our prayers and he will heal us. After two days (2000 years). He will revive us, on the third day (3rd millennium); He will raise Africa/black race up, that we may live on His sight. Amen 19:23 Hosea 6:1-3. Also Isaiah 30:15-26. Amen! Hallelujah!
  26. A highway of the gospel between Africa and Iraq (Assyria, Babylon, and Persia) will exist that day 19:23 (see below)
  27. There will be pilgrimages and spiritual retreats between these two peoples, and they will worship God together 19:23.
  28. Africa, together will Israel and Iraq (Persia, Assyria/Babylon) will be a blessing to the entire world 19:24.
  29. Africa will receive God’s blessing and be blessed of the Lord. 19:24.
  30. Africa will be adopted of the Lord 19:25 Amen!

I am persuaded that so far the black race has fulfilled nos. 1 to 14 of this prophecy for “two days” (up to AD 2000 years). We are set to enter nos. 1 5 to 30 as we enter the “third day” (AD 2000 - 3000) (Hosea 6:1-2). Amen.  


A regular feature of the scriptures is the association of the power of nations with the waters of such nations (see Rev. 17:1, 17:15, Isaiah 8:7 etc. This is especially true of Egypt and Assyria. This is to understandable if one remembers that these oldest world civilization developed around rivers (See Gen.2: 10-15). Egypt is also known as the river Nile (Eze. 29:2-10, 32:2 and Jer. 46:7-8 and Isaiah 19:5-8). Assyria is identified as river Euphrates (Isaiah 7:20, 11:15, 27:12 and Jer. 2:13).

In various places, the Lord had to dry off these rivers to make a way for his people to pass over from captivities (Isaiah11: 15-16, 19:22-25, Exo.14: 15-31 Zech. 10:10-11,). The power behind Egypt was variously identified as the reptile sea monster Leviathan (Eze. 29:3-5, 32:1-5) and the insolent. Fierce Rahab (Isaiah 51:9-10, Ps 89: 9-10). Among the Yorubas, who are credited with having the greatest number of idols/gods, the goddess Yemoja is described as the mother of all waters and of all orishas (gods). She boasts of “infusing various water with her sacred energy”. In dealing with the idolatrous spirit of the black race therefore, dealing with water spirits is a major strategy of victory (see Eze. 29:1-10 and 32:1-8). 


Various passages in the scriptures speak plainly of a highway of the gospel between Africa and the Middle and Far East (see Isaiah 19:22-25, 18:7, 35:1-10, Zeph.3:10, Zech.10:10). Recently I came across a classified document dating back to the early part of this century. Information there confirm that the gospel highway will start from the coast lands of tropical Africa (see Isaiah 11:11) through the gates of Central Africa,  the Rift and Chad valleys to the far East through the gateway cities in the 10/40 window (Maiduguri, Kano, Cairo, Khartoum, Ndjamena, Tripoli, etc.). Envoys (missionaries, Ambassadors) will come from Egypt, and Ethiopia/Sudan will raise their hands to God Ps. 68:31. The knowledge of the land will cover the earth, including the Islamic strongholds of the 10/40 windows of Northern Africa (Isaiah 11:9) Amen.

Let us then prepare ourselves and pray these things unto reality.


  1. Ask that the sevenfold spirit of God (Isaiah 11:2) will come upon Africa.
  2. Pray Hosea 6:1-3 for the black race.
  3. Ask God to break the head of Leviathan, of Rahab, Yemoja and all water spirits working in the rivers of Africa (Eze. 29:1-10, 32:1-8, Ps. 68:28-30, 74:13, Isaiah 27:1, 51:93).
  4. Ask for the altar to the Lord, pillar of covenant and gospel highway be raised in the midst of Africa, that Africa be a blessing to the entire world. Isaiah 19:18-25.
  5. Prophesy Isaiah 25 over Africa and the black race.


“....After two days (2000 years A. D.), He will revive us; on the third day (AD 2000 and beyond)
He will raise us (black race) up. That we may live in his sight”. Amen Hosea 6:2.

7.0 REFERENCES for further reading

  1. Adeyemo Tokunbo:  Is Africa Cursed? Christian Learning Materials Center (CLMC). P.O. Box 24 345 KAREN / Nairobi Kenya 1997. 139pp
  2. Gleason Judith. Orisha: The Gods of Yoruba land. Athenaeum 1971 New York. 122 pp.
  3. Lampstand Letters Nos. 4 & 5 December 1998: Healing the waters of Nigeria. U.J.P.O. Box 4150 Ibadan.
  4. Lampstand Letters No 11. June 1999. Thrones of Nations U.I. P.O. Box 4150 Ibadan.
  5. Lampstand letter No 14 Sept. 1999. The Mystery of the black race (I) U. I. P. O. Box 4150 Ibadan.
“O house of Jacob, Come and let us walk in the light of the Lord” Isaiah 2:5
By the Lampstand. No. 15 Ibadan. October 6, 1999
LAMPSTAND LETTERS Publisher/Editor: Dr TayoBabalobi, Lampstand Letter Ministry, University
Post Office Box 4150, Ibadan, Nigeria.
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